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Why do we need free economic zones?

The free economic zone is a rather conventional concept. Today there are about thirty interpretations of this definition. In all terms, however, the concept of preferential or duty-free exportation and importation of goods into the zone is applied, some isolation from the rest of the country in monetary, financial, trade and economic terms. It also indicates a close relationship with the world market system.

Free economic zones (SEZ) are considered to be an important institution of the world economy, a special form of international integration.

Privileged conditions for entrepreneurs (national and foreign) contribute to the development of industry and investment of capital.

Free economic zones can be classified according to their own characteristics. This allows to form their subsequent typing in accordance with the most essential characteristics.

Free economic zones can be considered taking into account the organization of forms of economic activity, used primarily in one or another territory. Separation is possible and in accordance with the placement of productive forces in the state territory. Free economic zones can be considered and taking into account the ratio of distribution and production of an additional and necessary product produced directly in one or another territory. Classification is also possible in accordance with the ability to expand and distribute the established boundaries of an isolated area to other areas, industries or areas associated with it (with this area).

The formation of a free (special) economic zone is considered a very effective direction in the development of the economic structure of a particular region or territory. As a rule, this direction is focused on the solution of certain primary tasks, the embodiment of strategic projects and programs. Along with this, the preferential system, which is established on the free economic territory, must be individualized to the full. An important condition is the close connection of this system with the projects and programs that are being implemented .

Today, special economic territories (zones) take the status of an integral part of the world economy.

There are a lot of varieties of these areas. In accordance with the tasks set, SEZs can focus on expanding exports, stimulating production for the needs of the domestic market, including for import substitution purposes. In addition, the introduction and development of new developments can be carried out in these territories. Taking into account the tasks assigned to the free economic zone, experts identify trade, complex, production areas, as well as areas of technical and innovative type and other types.

Today such areas exist in more than one hundred and twenty countries of the world. These zones largely stimulate the growth of employment of citizens, an increase in export production. According to experts, by 2020, the SEZ will account for between twenty and twenty-five percent of the world's total trade. This indicates that the role of these territories is growing constantly.

The objectives of the formation of special economic zones are diverse. They are created to attract investment, to increase the competitiveness of a certain production (production), export development, to strengthen innovative activity at national enterprises.

The existing free economic zones in Russia contribute to the introduction of complex improvements in the regulatory, administrative, legislative sphere. Almost all types of FEZ are distributed on the territory of the country: port, technical and promotional and tourist-recreational, industrial and other.

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