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Israeli Cultural Center in Moscow and its activities

After the restoration of diplomatic relations between the USSR and Israel on October 18, 1991, our cultural centers began to be established in our country. Today, in the territory of the former republics of the Soviet Union, they operate in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Kharkov, Chisinau, Baku, Minsk, Odessa, Novosibirsk. The largest of them is the center located in Moscow on the 4th floor of BC "Plekhanov Plaza", located at Stremyanniy Lane, 38. His photo opens an article.

Activities of the cultural center

Like all other organizations of this type, the Israeli Cultural Center in Moscow was founded on the initiative of the government of this Middle Eastern state. The main purpose of its creation is to provide everyone with a wide range of information about the history and modern life of Israel. It covers culture, science, economics, the social sphere and many other areas.

Within the framework of this program, the staff of the Israeli Cultural Center in Moscow conducts work that includes, in addition to consultations held at the level of personal interviews, a series of events aimed at acquainting visitors with periodicals published in Israel both in Russian and in Hebrew. Their attention is offered all kinds of video and audio materials, as well as prospectuses concerning everything that is directly related to the country.

New methods in the study of Hebrew

One of the most important aspects of the activities of the Israeli Cultural Center in Moscow is the assistance in the study of Hebrew, provided not only by those who intend to connect their future destiny with the historical homeland, but also to those who wish to get acquainted with this language, rooted in antiquity.

Experienced teachers, many of whom are sent to Moscow by the University of Jerusalem, in addition to permanent courses, conduct periodic training, in which the most advanced techniques are used. One of them, tried in the past year, allows students to learn every minute to one new word and contributes to their steady memorization.

To see Jerusalem and ... to love

In addition, at the Israeli Cultural Center in Moscow, a youth club has been established, which can become members of anyone who is 11 to 17 years old. One of the sides of his activity is the organization of summer trips to Israel and acquaintance with the sights of the country.

In particular, in August 2017, a visit to Moscow by young Muscovites is planned. They will see a city in which ancient history has merged with modern life, and the biblical heroes have transformed into modern inhabitants.

Activities to study and promote Jewish culture

The Israeli Cultural Center in Moscow, whose address is given at the beginning of the article, has an extensive library. It contains books and various periodicals, published in many languages of the world, including, of course, Hebrew. Anyone can use the library funds.

The meetings with the leading representatives of modern Israeli science and culture, as well as with well-known public figures and activists of various political organizations of Israel deserved great popularity among regulars of the center.

As part of the cultural and educational programs that occupy an important place in the work of the center, a large number of thematic exhibitions are regularly held, as well as festivals and concerts in which national Jewish music is performed and poems of Hebrew-speaking poets are heard. Often the participants of the concerts are Israeli masters of variety, touring in Russia.

National holidays held in the center of Jewish culture

Of course, the Israeli cultural center in Moscow does not ignore such an important aspect of the national Jewish culture as the holidays, most of which are religious. They are marked in full accordance with the Jewish tradition, the observance of which is entrusted to experienced rabbis, both Moscow and specially coming from the Promised Land.

In addition to the annual cycle of religious holidays, every Friday evening, Shabbat (Saturday) is organized - the seventh day of the week according to the Jewish calculation, in which pious Jews must abstain from work, visit the synagogue and fill time with prayers and reading religious books.

Secular days in the Israeli calendar are less than religious days, but they are not ignored by the Cultural Center in Stremyanniy Lane. All of them, one way or another, are connected with the events of the 20th century that determined the fate of modern Israel, and therefore each of them is highly respected and popular among the people. In their run-up, the center's staff conducts various activities aimed at acquainting the broad circles of the Jewish diaspora with the history of the formation, formation and further development of modern Israel.

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