
Cold Allergy

Allergy is a reaction of immunity to an allergen. This sensitivity is due to the individuality of each organism.

Allergy to cold is a rare type of disease that until recently doctors did not recognize at all. In order to show symptoms, it is not necessary to be outdoors at -20 ° C. Often enough drafts, dampness, cold water, the transition from warm to cold places or ordinary shade in a summer park. Therefore, people who experience an allergic reaction to cold, suffer numerous restrictions in their way of life.

Allergy to cold can manifest itself in different ways. Often the symptoms appear several minutes after exposure to the cold stimulus. On the body appears a rash of white or pink, which causes itching. After a few hours, the symptoms recede.

Often the wind has a greater impact than cold. In this case, there is burning, but not itching. It happens that the body reacts so strongly to the allergen that after the rash is over, hematomas and scars remain on the skin. Allergy to cold can be manifested by headache, lowering blood pressure. In addition, it is often observed cold dermatitis in the form of burgundy-red spots on the skin.

So, an allergy to cold: symptoms

  1. Redness of the skin, the appearance of blisters on contact with cold air or cold water is a urticaria. The brush, feet, inner thighs, facial skin, popliteal areas are most prone to rash. To reduce such manifestations, you should rather be in a warm place, change into something warm, drink hot tea.
  2. Pseudoallergic rhinitis or just a common cold. Drops or acupressure will help.
  3. Redness of the eyes, lachrymation and itching signal for pseudoallergic conjunctivitis.
  4. Using decorative cosmetics or optical lenses can provoke a real illness. Darkened glasses or disposable handkerchiefs will help cope with the ailment.
  5. Frequent migraines. They are characterized by freezing of the jaw and a headache. At a negligent attitude to such manifestations, it is possible to bring the organism to neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve. Warm hats will help to keep warm and protect from frost. Take care of cold food.
  6. Allergy to frost can manifest radiculitis. Immune complexes that form in the cold affect the spinal cord roots. The latter, in turn, become inflamed. Prevent the appearance of radiculitis will help warm clothes, warming ointments and massage the lower back.
  7. Labored breathing. The respiratory tract sharply narrows under the influence of the bronchospastic reflex. A prolonged reaction to cold may signal hyperreactivity of the bronchi or predisposition to bronchial asthma. Attacks can be very serious. Even death is not excluded. Therefore it is necessary to consult an allergist or pulmonologist.

Allergy to cold is not treated. You can only weaken its symptoms. For this purpose, the allergist doctor prescribes antihistamines after examination . You can buy such drugs in tablet form, in drops or in the form of a spray for the nose.

In addition to medicines, hypoallergenic diet can help . It involves the exclusion from the diet of the most powerful allergens (red vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits, eggs, nuts, chocolate, mushrooms, cocoa, coffee, alcohol).

Modern medicine uses autolymphocytotherapy in the treatment of cold allergies. This method consists in introducing immune cells (lymphocytes), previously isolated from its blood, under the patient's skin. The course of therapy is eight injections - once every three days. Therefore, the treatment period lasts from three to four weeks.

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