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What is a rollup? Definition of words

Folklore as the creativity of the people was formed over the centuries and reflected the views on the world around us and relations with it. There are two main types. The first, ceremonial, is associated with specific events: the wedding, the arrival of spring, sowing, and so on. It refers to the roll-call, which we will consider in this article. The second kind, non-routine, more characterizes the sphere of communication. It includes fairy tales, epics, sayings, etc.

What is a rollup? Definition

The belief of people in the animation of nature gave rise to the need for contact with it. Researchers of the folklore of the Eastern Slavs, explaining in their works what a roll-call is, the definition of this concept is given by the following. This is a kind of pagan recitative spells of well-being, goodness, health, and also harvest. They passed from the elder to the younger. The adult thus taught the child to know the world, to appreciate and cherish its beauty. That is why in the course of time the book became a different one, the definition of which sounds like a children's crying song today. More often than not, it is characterized by great emotionality, positive orientation, spontaneity and faith in the power, effectiveness of the spoken word. For the performance of the roll, children usually gather in groups. Sometimes they are joined by older members of the family.

What are the purpose of the call?

Pagan religion, characteristic of the East Slavic peoples, provided for a system of certain relations between people and nature. It was believed that the gods and goddesses of the sun, thunder, spring, winter, other seasons influenced the weather and harvest. They directly depended on the well-being of families, which means that some form of agreement was being developed with them, initially including various magical rites. The villagers were asked to save the drought, shed moisture on the ground, help rise and strengthen the shoots and much more, associated with hard everyday work. In return, they promised gifts - homemade food, fruits and vegetables, invited to visit. The concept of what a roll call, its definition as a ritual appeal, has undergone a great change in connection with the adoption of Christianity, and then in the Soviet era, when the words "collective farm" and "state farm" were included in the usual texts. Today it is rather a children's seasonal game - cheerful, relaxed, unifying in one act, developing speech.

Закличка as a small genre of folklore

Short-term and one-stage impact distinguish puzzles and counters, as well as proverbs and sayings. All these are small genres of folklore, including also zaklichki. Ritual songs are conventionally divided into several species depending on the season (mainly spring and summer), as well as from the phenomena of nature. Therefore, when explaining what a zalichka is, defining it as a personalized treatment should be viewed from several sides. It always has something from which a number of consecutive events are expected: a month, for example, should illuminate the road, fog, on the contrary, do not cover it.

A roll-call is also a request for help addressed to plants, animals and insects: mouse, ladybug, bee, bird cherry, cranberries and others. Hence - imperative forms of verbs, negative or positive: do not lei, not gray, flowers, grow and the like. The melody of their pronunciation can be different: smooth and melodious, rhythmic and fervent.

Russian folk songs

The earth feeds people like the mother of children. This is ancient wisdom. According to her, in the villages of the south and west of Russia, where prosperity depended on the harvest, vesnyanki (otherwise - spring rolls) usually contained a call for assistance to the holy patrons. In the villages of Polesie, along with other choral songs, the girls asked birds (larks) to bring warm wings to their wings, imitating their trills during execution. The necessity of carrying out such rituals was confirmed by the fact that rolls and people's calls were allowed even during the period of fasting.

Surprisingly, this folklore genre is practically not fixed in the oldest written sources, but, being transmitted orally, it retained both traditional phrases, and the general content, and even almost unchanged the original melody. The very name, the definition of it as a pure and bright communion of the people with inseparable phenomena of nature - a phenomenon that should be studied more deeply to preserve the heritage of our ancestors.

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