
Is ficus poisonous or not for man?

Almost in every house you can spot such a houseplant as ficus. In the world there are many of its varieties. At home, mainly grows Ficus Benjamin and rubber fruit ficus. Many plant owners are interested in whether the ficus is poisonous or not.

What is this plant?

Is ficus poisonous or not? Ficus is a plant that has about 1000 varieties. They differ as a form of leaves, so have other features. The homeland of the ficus is the subtropics, while the plant itself is thermophilic and requires a lot of moisture.

The properties of plants are different. Of some species of ficus, rubber is produced, while others contain up to 75% fructose and sucrose. The third type of ficus has found its application in medicine.

Ficus flowers are different in originality, but at home it will not be possible to achieve its flowering.

Special properties of ficus

Is the ficus toxic? Despite the negative properties of the plant, it also has magical properties. In the house of a married woman who wants to have a baby, but can not conceive him for some reason, plant this plant. To make this event happen more quickly, it is necessary that the ficus is given to the girl by the husband. There are cases when a woman became pregnant immediately after the appearance of the plant in the apartment.

It is good to grow ficus at home, because it has a positive effect on the energy of the home. He is able to cleanse the house of anger, emotions, helps to achieve inner harmony and will help in the correct resolution of life's problems.

Ficus content

Is Benjamin's ficus poisonous or not? This will be discussed in the text below, and care for the ficus is necessary to learn correctly.

Such a plant does not like change at all. If the ficus was initially placed in a certain place, where it grows well, then it should not be rearranged to another. In summer, the ficus can be carried out under the open sky, so that it can develop better, but then return to its original place.

What the plant does not like at all is the draft. It should be located in well-lit places, so the ficus is well suited to windows that are directed to the west or east.

A sign that the plant lacks light is the reduction in the number of leaves and their size.

The best temperature for him: in the summer - 25-30 degrees, in the winter - 15-20 degrees. It is not recommended to put the ficus on a cold tile, a window sill to prevent the cooling of the soil coma. Does not like the plant and sudden temperature changes.

Ficus Care

Is ficus poisonous or not? The answer to this question can be obtained below, but the plant does not require increased attention. Watering the plant depends on its age, development, soil in the pot, temperature and environmental conditions. A definite and permanent watering schedule does not exist. Be sure to adjust to the lighting, temperature, time of year and be sure to monitor the condition of the soil.

In summer the plant is watered abundantly, but before that it is necessary to make sure that the soil is dry. To water a ficus is better from above, until such time as there will not leave an extra liquid in the pallet. After a quarter of an hour, the remaining water must be drained.

In winter, the plant is watered with caution in order to prevent overflow. The optimal humidity for him is 70%, but it is not desirable to go below 50%. It is necessary to constantly spray the ficus, regardless of the season, and arrange a warm shower for him. Water should be warm and soft, so as not to leave on the leaves of the divorce.

Dust, which settles on the leaves, should be regularly cleaned with a cloth from below and from above. If you do not clean them, then the ficus will have difficulty with photosynthesis.

Dry leaves and twigs should be periodically removed from the plant.

It is not difficult to care for a fig tree, because it is very unpretentious.

Therapeutic properties of ficus

Is the ficus toxic to humans? In spite of the poisonous properties of the plant, in folk medicine, tinctures on alcohol are widely used, and triturations of ficus are used for treatment.

Tincture, prepared from a mixture of leaves and flowers of the plant, can prevent the onset of a malignant tumor. She helps with the reduction of fibroids and fibroids.

In folk medicine use tincture from the leaves of the ficus to rub the hardening in mastopathy.

With the help of nutrients that are contained in the plant, you can help with the emergence of boils.

When coughing, the leaves of the ficus are cooked for 5 minutes and, having smeared with honey, put on the back and chest, fixing with a towel.

Ficus is popular not only in medicine, it is not inferior in its properties to aloe. The plant has the ability to purify the air. Therefore, in the room where it is, less dust accumulates.

Ficus rubber can kill bacteria that appear in the air of the room.

Is ficus a poisonous plant or not?

With complete certainty it can be argued that the ficus is a poisonous plant. It contains juice that resembles milk. It can not taste, let alone drink.

If it falls on the skin of the face, hands or stomach, the following reactions may occur:

  • In the form of urticaria or continuous rashes;
  • On the skin a person can feel itching and burning;
  • Eye contact can result in burns of the cornea and, as a consequence, impaired vision;
  • If swallowed, there may be signs of poisoning: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache and confusion.

Especially dangerous is the effect of plants on young children, pregnant women and pets.

When the leaves of the ficus enter the body, it is necessary to rinse it, give a sorbent and call an ambulance. If the juice has got on the skin of the face or eyes, then it is necessary to wash it off with plenty of water.

If vision deterioration occurs, hospitalization may be necessary.

Ficus has such properties: in the sunlight, it absorbs carbon dioxide, and releases oxygen. At night, there is a reverse, so it is not recommended to put the plant in the bedroom, and even more so in the nursery.

Can ficus cause allergies?

Is the ficus poisoned or not? The plant is allergenic and can release rubber. These properties of ficus can adversely affect the health of asthmatics.

People who are hypersensitive can experience asthma attacks, diarrhea, vomiting and swelling of the mucous membranes.

According to research, Benjamin Ficus takes the third place as an allergen after dust mite and pet hair.

How to prevent ficus poisoning?

Ficus is poisonous to humans? In order to prevent ficuses from adversely affecting human health, when caring for it, one should adhere to certain rules:

  • You should take care of the plant with gloves. Transplanting or pruning should not be entrusted to children or people suffering from allergies.
  • It is not recommended to install the ficus in the room of the child or on the floor, so that pets do not get it.
  • If the family has a person suffering from various forms of allergy, it is better to reject the plant in order to avoid complications.

If you take care of the ficus properly and follow the precautionary measures, it will not harm the human body and its relatives.

Despite the available negative qualities, the ficus is a plant that is completely unpretentious in care. It does not like direct sunlight, frequent watering and temperature drop.

Ficus because of its negative properties must be carefully grown in a house where there are small children.

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