
Mineral wool plates: characteristics and GOST

The huge popularity of mineral wools is due, above all, to their low cost and excellent performance characteristics. This material can be used to insulate a variety of structures - walls, roof and floor of private houses, pipelines, heating appliances, etc.

Process of creation

As a raw material in the manufacture of such material as mineral wool plates, a melt of volcanic rocks, glass and blast furnace slag is used. This hot viscous substance is fed into a special centrifuge in which (as a result of air purging) is converted into a pulp. Further, binders are introduced into it. Typically, phenol-formaldehyde resins appear in their roles . Further, the sticky "cotton wool" comes under the rollers forming an even layer of it. At the final stage, the material is cut into slabs of the correct size.

Fibers of mineral wool can be located both in a chaotic order, and perpendicular to each other. The last version of the material is called laminar, has a high density and the degree of thermal conductivity, is distinguished by increased strength. Sometimes plates of mineral wool are glued on one side with thick aluminum foil.

Degree of fire resistance

The main advantage of mineral wool in comparison with other insulators is its incombustibility. It is allowed to use this material for the warming of surfaces, the temperature of which reaches up to +400 degrees Celsius. That is why mineral wool plates are the ideal insulator for boilers and furnaces of different types. The basalt fibers begin to melt only after a two-hour exposure to a temperature of 1000 degrees. This is a very impressive indicator. As for the temperature of the ambient air, then without harm to yourself this material can withstand 750 degrees. The combustibility group of mineral plates is KM0. In the foilized variety - KM1.

Degree of heat conductivity

The main purpose of mineral wool is to protect houses, equipment and communications from cold. The permissible thermal conductivity of this material is determined by GOST 4640-2011. This figure varies depending on the ambient temperature and can range from 0.038 W / (mK) at a temperature of +10 degrees to 0.070 W / (mK) at +300 degrees. Thus, the ability to store heat, this material is superior to many modern insulators. This quality is due to the porous structure with a huge number of air layers.


This index for such material, as mineral wool heat-insulating plates, can fluctuate in rather large limits (30-220 kg / m 3 ). The higher the density at the plate, the greater distributed loads it can withstand. According to this index, mineral wool can be conditionally classified into three categories:

  • Low density (30-50 kg / m 3 ). Such cotton wool is used mainly for warming horizontal surfaces.
  • The average density (60-75 kg / m 3 ). This variety is often used to isolate a variety of technical structures.
  • High density (80-175 kg / m 3 ). Such slabs can be used to insulate walls inside or outside buildings.
  • Very high density (180-200 kg / m 3 ). This variety is usually used for insulation of roofs.

The density of such material as mineral wool plates is an indicator that determines only their ability to withstand loads. The degree of thermal conductivity is practically unaffected.


Low resistance to moisture penetration is one of the few drawbacks that mineral wool plates have. GOST for testing the compliance of this material with the standards in terms of water resistance requires special tests. At the same time, samples are taken from different places of the plate (20-30 grams). Then they are placed in a porcelain cup and calcined at a temperature of 600 degrees to remove organic impurities. Then the mass is ground into a powder, moistened with a few drops of ethyl alcohol, and then a little hydrochloric acid is added. Further, electrodes of the pH meter are lowered into the container. After ten minutes of stirring, the pH of the substance is measured. The water resistance of the material is determined from the average pH value.

Mineral wool slabs (GOST defines their water resistance in an amount of no more than 4-7 pH) absorb water fairly well, losing some of their thermal insulation properties. However, the degree of their moisture content by mass should not exceed 1%. To increase the resistance of the material to moisture, it is impregnated with special hydrophobizators.

Water vapor permeability

To the merits of such material as mineral wool plates, one can include, among other things, the ability to pass water molecules through itself. The coefficient of vapor permeability of mineral wool is 480 * 10-6 g / (m * h * Pa). Compared to other modern heaters, this is the highest rate.

Fiber location

Mineral wool with a chaotic arrangement of fibers has a specific gravity of 120-160 kg / m 3 and a tensile strength of 10 kPa. This variety is produced usually in slabs with a length of 120-160 cm and a width of 50-60 cm. Basalt wool with a perpendicular arrangement of fibers (lamellar) is characterized by a specific gravity of 80-120 kg / m 3 and a tensile strength of 80 kPa. The dimensions of plates of this variety are 120 x 20 cm. The thickness of mineral wool plates ranges from 30-100 mm.

Most popular brands

Most often in Russia, mineral wool of the brand "Technonikol" is used for insulation of structural elements of buildings. This manufacturer produces a very high quality material that meets all GOST standards. Among other things, its undoubted advantage is low cost.

No less popular are Rockwool mineral wool slabs. The products of this manufacturer can be used for the insulation of absolutely any structural elements and power equipment. Basalt wool of this brand is produced in a variety of sizes and densities.

Scope of use

Mineral wool plates for insulation are applied:

  • Sexes;
  • Ventilated facades;
  • Facades for plastering;
  • Roof;
  • Walls from inside and partitions;
  • Overlapping;
  • Pipelines;
  • Ovens and chimneys;
  • Boilers;
  • Production equipment, etc.

Mineral wool insulation is very effective and reliable. The combination of excellent performance characteristics with low cost makes it unusually popular with both individual developers and large industrial companies.

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