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Samantha Cameron: biography, facts from life

She is considered the most stylish and elegant lady of the planet. Her style and taste preferences in clothes are trying to adopt many. It's about Samantha Cameron, who is the wife of the head of the British government. Back in 2010, this lady was invited to work as a consultant in the British Council of Fashion (BFC). According to the version of the printed edition of Vogue, Samantha Cameron is an icon of style, since no one is able to select the items of the wardrobe as brightly and stylishly as she. And of course, the first lady of the UK is proud of this status.

She leads an active lifestyle, works for Smythson, educates her children and deals with public affairs. In addition, in some cases, she tells her husband how public affairs can be done, and David listens to her opinion.

Facts from biography

Samantha Cameron comes from an ancient aristocratic family, being a descendant of Charles II himself. She was born in North Lincolnshire in the spring of 1971 in the family of Baronet Sir Reginald Adrian Barkely Sheffield. Her mother is an actress. Subsequently, her parents dissolved the marriage, and her mother later remarried for a time. This time, her chosen one was the fourth Viscount of Astor (William Waldorf Astor).

Before the marriage, Samantha wore the surname Sheffield. Childhood of the future first lady was held in the famous estate "Normanbi Hall", whose vast areas are located in the central part of the British Kingdom. She loved spending time with her sister Emily. Samantha Cameron, whose biography is very remarkable, also received an excellent education. She studied at St. Helena and St. Catherine's School and graduated from a number of prestigious educational institutions. She also learned the basics of art at the University of Western England.


Despite the fact that Samantha was financially secure and did not need much money, she was not going to lead a secular way of life. She became a consultant for several companies, professionally engaged in design. She was also attracted to work at Smythson, which was the leading supplier of stationery.

The professionalism of the future celebrity was soon highly appreciated. For the best design of accessories, Samantha Cameron received an award from the famous British Glamor Magazine.

Personal life

In the summer of 1996, Samantha married with David Cameron. In 2002, they had a boy who was diagnosed with terrible diagnoses - epilepsy and cerebral palsy. Having lived only 6 years, the firstborn child died. In 2004, Samantha Cameron gives birth to a girl who is called Nancy. Two years later, the second child, Arthur's son, appears in the family of the future head of government. In 2004, a new member of the family, the daughter of Florence, is born.

As soon as David Cameron got the post of prime minister, the first lady of Britain said that now she intends to give less time to work in the company Smythson, because she has new concerns.

She perfectly copes with the representation function of the wife of the British Prime Minister, contacts with a number of public organizations, is engaged in charitable activities, not forgetting to monitor her own children.

Style icon

Samantha Gwendolyn Cameron is always intelligent, friendly and open to communication. This fact is confirmed by her radiant smile, which is almost always present on her face. Even the loss of her son did not break her optimism of life. She is never conceited and is ready to come to the aid of everyone, if it is in her power.

Samantha Cameron (Samantha Cameron) - aristocratic nature, which confirms her exclusive style in dress and manner of communication. However, this does not mean that she likes to dress in flashy and screaming outfits. On the contrary, she prefers modest wardrobe items and the same accessories to him. And believe me, inexpensive clothing does not make it less elegant than it really is. However, she does not hesitate to go public in shoes from the brand manufacturer Zara, for which she is criticized by the media.

Rumors of adultery

Of course, the public is interested to know whether Samantha Cameron is happy in marriage. Events, facts from the life of celebrities are regularly savored by journalists. So the Israeli media once published information that the first lady of Britain has a novel on the side.

As a lover, she chose not someone, but the mayor of London. It would be like their love relationship lasted a very long period of time. And about this learned David Cameron, who works together with the London mayor. For him it was a real surprise. However (as far as information about adultery is true - not yet known), the reputation of the Cameron family was spoiled. It is worth paying attention to other facts. David and Samantha spend a lot of time together, they also go on vacation, not individually.

Lady - grace

Despite all the family troubles reported by newspapermen, the British Prime Minister is proud that he has the most elegant and graceful wife. These qualities can be supplemented by the fact that the woman is also educated, athletic, and responsive. Partly thanks to her wise advice and recommendations, David achieved high results in his career and in the field of politics. She likes blue and red colors and she hates to stick out labels and logos outside.

Samantha prefers simplicity and adheres to conservatism in everyday life. It is inexpensive ornaments and discreet outfits that make it enchanting and refined. Even being in position, she managed to become the object of envy for a huge number of glamorous women of fashion. "It is unclear what hours on her hand, she uses the services of a British hairdresser whose name is unknown. She has at least a makeup on her face and she looks like Mother Teresa, who is ready to cherish and cherish, not only her own, but also strangers, "one of the journalists wrote about her.

Certainly, Samantha and David Cameron are a happy couple. In a state where a huge amount of divorces is recorded, they managed to resurrect the legend of a close-knit family with traditional values.

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