Homeliness, Landscaping
Astilboides lamellar: the architectural dominant of the shady corners of the garden
Decorate the shady corners of the garden with beautiful plants is easy, most importantly - from the whole abundance of elegant green or beautifully blossoming pets choose suitable for specific conditions in place. For example, a stilboides lamellar becomes such a worthy decoration of the shaded corner with a pond, because this plant is very suitable for such a place in the garden.
Where does astilboides grow in the wild?
Virtually all garden plants and flowers people took for gardening, truck farming, floriculture from the wild. Many of them have undergone a long process of breeding, and some have preserved their original charm by decorating different corners of man-made gardens. The last plant belongs to a plateau and stilboides. In the wild, this green beauty with large leaves grows on the moist shores of the waters of Korea and Northeast China, hiding in the shade of trees and shrubs.
In garden floriculture, this plant has been used for a long time, allowing you to dress up with large carved foliage unattractive shady corners of the plots. If we consider the photo of the astilboides of the lamellar, then it can be seen that it blooms, throwing out the paniculate inflorescence with an ordinary-looking cream-colored blossom. They do not serve as an ornament of the plant itself, since its beauty is in large carved leaves on high pubescent petioles, reaching a height of 80 cm.
Where to plant the plant in your garden?
в природе любит полутень и влагу, то и на ухоженном участке ему следует отвести похожее место. Since a stilboides lamellar in nature likes partial shade and moisture, then in a well-groomed area, he should take a similar place. This plant has very large, beautiful, carved leaves, which in fact look like strange emerald plates, and it needs enough space to deploy them. The shady corner of the garden, the shore of the reservoir, protected by bushes or trees from the bright sun, is the optimal place for planting decorative, as the landscape designers say, an architectural plant - an astilboedes plate.
How to plant an architectural plant?
а выбрано, необходимо его подготовить, чтобы растению там понравилось и оно хорошо прижилось, было здоровым и нарядным украшением участка. A place for a stilboides is chosen, it is necessary to prepare it, so that the plant likes it and it is well established, it was a healthy and elegant decoration of the site. Planting for this green pet is suitable for both spring and autumn. Propagation of astilboides is most successful by division. The rhizome should be divided, leaving on each delenka growth buds, put on the prepared place, not deepening. On the planting site of the new plant should be pre-made with sheet humus, although the main soil of the Astilboides lamellar prefers loamy and sandy. The newly planted flowers should be watered with cornestimulating preparations, then fed with complex fertilizers.
How to care for astilboides?
Astilboides lamellar is a perennial plant that does not require regular transplantation, it needs only simple care. It consists mainly in regular watering, so that the soil is always slightly moistened, and also in the application of fertilizers. If the plant blossoms, then the flower stalks can be removed, they will not take away the nutrients and moisture from the leaves. But the faded flowers will give seeds, and from them you can grow new astilboides. Cultivation of such plants from seeds is a painstaking business, since it is necessary to carry out a coldification. To do this, you can sprinkle mature seeds in a flower box with a good ground and prikopat for the winter in a greenhouse. You can carry out this procedure at home by placing small flower seeds in the refrigerator for a period of 30 days. The seeds that have been seeded are first grown at home, and then small plants are moved to a permanent "place of residence".
In autumn the leaves of the plant wilt, fall, serving as a kind of mulch for the wintering period. которого - Подмосковье, хорошо зимует без особого укрытия. By the way, the astilboides are lamellar, the zone of winter hardiness of which is Moscow suburbs, it hibernates well without special shelter. Only strong frosts require additional protection of plants in the form of a snowdrift or fir branches.
Another important plus in the care of lamellar astilboides is the lack of the need for weeding. The large leaves of the plant do not let rise and grow to any weeds.
Decorate a shady corner of the garden will help an amazing plant with large carved leaves - astilboides lamellar. Planting and caring for such an architectural plant will please any florist. In supervision, the plant needs only the first season, and then it takes care of itself - large leaves that do not penetrate the sun's rays, protect the plant from weeds and dry the soil, after fall fall protect the wintering rhizome from frost, and then - fertilizer for the flower . By the way, the platelets grow very slowly, which is convenient in its cultivation, which does not require frequent plant renewal and the removal of overgrown children.
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