Food and drinkCooking tips

How to quickly cook beans

Legumes are rich in protein. That's why they are part of many diets, vegetarians necessarily include beans in their diet. In cooking, there are many delicious and nutritious dishes, where one of the main ingredients is beans, peas and other representatives of this family. But how quickly to cook beans, beans and peas?

There is a grandmother's way - soaking the beans for the night. But in the morning it will be ready to cook quickly and easily. In addition, if the bean is over-stored in water, fermentation may begin. The ideal option for soaking is the following: every two to three hours, change the water in which the beans are soaked. Since it swells with this method, water should be added from time to time. And in any case, do not cook beans in the water in which it was soaked. This method of cooking beans is tedious and irrational in time.

Soaking is not the fastest way to cooked beans. It's good that bright heads still came up with several options for accelerated cooking of beans and other beans.

How to quickly cook beans: the first way

We fall asleep with beans, having preliminary touched it and having cleared from garbage, in a saucepan and we pour a boiling water a minute so on thirty-forty. After this time, drain the water and add salt and two or three tablespoons of sunflower oil (or another vegetable that is at hand). Again, pour boiling water, so much so that it beans are completely closed. We put on the fire (small) and watch that the water was enough in the pan. At its boiling up it is possible to add a liquid, but it is a little.

How to cook beans quickly: the way the second

Use the devices and devices available today in every kitchen. For example, a pressure cooker, microwave oven, aerogrill and other useful electrical appliances that every household needs, which greatly facilitates our life. Information on how to properly brew beans in such devices can be gleaned from instructions to them, as well as from the World Wide Web.

The third way to quickly cook beans

With this option, soda is used. Only it should be taken literally with a pinch or at the tip of a knife. Going too far with the amount of soda, you can get not beautifully cooked beans, but a gruel from it. If the soda is added to the water a lot, the bean simply bursts and boils.

How to quickly cook beans: the fourth way

With this method of cooking beans, beans are poured into water and brought to a boil. Then the water quickly merges, and the beans are again filled with cold water and are already brewed until ready. This method reduces the cooking time by half.

How quickly to cook beans: the fifth way, a little tedious, but fast

It is similar to the fourth, but differs in that the pouring with cold water is repeated several times until the bean becomes usable. The washed beans are put in a pan and poured with water (no matter whether it is hot or cold), so that the beans are slightly covered. After bringing it to a boil, give five to ten minutes to pour, and again pour cold water. And so several times: boils 5-10 minutes - topping up cold water - and again to a boil and 5-10 minutes cook. The secret of this method is that the bean, boiling, absorbs liquid. The water becomes smaller and therefore it is constantly required to add it.

The main thing - with all the methods of cooking beans is not to salt it at the beginning of cooking, since its peculiarity is that in salt water the beans remain hard for a long time. It is better to add salt at the end of cooking.

Unfortunately, such a useful and nutritious bean, used as a side dish, ingredient in salads, etc., is not used in raw form. Raw beans contain substances that can lead to intoxication of the body. Therefore, it must be cooked. But what is the result of a rich bean soup, what salads can be made from it! Beans are especially in demand during the days of fasting. After all, it is a storehouse of zinc, phosphorus, copper, potassium, protein. Perfectly satisfying hunger, beans are an indispensable product for many people.

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