Homeliness, Landscaping
How do tulips multiply in nature and in the country?
Tulip - a beautiful creation of nature - with its tender and charming bright beauty is the decoration of any flower garden, causing awe and admiration and a feeling of genuine delight.
Reproduction of tulips in nature
To please yourself with such beauty almost every person can. The main thing is to desire very much (after all, dreams tend to come true) and, of course, to know how tulips multiply. After growing this unpretentious culture requires compliance with certain rules of planting and providing quality care. For the correct reproduction of such floral charm on the backyard you should understand how tulips multiply in nature.
Tulips on the site: how to multiply
Tulip under the conditions of culture came under the full care of a man who took care of the most convenient for himself, vegetative mode of reproduction: around the mother bulb, children (babies) are grown - the basis of the most beautiful future flowers. The largest of them is called substitute and replaces the mother bulb, prone to die in the second year of life. The kidney of the main bulb, which will replace the mother bulb, is pawned very early and outruns the growth and growth of other kidneys. In it, replacing the onion, there is a laying of both leaves and a flower bud.
Natural features of the tulip
In its essence, the tulip is a clone of the preceding plant, being its direct descendant. Moreover, in addition to the ability to blossom, the replacing bulb inherently inherits from the maternal physiological changes caused by the accumulation of signs of aging, which, in the end, leads to the death of the plant.
Therefore, for qualitative reproduction, only the lateral young bulbs of round, regular shape should be selected. Blooming adult bulb has 3-4 storing scales, at the base of each of which, and also in the sinus of the integumentary, at the point of its connection with the stump, a growth point is laid (similar to the formation of the kidney in the axillary leaf of the usual shoot). Each kidney at the end of vegetation can develop into a daughter bulb. Development of growth points is uneven, and the number of bulbs formed in the nest of the mother depends on their storage conditions and growth characteristics.
Flower Tricks: How Tulips Reproduce
Bulbs of high quality will be the most optimal planting material - a pledge of a beautiful tulip. To get the right bulbs in the flower, you need to remove the seed box, because if you have it, the plant spends most of its energy on growing the seeds in it, which will cause the daughter bulbs to melt away.
Digging bulbs
Digging bulbous nests consisting of 3-5 bulbs, in the center of which next to the peduncle is the largest, replacing the kidney, is performed in June-July (depending on the zoning of the culture). The period of excavation must be correctly determined. Otherwise, if it is not timely, the bulbs will not have time to ripen, the scales will not be sufficiently formed, and this will negatively affect the storage of planting material. If you are late with digging bulbs, the latter can simply not be found in the ground, because the place of their growth with the withering of the plant becomes invisible, and this is fraught with the loss of a large amount of planting material.
Digging bulb nests can be done with complete drying of the leaves and stems of the plant before they decompose. Obtained bulbs are recommended to inspect for diseases or injuries, whole and healthy specimens should be washed with running water, pickled in a solution of potassium permanganate (about half an hour), dried in a dark place and the final sorting preceded their further storage. Subsidiary small bulbs should be separated from maternal.
Storage of bulbs of tulips
Tulip bulbs are stored in trays labeled with each variety. To avoid damage to the mites, the bottom of the planting trays is recommended to be sprinkled with sulfur, which is connected with the preparation of active copper. In the first month - the period of planting the flower bud, the saving temperature should be 20-25 degrees. Further, the temperature regime is reduced to 15-18 degrees. Tulip babies are recommended to be stored in a damp room, otherwise they will quickly wither and become unsuitable for planting. The whole period of storage bulbs are viewed, and the rejection is unsuitable for planting. Planting of tulips is carried out in open ground (or in a greenhouse) under winter or early spring.
Vegetative reproduction of tulips, based on their growing from daughter bulbs, is so common for most people that it is hard to believe in the ability of flowers to multiply by seeds.
Seed method of reproduction of tulips
How do tulips multiply seeds? Tulips, like all angiosperms, after pollination form the ovary and seeds. If the seeds are grown cultivated varieties, the characteristics of the variety will not be maintained, and flowering will have to wait about 4-5 years. Therefore, seed reproduction is mainly used in breeding work.
Storage of seeds of tulips
During the winter period, for the planted seeds, a low, but frost-resistant temperature is maintained. In the open ground seeding is carried out in autumn. Many florists to create the appropriate microclimate, it is practiced to sow the seeds in boxes at a depth of 1-2 cm, where they will grow 2-3 years. In spring it is necessary to water, loosen the soil and remove weed plants on it. Further ripened bulbs should be excavated and planted on the supposed place of constant growth. Flowering of such tulips will come in 5-6 years, and it will be unprepossessing. Peak decorative for the tulips grown from seeds, will come 8-12 years after planting the seeds.
The flowering of young tulips makes it possible to identify specimens that fully correspond to the results of crossbreeding. In the future, the reproduction of seeds grown from seeds of tulips is carried out vegetatively.
Therefore, the question of whether tulips multiply seeds, you can firmly and confidently answer - yes!
Which way is better?
Not many gardeners use this method in their practice because of its duration.
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