
How to grow a coffee tree at home? Peculiarities of growing

When talking about a coffee tree, most people imagine a huge plantation, located in a tropical area. However, this plant can be admired by each of us. It is enough to know how to grow a coffee tree at home. Some fans of pot plants might think that this work is too complicated. However, it is not. It is as easy to take care of this plant as it is for other indoor pets. The climate of the premises is excellent for a coffee tree, which can become a true decoration of any home. At the same time, it will perfectly complement the collection of your plants.

Growing a coffee tree at home is not a very new occupation. Many of those who like to mess with plants have long had these beautiful, unforgettable aromas of flowers in their apartments. An additional advantage is the fruit. Of these, you can cook aromatic coffee. The yield of tree is from 300 to 500 g of fruit. Of course, this is not much, but still very nice.

Botanical characteristics

The coffee tree belongs to the genus of coffee, which includes forty species. Of these, for economic needs, Congolese and Arabian, high, and also Liberian are most often used. These are evergreen trees or shrubs belonging to the family of the Marenovs.

Coffee trees are characterized by leathery, large leaves of green color. Their inflorescences are a false umbrella, in which there is a bunch of 8-16 colors. Each of them is located on a short leg and has a whitish color. Inflorescences are formed only on annual shoots.

The fruit of the coffee tree is seeded, rounded. Initially, they are painted in a yellow-green color, turning when ripe in red. The ready-to-eat fruit has a dense outer skin, inside of which there is a sweet and sour pulp with two seeds from 8 to 13 cm long. The coffee tree begins to bear fruit for the third year.

Coffee beans have long been used by people as a means of giving the body vivacity. This effect is due to the caffeine in them. In addition, carbohydrates and organic acids, proteins, as well as amino acids, minerals and fats are found in coffee beans. But the main role in creating the aroma and taste of the exotic drink is played by ether-like compounds and chlorogenic acid. These substances are formed only when roasting raw tree seeds. Collected and simply dried seeds do not have the necessary flavor and color.

How to grow a coffee tree at home? To do this, you can use one of the two most common methods. At the first of these, non-roasted coffee beans are used, and in the second, cuttings of the plant are used. Let's consider each of these methods in more detail.

Where to get the seeds?

Is it possible to grow a coffee tree from grain? It turns out that yes. The main question in this case is the following: "Where to get the seeds?" There are several options. For example, you can go to the store and buy there roast green coffee beans. However, in this case the probability that the seeds will germinate is very small.

Still how to grow a coffee tree from the grain? A more reliable option is to ask friends who have already planted the plant, and they start to bear fruit, a couple of ripe brown-red fruits. They will need to peel and remove the flesh. Both halves of the remaining grain can be used as full seeds for planting. Well, if in the immediate environment there are no such acquaintances who could give the grains of this exotic plant? How to grow a coffee tree at home? Seeds can be bought in a nearby flower shop.

Preparation of grains

It is worth bearing in mind that the seeds of the exotic coffee tree quickly lose their germination. That's why you need to start working with them right away.

If coffee beans get in your hands, they should be washed with water and placed for half an hour in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. This must be done to disinfect this material.


How to grow a coffee tree from a stone? After processing the grains, each of them is placed in a separate pot, in which there is a light loose and sufficiently acidic soil. To create the desired acidity in the ground, pre-crushed sphagnum moss is added . What should be the composition of soil intended for growing a coffee tree? It is recommended to use two parts of peat and one part of sheet humus, peeled river sand and greenhouse land. Prepare such soil two weeks before planting.

The depth of the seed laying is 1 cm. They are placed in moistened soil in such a way that the convex side of the grain is directed upwards. This will allow germs to break through to the surface more easily. After this, each grain should be covered with a glass jar to create a greenhouse effect. It is extremely necessary because coffee is a tropical plant. In this case, do not forget about airing. But this is not all the conditions that will allow an answer to the question "How to grow a coffee tree in the home so that it is not only beautiful, but healthy?" For this, it is necessary to comply with some simple but important conditions.

Temperature conditions

In order to grow a coffee tree, in the room where the pot with the plant is located, the heating of the air should be in the range of twenty to twenty-five degrees. In winter, the temperature in the room can be reduced by no more than five degrees.

In the room where the tea tree is located, the necessary humidity must also be observed. Only in this case the plant will please its owner with beautiful green leaves. It is also necessary to produce a constant moistening of the soil. Sprinkle the leaves themselves.


Due to frequent watering, care should be taken also for the integrity of the roots of the plant. If you ignore this moment, the tree will die. Consider this feature so that your endeavor will be crowned with success.


How to grow a coffee tree at home? While the plant is not strengthened, it needs a large amount of light. In this case, it is necessary to protect it from direct sun rays. A bright natural light will be needed for an adult tree when the time of its flowering comes.

Growth of an exotic plant

How to grow a coffee tree at home from a bone? This requires patience. Coffee sprouts from seeds appear only after 2 months. For irrigation of the granulated seed, only standing water is used. It should be poured into the pan at least once every three days. In this case, it is recommended to periodically check the moisture content of the soil. If it does not have enough water, then it will have to be watered in large volumes. Loose soil in the pot during this period should not be.

After the appearance of the shoot, the plant is gradually accustomed to room air. For this several times a day for a minute remove the pot from the pot. Refuse such a procedure will be possible when the sapling grows up. The pot is removed from the pot completely.

In 4 months your tree will have a fully formed first leaf. Soon he will fall off.

The coffee tree is a very unpretentious and very grateful plant. In the first year after planting, its growth rates are rather modest. On average, the growth of the stem of the trunk is from 15 to 20 cm. But after a while the plant begins to strenuously strive in height and even without additional cuts it is abundant to branch.

At 9 months the crown begins to form at the coffee tree. In this process, you should not interfere. Pruning a plant will only be required if its growth becomes too large for the space provided.

How to grow a coffee tree from seeds? Such trees for the first year grow in one trunk. And only after the end of this period there are skeletal branches. They grow from axillary lateral buds. In order for the crown to be more magnificent, the longest shoots are cut off. This will ensure and abundant flowering of the tree.

Fructify the plant, grown from seeds, begins only in 5-6 years of his life. Very interesting for coffee grows twigs. They move away from the trunk at a right angle, resembling a tree in its shape. This is what influences the spread of the crown.


How to grow a coffee tree at home from grain, so that it blossoms as early as possible? To do this, it should be transplanted annually into a pot with a larger diameter. The increase in this size should be at least five centimeters. In this case, the tree will bloom in 4 years. In a small pot for its size, the plant feels uncomfortable. It will grow, but not to blossom.

In the pot you can put any soil. The main thing is that it is suitable for shrubs or for indoor plants and in its composition there were nutrients. Also, the soil should not be very loose and structured.

Before planting a plant in a new pot, drainage should be provided. Next, examine the roots of the tree and remove the rotten and sick. It is also recommended to add fertilizers to the soil. This can be any mineralized formulations or ordinary manure. An ideal source of easily digestible phosphorus for a coffee tree is bone meal or horny shavings. They take 200 grams per 10 kg of soil.

New type of reproduction

How to grow a coffee tree at home with your own hands? To do this, you can apply the second method - propagation by cuttings. The trees grown by a relatively new method are distinguished by the fact that they preserve with absolute accuracy all the signs of a mother plant. This refers to their size, the size of flowers and leaves, etc.

In addition, with the modern method of reproduction, the plant will need to form the crown. Blossoming coffee trees, planted cuttings, much faster, already in the process of rooting.

The process of cuttings propagation

How to grow a coffee tree with your own hands without seeds? The stalk for reproduction is a branch from the middle part of the crown of the already fruiting tree. This planting material must contain at least two pairs of leaves. Cutting stalk for reproduction of a coffee tree, it is necessary to adhere to the important rule. From the lower pair of leaflets it will be necessary to retreat by three centimeters. Immediately after trimming, the lower part of the cut should be treated using an organic plant growth stimulant. This will allow the tree to take root in time.

Preparation of soil

To plant the cuttings, you must select the appropriate soil. After all, the normal development of the future tree will depend on its density and composition.

Experts recommend to prepare such soil for planting, which will be:

- air permeable, to ensure the flow of oxygen to the root formation sites;
- retaining water, but it does not allow moisture to stagnate.

The soil for the coffee tree can be bought ready or mixed in a proportion of one to one peat and perlite.

The prepared soil is covered in a pot. There is no need to compact the soil. There must be room for circulation of air in it.

Another important aspect of this preparation is the process of disinfection. Soil, prepared independently, should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Pre-disinfection will allow the cuttings to quickly settle down in a new place.


Cuttings should be placed in the ground at a certain distance from each other. Which? Each gardener decides this himself, based on the size of the young plants.

The main requirement in this case is that the leaves of the cuttings do not shade the "neighbors" and do not come into contact with them. The depth of disembarkation is 2-2.5 cm. After placement in the pot, the cuttings should be disinfected once again using a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is very important to create a greenhouse effect. This is necessary in order to maintain the constant moisture of the earth. But it is worth remembering that at the same time air should be provided to the cuttings. In that case, a plastic bag will work perfectly, in which holes are made in advance.

Basic rules of cultivation

Most of all cuttings like diffuse light. This must be taken into account when placing the pot in the room. In addition, the growing temperature should be in the range from 25 to 27 degrees. But not only the characteristics of the premises create normal conditions for the growth of plants. When growing coffee trees it is important to look at the temperature of the substrate itself. If the column of the thermometer installed in the soil reaches +31 and above, such conditions will negatively affect the development of cuttings.

As the first leaves appear, young trees can be planted in separate pots. These containers should be narrow and deep, as the roots of the cuttings grow downward.

Then follows a very important and responsible stage. After transplanting cuttings should be poured, and then within two weeks to closely monitor their further growth. If everything goes well, the plant is placed in a permanent place.
If planted in this way coffee trees immediately begin to bloom, then this will mean that the plant breeder conducted all the steps correctly.

The best place for a home coffee tree is a window sill. You can put a pot with a plant and on the rack, which is located near the window. The light falling on the tree should be scattered. Air circulation - normal, not allowing drafts.

Irrigating an exotic plant should be done as the soil dries in the pot. In summer it will happen more often, and in winter - about once a week. Water at the same time should be at room temperature and always stand-by.

Diseases and pests hit the coffee tree rarely. As a rule, such cases arise only with the wrong care of the plant. For example, from profuse irrigation appears root rot. If such a problem arises, dry the ground. It will also be necessary to remove all affected roots. If pests have appeared on the leaves of the tree, then insecticides will help get rid of them.

Coffee trees are very fond of fertilizers. To do this, you can use a variety of complex options. Fertilize the tree preferably once a month.

So, we looked at how to grow a coffee tree from a grain and in other ways. When you follow all the rules of care, your plant will begin to bear fruit already for 3 years of growth. This will allow you to harvest a small harvest of beautiful coffee fruits and enjoy a wonderful invigorating drink.

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