Homeliness, Landscaping
How to Properly Plant Carrots And Care for Her
Among all the crops grown on the backyard, carrots rightfully occupy one of the leading places. It is perfectly preserved throughout the winter that allows year-round to serve dishes from fresh carrots to the table. A variety of ways to prepare it and a high content of vitamins, makes carrots an integral part of the diet. Carrots are used for children's and dietary nutrition, desserts, side dishes, salads are prepared from it, it is used to create a variety of dishes. You can endlessly list the virtues of this orange root.
In cultivation, it is rather unpretentious, but not everyone knows how to plant carrots correctly. To begin with, you must carefully select and prepare the soil. Carrots prefer to be planted in light loose soil. If the ground is always high in moisture, carrots can rot. In dry soils, the fruits will grow coarse, "wooden". It is worth abandoning the plots where there are a lot of weeds. Since they will rise much earlier than carrots, thereby hampering its growth.
Half a month before planting, you can make mineral fertilizer. Do not use dung at all. It will not bring any benefit, on the contrary, it will create a very acidic environment. Even if the manure was introduced into the ground in the previous year, the carrots will have an irregular shape.
In addition to the characteristics of the soil, it is necessary to take into account, after which to plant carrots. The best predecessors: cucumbers, cabbage, onions, tomato, garlic, potatoes and green cultures (except salad). It is not recommended to sow carrots after parsley and carrots.
Choosing in which month to plant carrots, you need to take into account the climatic characteristics of the cultivation area. Seeds and shoots of carrots are resistant to short-term frosts, so it can be sown quite early. Experienced gardeners are advised to plant carrots as soon as the snow comes down. Seeds do not need to soak before planting. For faster emergence of shoots, it is desirable to cover the crops with film. Dense, polyethylene in the early spring months or air-permeable in a warmer time.
There are several ways how to plant carrots correctly. The most convenient is the use of paper tapes with seeds attached to them. They can be bought ready or made by yourself. To do this, tapes of carrots must be stuck to thin paper tapes at a distance of 5 cm, using a paste. Tapes with seeds should be laid in pre-prepared shallow grooves, and sprinkled on top of the earth.
In the same grooves, you can simply sow the seeds before mixing them with sand (carrot seeds are very small, so without sand it will be difficult to plant them at the optimal distance from each other). You can mix seeds not with sand, but with radish seeds. It ripens much earlier than carrots, and after its collection the carrots will not need to be thinned.
A longer way, how correctly to plant carrots - sowing in the holes. To do this, in the bed, you need to make holes in the form of a cone at a distance of about 10 cm from each other. In them to fall asleep peat. Then in each hole sow 3 seeds of carrots to a depth of 1 cm.
In order to harvest a decent harvest in autumn, it is important to know, not only how to plant carrots, but also how to take care of it.
Before emergence, carrots need abundant watering, then the amount of moisture should be slightly reduced. In warm weather, it is enough to water the plant 2 times a week.
After the appearance of amicable shoots, carrots are thinned, leaving the strongest shoots. In addition, weeding is very important especially in the first months.
In the neighborhood with carrots it is best to plant onion, its smell will protect the root crop from pests.
A good care will allow to grow carrots that will meet all the requirements and will perfectly carry winter storage.
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