Health, Allergies
What is the allergy in March?
Today, there are many medicines that save from allergies or reduce the symptoms of its manifestation in various sizes. Not all of them are suitable for every person, and most importantly, not all are able to fight precisely with those stimuli that cause allergic reactions in a particular period of time. For example, many people are interested in what allergies occur in March. This is an atypical time for the disease, but in order to understand what it can manifest, you must first understand what allergies are in general and what kinds of it are.
At its core, the allergy is a disease characterized by an incorrect reaction of the body to any substances, chemical compounds, pollen and any other things that surround a person in everyday life. It works this way - at the time of the body's contact with the stimulus, a histamine release occurs accompanied by inflammation of a certain part of the body, depending on how exactly the contact with the allergen occurred and what it is. This is also true when there is an allergy in March. What can such a reaction be? To understand this, you first need to disassemble the species in which allergy is expressed in different people, its variants, as well as the causes of its occurrence, since it is quite possible that for healing it is simply necessary to remove one type of product from your diet - and life will immediately improve .
Types of allergic reactions
The allergy is divided into several types. The first of these is a food allergy, which manifests itself only when a given person uses an irritant in food. It can be either the food itself or any food additive. The result of this manifestation of the disease can be allergic dermatosis, a violation of the stomach, swelling in the mouth and, in rare cases, anaphylactic shock. The second most common option is respiratory allergy. It manifests itself when the patient inhales any particles that are in the air and are causative agents specifically for him. It manifests itself in sneezing, coughing, mucous discharge and other similar moments. This kind of allergy is usually associated with seasonal allergies. Refers to them and the allergy in March. What does it happen in this season?
Allergies in March
In March, the willow, hazel and alder are in blossom. It is these representatives of vegetation that can provoke an allergic reaction. What else is the allergy in March? In the spring, not so few different plants blossom, and all of them can provoke an exacerbation. The first step is to check whether the patient has suffered from the disease before? If not, then to clarify whether he always lived in the area? In the event that a person recently arrived in the designated region, he might simply not know that he has any allergies to something, since in his original place of residence such plants may simply not grow. It is likely that the allergy in March arises on something that, in fact, is not a consequence of spring in general and in March in particular. For example, for eating previously unused foods.
Allergy in other seasons
Naturally, this disease manifests itself not only in March. In each warm period of the year, different plants bloom, capable of provoking an allergy. For example, in the period April-May, there is a reaction to maple, poplar, aspen, oak and birch. From May to June - pine, spruce, dandelion, and until July - rye, barley, fescue, wheatgrass will provoke indisposition. From June to July - buckwheat, linden, plantain, and in August - nettles can cause a reaction. In addition, all summer and autumn can be irritated by the marsh, ragweed, quinoa, wormwood and other similar weedy grasses. Thus, the answer to the question "What is an allergy in March?" May not always be true. Moreover, depending on the place of residence, the period of flowering of plants also changes.
Home Allergy
It happens that the allergy manifests itself regardless of the season. In most cases, this is the expression of the domestic variety. And then the options for what the allergy in March is, will not help. It can be the result of body irritation from dust, pet hair, dandruff, carpet limes, detergents and thousands of other reasons. In addition, sometimes during the day a person feels quite comfortable, and at night, attacks of an allergic reaction begin. The only options to deal with this (not counting medications) are frequent airing of the premises, thorough cleaning and, ideally, a change of residence.
Allergic reactions, independent of the season or place
In addition to food allergy, which was mentioned above, there are also other variants of reactions that are independent of the time of year or dependent on it indirectly. These include insect allergy (reaction to insect bites), which, by the way, can also be an answer to the question "What is the allergy in March?". At that time, a part of small animals was awakened after the winter hibernation and may well become the cause of inflammatory reactions in the body.
To the time-independent reactions also include drug and infectious allergies. Medicinal is the response of the body to any components of medicines, and the infectious happens when the body gets any microorganisms, which he reacts inadequately. In principle, both medicinal and infectious allergies can also indicate what allergies happen in March, since in this period all kinds of diseases associated with avitaminosis are especially active. As a consequence, the development of new types of microorganisms in the human body and the intake of medications can equally provoke an allergic reaction.
Treatment Options
How to escape from allergies? What allergies in March can affect to treat it? Now the mass of medications that can, if not completely remove, then significantly reduce the unpleasant sensations from the course of the disease. Nevertheless, many of them quickly get used to the body, and they cease to have the necessary effect, while others themselves can cause an allergic reaction. The best option is to leave for this period in a region with a different climate, in which the flowering time is either over or has not yet begun. If this is not possible, you should strive to be as little as possible on the nature and carefully close all the windows and doors. In this case, the wet cleaning of the entire room should be carried out as often as possible.
Summarizing, it is impossible to accurately answer the question of what an allergy occurs in March, without a full medical examination and the delivery of tests. Most likely, this is really the body's response to the flowering of the flora, but it can also be a reaction to any food products or medicines, as well as insect bites. After a full medical examination and the results of the tests, the doctor will be able to determine the cause of the irritation. Even if it is impossible to get rid of the source directly for some reason, a person can at least significantly reduce its impact on everyday life and thereby greatly improve the state of his own organism.
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