
Is it possible to hold the house at the house? Shefler's house: signs

Of all the great variety of exotic indoor plants on the planet , it is especially worth mentioning a potted small tree called "cheflera" - in honor of the famous German botanist. There are more than 500 species of this plant, among which a little more than a dozen species can be called room, so that the chef in the house is quite a rare phenomenon.

Brief description of the plant

The most famous pot types include the following:

  • Impure shepherd;
  • Eight-leafed shuffler;
  • Woody;
  • Effulgent.

Sheflera is a tree or shrub up to 2.5 meters high. The plant has beautiful large leaves, very similar to a palm with spread fingers. Thin and long shoots need support. Flower growers often plant several plants in one pot and form one interlaced of numerous stems.

Some notice that their hands are covered with an unpleasant rash, when a prompter appears in the house. The sign is not at all connected with superstition. The plant is really poisonous and can cause irritation of mucous membranes and skin. Therefore, you should treat it with care.

Uncomplicated care of a plant

If there was a prompter in the house, why talk about the difficulties? Care of this plant is very simple. The most important thing in taking care of the shampler at home is choosing the right place and ensuring sufficient humidity in hot periods.

The ideal temperature for keeping the chefs in the house is from 16 to 22 degrees Celsius. It should also be taken into account that the variegated species need to be not only humid in summer, but also in good temperatures in winter - not lower than 18 degrees Celsius. If we are talking about a chefler with green leaves, then it will perfectly overwinter and at 14-16 degrees.

From April to September, during the period of active growth, the plant needs additional fertilizing. They make fertilizing with complex fertilizers, sometimes replacing complex fertilizer with organic fertilizer. It must be made three times a month at regular intervals.

South plant loves moisture

Sheflera is very sensitive to a lot of moisture, so watering it should be abundant, do not let the land dry out. Watering should be reduced only in winter, and if the temperature in winter for the shamfler is minimal, then it is stopped altogether or simply the humidification of the air is canceled.

In the summer, in addition to watering the plant, the cleaning of the leaves from the dust with a moistened sponge also comes into the care of it. Also in the summer, you should periodically ventilate the plant in the fresh air. But the scheffler should be placed so that the sun does not fall on it. Let it be diffused light or partial shade. Very well-groomed prompter in the house. Photo of such a flower will decorate any gardening magazine.

One flower is good, but two is better. Breeding rules

Shefler is transplanted every two years. When transplanting requires a good drainage of expanded clay or ceramic fragments. Soil for the plant is best to take a special, and the transplant should be carried out either in autumn or in summer.

The plant reproduces mainly by seeds and cuttings, but the multiplication by seeds is more likely an exception than the rule. They should be planted in a pot either in February or in March, and until the first sprouts appear, it is necessary to maintain the optimum room temperature (22 degrees). After the appearance of the first sprouts, you can lower the temperature a little - up to 18 degrees.

But as it was said above, the shepherd is most often propagated by cuttings. What do I need to do? It is necessary to take cuttings, carefully treat them with a hormonal mixture and plant them in a mixture of peat and sand (in a ratio of one to one). After this cuttings should be covered with a glass jar and leave them so at a temperature of 20 to 22 degrees. Until the cuttings are completely rooted and strengthened, one should not give them access to air.

Green decoration of the winter garden - the chef in the house. Signs associated with this plant have always surprised experienced gardeners. For example, there is an opinion that the appearance of roots on the stem of a plant foreshadows the owner a big profit. However, skeptics argue that this is just another way of propagation - with the help of air leaks. This method is suitable only for those who already have a great experience of the floriculturist: on the trunk of the plant make an incision, wrap the incision with moss and cover with a film. Film, like soil, should be periodically moistened. A little later on the stem will begin to appear roots. Then it is necessary to cut off the top along with the roots and land in the ground.

That the beauty did not sick

Pleases the eye of the exotic prompter in the house. Signs associated with it, interpreted in different ways. Some amateur growers say that while the leaves are juicy and green - the owners will be all right, but if they suddenly darkened - expect financial catastrophes. However, the flower leaves become brown due to insufficient moisture. In order to cure the plant, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, that is, to give more moisture and to protect from drafts.

Improper care of the plant can lead to other complications and illnesses. It can be observed rotting of the roots of the chef. Very often this is due to abundant watering. In order to save the roots and the plant from decay, it is necessary to transplant it into a new pot, while removing all affected areas.

Lower temperatures can cause the leaves to fall off. If this happens, you urgently need to drag the flower pot to a warm place.

Sheflera can be attacked by various pests, such as a scabbard, thrips or spider mite. If the plant has suffered from pests, it should be urgently isolated from all other plants, increased humidity and treated with insecticides.

Is it possible to hold the house at the house?

The plant itself is juicy and beautiful, easy to care for. For the subtlety, the elegance of the stems and the beauty of the palms-leaves, he is called a ballerina among the flowers. It looks very picturesque on the windowsill of the chef in the house. Signs associated with this plant are quite contradictory. The negative is primarily associated with the falling or darkening of the leaves. If the sheffler drops "clothes" - then the hosts are waiting for illness or a financial crisis. And if the plant starts to fold "hands" - expect quarrels with a friend or discontent of the boss.

And if the shepherd suddenly ceased to grow, then failures in business or theft are possible. Where did these superstitions come from? They came to us from ancient times, when people listened attentively to mother nature, when they tried to live in unity with the world and not violate the laws of the integrity of the universe. According to the beliefs of the ancients, each flower has its own magic, its energy is able to exert an effective influence on a person's life, to warn him about future events. Therefore, to be careful, many misfortunes can be avoided.

There were certain beliefs about what flowers can be given, what can be grown in the garden, and what to keep indoors. What does it mean for a monster, azalea or a prompter in a house? The sign, probably, is not always a stupid superstition. She often has some subtext. For example, a shamler is a poisonous plant. Work with her should be wearing gloves, otherwise you can not avoid unpleasant dermatitis. Perhaps some of the negative effects associated with the plant - just an attempt to protect people from unnecessary trouble.

What is this plant?

Some people want to see a shepherd grow up in the house. The energy of this plant is very positive. He's even jokingly called a "good vampire." Because the green beauty can calm and stabilize the emotional background in the house. It is best to put the steward in the bedroom so that she takes all the negative and promotes a pleasant, strong sleep. Complementing vampirism is the plant's excellent ability to moisten the air, thereby creating a pleasant microclimate.

Shefleere is being puffed up by the ability to increase family wealth and attract clients if the plant is in an office building. It promotes the progress of children in school and positively influences the activity, attentiveness and concentration of the child.

If we talk about serious mysticism, then, according to some information, this plant is a "forecaster". This means that it is able to predict certain events. For example, if the plant is particularly fast growing, wait for the addition of the family.

Instead of an epilogue

It looks very beautiful in the house. Signs should not be the decisive moment for the florist when deciding whether to grow this delicate plant at home or not. The main decisive factor should be the desire to provide the flower with proper care, so that the plant is affectionately drawn to all its wonderful leaves-palms.

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