Health, Allergies
The child has allergic dermatitis: symptoms and treatment, photos, causes, diet
Allergic (atopic) dermatitis in children is a common disease that most often manifests itself in the first months of life. Many mothers, having noticed rashes and redness on the skin of the child, ignore the problem. They are not in a hurry to seek help from a pediatrician, because all babies periodically jump out diathesis and there is a sweating. Indeed, dermatitis to some extent affects about 90% of infants. However, this pathology should not be neglected. In the absence of competent treatment and changes in nutrition, dermatitis can be transformed into a chronic form. Many children do not "outgrow" the disease and suffer from its manifestations until the end of life.
It all starts with diathesis
If a baby has rashes on his skin, he is diagnosed with "diathesis". In the translation from the Greek language, this pathology means "propensity for anything." Diathesis is not a disease as such. The confirmation of the pathology in the child explains his predisposition to certain reactions of the allergic type. Skin rashes often transform into a chronic form - the so-called atopy.
Allergic dermatitis in infants can be manifested for two reasons: a malfunction in the immune system or an unformed gastrointestinal tract. Most often the body reacts to protein foods, which are difficult to digest by the baby. Milk, chicken or fish, eggs, as well as citrus and chocolate can act as provocative products. Why do problems disappear with age? First of all, the baby "outgrows" its ailment. The matured child's digestive organs work fully, they are coping well with new products. In addition, changing the diet is no longer the cause of a failure in the gastrointestinal system, as it can occur when switching from breastfeeding to artificial feeding.
Allergic and atopic dermatitis
It is very difficult for some parents to understand the medical terms that doctors use when making the final diagnosis. Allergic dermatitis is not an exception. Photos of children of this pathology can be viewed in specialized reference books. But even in such literature there is different information. Let's try to understand this question further.
Dermatitis is a generalized name for skin inflammations that occur in children and adults. The disease is divided into several forms. Therefore, parents often confuse one type of pathology with another. Allergic dermatitis develops due to the ingress of irritants into the body from the environment, direct contact is required. Atopic dermatitis due to the name explains the reason for its appearance. "Atopos" in Greek means "strange." A similar diagnosis is made for small patients if the cause of the ailment is not identified. Atopic dermatitis occurs up to a year, and its symptomatology does not differ from an allergic form.
How to distinguish one pathology from another? Symptoms of atopy make themselves felt in the event that one of the parents has an allergy. To prevent its development, it is necessary to monitor the health of the child. Pathology can appear due to a number of conditions:
- Hereditary predisposition;
- Unsuitable climate;
- Presence of respiratory / food allergens;
- Staphylococci;
- Improper hygiene;
- Intolerance of medicines.
If parents can not influence the first two points, then the rest should be given attention.
Why do children face allergic dermatitis?
The disease develops due to hypersensitivity to certain substances, which is manifested with every contact with the stimulus. Therefore, in the body of the baby there are major changes affecting the immune system. After the mother's womb, he gets acquainted with a completely new world, where allergens and other agents are constantly trying to attack him. Gradually, the body adapts to the created conditions. In this case, the "right" immunity is produced. Before the body undergoes a long adaptation, the child will always be exposed to such a danger as allergic dermatitis. Photos of children with this diagnosis can assess the whole insidiousness of the disease.
The main cause of the disease development is hereditary predisposition. If both parents show a tendency to allergies, the probability of a pathology in the child is about 80%. Symptoms of dermatitis only in mom or dad can be repeated in a child with a 50% probability. Only 20% of babies get sick when both parents are healthy.
At the child allergic dermatitis makes itself felt under the influence of the hereditary factor and harmful irritants simultaneously. The following agents can provoke the symptoms of the disease:
- Nutritional factor (components of a certain product are regarded by the body as foreign bodies).
- Contact irritant (in the role of the source of the allergen may act detergent, hygiene products, water).
- Respiratory allergen (the irritant penetrates the children's body through the respiratory tract).
Among the great variety of pathologies, one should mention separately the contact form of dermatitis. This disease develops against the background of direct interaction of the child's skin with external stimuli. In the role of a foreign agent can act synthetic fabric, personal care products, etc. Treat contact and allergic dermatitis in children can be at home. To do this, eliminate the effect of the stimulus on the skin and relieve the associated inflammation.
The main symptoms of the disease
The development of pathology begins with the redness of the skin and the appearance of rashes. They can appear in the form of cracks, ulcers or spots. The clinical picture is gradually supplemented by severe itching, dryness and scaling of the epidermis. During periods of exacerbation, irritation increases, so children can comb the wounds.
Simultaneously with the listed symptoms, the skin changes. It becomes edematous, microvesicles appear with transparent contents. After a certain time they are opened. At this place formed sore sores, which quickly dry up and leave behind a crust. The disease develops rapidly. If there is no correct treatment, it can be transformed into eczema.
At the child allergic dermatitis passes three stages of development:
- Infant. Occurs in the eighth week after the birth of a child, characterized by a sharp current. The main areas of localization of rashes are the buttocks, face, shins.
- Children's. It develops to the first year of the child's life and can continue until the transition years. The main areas of localization of the rashes are the elbows and popliteal joints, the upper part of the chest, the neck.
- Teenager. This stage begins at the age of transition or immediately after its termination.
In medical practice, it is common to divide allergic dermatitis into several clinical and morphological varieties for an accurate diagnosis.
- Exudative form is the most common. Often pathology is accompanied by the attachment of a secondary infection. Exudative allergic dermatitis on the face of the child brings not only physical, but also aesthetic discomfort.
- Erythematous-squamous form is manifested in children under two years old. She is characterized by the appearance of a rash of scaly character. As the disease develops, the number of pathological lesions on the skin increases.
- The vesiculose-crustic form is characterized by the appearance of microvesicles with serous contents. When combing, they are opened. Pathology is accompanied by severe itching, possibly a slight increase in temperature.
- The lichenoid form is most often diagnosed in adolescence. The disease manifests itself clearly expressed lesions with a shiny surface.
- Prurigo Gebri is characterized by the appearance of itchy papules at the sites of limb and limb folds.
Determine the specific type of disease can only be a doctor after a series of laboratory tests.
What is the risk of allergic dermatitis in children?
Symptoms of this disease should not be ignored. The lack of competent therapy can lead to complications. Among them, the most dangerous is bronchial asthma. It manifests itself as the skin of the baby is cleaned. Initially, it may seem that the ailment has receded. In fact, it was transformed into a more complex form and went deeper into the body.
Another unpleasant complication is the violation of intradermal metabolism. If the parents clearly follow the prescription of the doctor and follow all of his recommendations, the disease may subsequently manifest again in the form of psoriasis or urticaria. The latter is a serious pathology and is difficult to treat. Urticaria is a lesion of the skin in which the mineral metabolism is disturbed.
Diagnostic measures
Determine the child's allergic dermatitis can only pediatrician. At primary diagnostics the expert studies the patient's anamnesis, the clinical picture of the disease and conducts a physical examination. After that he assigns a number of laboratory tests:
- Analysis for immunoglobulin. The child takes blood from the vein and determines the level of immunoglobulin E. If this indicator is raised, the probability of allergic dermatitis is high.
- Blood test.
- Immunogram. It allows to identify violations in the main links of immunity and prevent complications of pathology.
- Analysis of urine. The presence of protein and increased salt content indicates a disruption in the functioning of the kidneys.
- Biochemistry of blood.
- Sowing on worms. It is carried out in case of suspicion of a failure in the work of the digestive tract, the development of which causes allergic dermatitis.
In children, the causes of the disease can sometimes be difficult to determine, especially when relapsing forms. Such patients are recommended to carry out skin tests during the interictal period. The procedure itself is quite simple and painless. On the skin are applied solutions with certain substances and water. In places of introduction of the stimulus there is reddening, a small puffiness. If the substance does not cause allergies, the skin remains clean. This procedure is recommended for children over three years old.
Medication Therapy
Than to treat an allergic dermatitis at the child? Therapy of pathology is a long and complex process. He should be supervised by the pediatrician before the patient "outgrows" his diagnosis. Additionally, a consultation with a gastroenterologist, a neurologist or a nutritionist may be required.
The first step in the treatment of dermatitis is the elimination of direct contact with the allergen. Then you need to remove the symptoms, namely, an unpleasant itch. After all, because of him, young children are constantly capricious and do not sleep at night. To this end, they usually appoint "Claritin", "Zirtek", "Telfast". Antihistamines used in modern practice do not cause side effects.
To treat skin manifestations of the disease, hormonal ointment is used. With allergic dermatitis in children, "Sinaflan" or "Celestoderm" is especially effective. If the clinical picture is poorly expressed, it is better not to use hormonal drugs.
Very often, treatment of the underlying disease is accompanied by therapy of gastrointestinal pathologies. If a failure in the immune system is caused by intestinal dysbiosis, the patient is shown taking prebiotics. The most effective among them are "Linex" and "Probifor". In case of bacterial etiology infection, antibiotic treatment is required.
Principles of dietotherapy
The life of a baby with confirmed dermatitis has its own characteristics. It must be constantly protected from contact with likely irritants. Therefore, for young patients a special diet is selected. When breastfeeding, not only the child but also his mother must adhere to it. If the baby is on artificial feeding, the mixture is selected with hypoallergenic components. In this case it is necessary to consult the pediatrician in addition.
Diet for allergic dermatitis in children means the use of the most safe foods in the diet. These are green varieties of apples, various cereals, cabbage, lean meat. To prevent skin rashes from the diet, you need to remove foods that increase the level of histamine in the blood. These include mayonnaise, various smoked products, canned food, cheeses. All products containing dyes and stabilizers fall under the ban. It will be necessary for some time to abandon favorite delicacies - strawberries, citrus and chocolate.
Recipes of folk healers
What allergic dermatitis looks like in children is known to almost all mothers. However, not everyone knows that it is possible to fight with its manifestations at home, but only after consulting a pediatrician. Among the most popular recipes of folk healers are the following:
- Broth of oak bark. You should prepare a mixture of flowers of marigold, oak bark and buds, ivy (two tablespoons of each ingredient). Herbal collection pour a glass of vegetable oil and boil. The resulting remedy insists the night, after which it can be used. To do this, gauze should be moistened in a medicine and applied to the affected area. The procedure can be repeated several times.
- Ointment with sea buckthorn oil. At the child allergic dermatitis can be cured by the favorite delicacy of many people. Two tablespoons of oil must be mixed with a glass of baked fat of animal origin. The obtained medicine is smeared with foci of inflammation.
Presented prescriptions quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease, reduce itching and redness.
Preventive measures
Than to treat an allergic dermatitis at the child, we already told. How to prevent his appearance? The main preventive measures for allergic dermatitis are reduced to the elimination of factors that contribute to the drying of the baby's skin. The abundant drink and cool air in the room help protect the baby from sweating. It is necessary to ensure that the child does not overeat. Undigested food can lead to redness of the skin and rashes. The organism at overeating throws out a large amount of antibodies, which leads to the formation of toxins. They have a detrimental effect on the fragile systems of the child from the inside. During the period of remission, it is not recommended to feed the baby with food allergens (citrus fruits, sweets). They can exacerbate the clinical picture and lead to prolonged treatment.
Allergic dermatitis in a child until a year often appears on the background of physical contact with irritants. Therefore, pediatricians recommend that parents use hypoallergenic powders, diapers and personal hygiene products. Clothing is best purchased from natural fabrics (cotton, linen). It should be as comfortable as possible in the sock, do not restrain movement.
Parents should take care of the baby's skin every day. Do not allow it to dry out. Humidification and softening of the skin has a beneficial effect on the overall condition of the baby. Special lotions and bath products help maintain the required pH level. This prevents the appearance of diaper rash, excessive sweating and helps to quickly heal affected areas of the skin.
One of the most common problems that many parents have to face is allergic dermatitis. Symptoms and treatment in children of the disease cause a lot of controversy among pediatricians. At the heart of its development is often the hereditary factor. Among the main symptoms that accompany this insidious pathology, you can distinguish a rash on the skin, its puffiness and severe itching. Treatment of dermatitis is usually complex. Therapy includes the use of antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs of local action. In particularly serious cases and according to the doctor's recommendations, the use of hormonal ointments is indicated. Sick babies for a long time to observe a special diet, limit contact with a potential irritant. Only in this case it is possible to hope for a full recovery without complications in the future.
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