
How to Plant a Ficus with a Process: Step-by-Step Instruction

Ficus is one of the few domestic plants that are found in almost every living room. Such popularity is associated with its attractive appearance, as well as unpretentiousness in the care. In addition, there is a belief that ficus contributes to family well-being, as well as the appearance of children in the family. If you saw a chic ficus of Benjamin from someone, being a guest, you definitely want to grow this at home, that's why you need to know how to plant the ficus with a shoot.

Rules that help you choose a healthy process

If you want to separate the sprout from the ficus yourself, then you need to choose only strong and healthy plants, for example, the stalk can be taken at circumcision of the crown of an adult ficus. However, before that, you need to make sure that there are leaves on the selected branch. The length of the process should be at least 10-15 centimeters. All actions must be performed with a sharp knife or blade. The incision should be made at an oblique angle. And in any case, you can not use scissors and especially to break a twig, so you just hurt the plant, which will result in a delay in rooting and further development.

If you have chosen a large-leaved species to grow, then in order to grow a flower in the home, it is enough that there are 3-4 leaves on the cuttings. In this case, the lower of them is desirable to be cut, since a large number of leaves will contribute to excessive evaporation of moisture. When growing small-leaved ficus, the lower leaves also need to be cut off, however their number may be more than 3-4.

After the procedure for pruning the leaves and the process itself, the plant can start white juice. If it is not rinsed with water, it dries very quickly. This can not be allowed. Therefore, after the process is cut off, the juice should be washed off with warm water or placed for several hours in a container of water. It is also advisable to treat the cutting site with charcoal.

Before planting the ficus with a shoot, it must be dried or simply replaced several times with water. There are two ways of planting: a cut from the roots and without it.

List of required materials

In order to plant the ficus with a shoot, the root must be provided, and for this, the following materials are needed:

  • Rooted process of ficus;
  • A pot of any shape, but the diameter should be about 10 centimeters;
  • Pebbles, broken bricks, pieces of foam or special material for drainage;
  • Ready-made earth mixture for ficus, which should be: leaf land, peat, sand in equal quantities;
  • water.

How to root the process properly

Previously, it was said how to properly separate the process from an adult plant, in order to ficus grow up healthy. But this is not enough. It is still necessary to properly anchor the prepared shank into the ground. However, there are ways that tell how to plant a ficus shoot without roots.

The cut should be planted immediately after it is separated from the adult plant. To do this, you need to prepare a mini-greenhouse, which should have good lighting, as well as purchase some fertilizer. Plant the stalk in the prepared soil, then cover it with a glass jar or trimmed with a plastic bottle. During the rooting period, the plant must be taken care of. Care consists in regular watering and airing of the plant. In 2-3 weeks, the first leaf will appear, which is a direct evidence of the fact that the stalk is ingrained. It can then not be transplanted.

How to choose a pot for a plant

The choice of the pot is one of the important factors, because if the choice is wrong, in particular, the shape and volume, the ficus can not fully develop. Therefore, before planting the ficus with a shoot, it is recommended to make a choice based on the size and degree of development of the roots. The container should not be too large, it is better to take a pot with a diameter of no more than 10 centimeters for the planting of the shoot, and it must be ensured that there are necessarily drainage holes at the bottom. If there are none, then they need to be done on their own. The height of the pot should not be small, the roots should be at least 2 centimeters from the walls and bottom of the vessel.

Step-by-step instruction

The best time for planting the shoot of the ficus is spring, for rooting and subsequent adaptation of the plant, summer sunny weather is best. In the event that planting of the shoot occurs in autumn, the young plant will not have time to prepare for winter frosts and may simply perish.

Before planting the ficus of Benjamin with a shoot, you need to select a 10 cm long stem that was previously rooted in the ground. Then all actions take place in several stages:

  1. Prepare all the necessary materials described earlier.
  2. Pour drainage to the bottom of the pot, in order to avoid an overabundance of moisture in the soil, since a large amount of water can lead to decay of the roots.
  3. Fill the pot with a prepared earth mixture, then in the center make a small depression, about a half to two centimeters high.
  4. In this recess place the entrenched stalk and sprinkle a little with the mixture, then water abundantly.

Now the ficus can be put on a window sill or a special flower shelf, and special care for the plant is needed to make it healthy.

Methods to stimulate rapid growth and root formation

After planting the rooted process into the pot, the callus tissue of the plants is the origin of the roots. This occurs through mechanical damage to the stem, resulting in the formation of the root system of the ficus. To speed this process, you can make several small cuts on the stem yourself before planting the process.

The best growth of ficus is facilitated by the use of special chemical fertilizers. They will improve the formation of the root system of the ficus. The treatment with stimulants of growth is carried out as follows: soak the shoots in the prepared solution before planting or the cut cuttings are treated with a preparation that is available in the form of a powder.

Features of care for the handle

After planting the ficus with the shoot, the plant will require careful maintenance, in particular, it should be sprayed daily with room-temperature water, especially if the apartment is heated. To put a pot with a plant is better to a bright place, since the leaves in this case will be better painted, but the light should be indirect.

To know how to properly plant a ficus sprout is not enough without knowledge about leaving. Twice a week, watering with soft warm water is required. Before each next watering it is necessary to make sure that the soil is slightly dried, as excess moisture can lead to rotting of the roots, and also because the leaves will fall off. It is impossible to allow the roots themselves to be in the water, but there should not be a lack of moisture either, since the protective reaction in this case will be complete disposal of the leaves.

If you plant three branches of the ficus in the pot, then as they grow, you can give them an attractive shape, for example, plaiting several young plants in pigtails at once. You can make the ficus branch in the direction you need, just use a soft wire and tie the stem to it.

When growing, remember that the ficus of Benjamin can be affected by a mealybug, a scabbard. However, the greatest problem is the falling leaves, which can occur due to lack of moisture and as a natural process as they grow older.

If you give the ficus proper attention, then in a few years on your window sill will grow Ficus Benjamin, to which you can give any form.

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