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Why go to Sberbank, if you can connect "Mobile Bank"?

In order to more comfortable use of banking services, save time and ease of performing various operations on the account, banks regularly introduce new, more advanced services. So, Sberbank offers its customers to connect "Mobile Bank" - a service designed for cardholders and designed to facilitate their management of card accounts.

About the charms of mobile banks

This service significantly expands the boundaries of banking services in cases when there is no time or desire to come to the bank branch. Access to the account and execution of operations on it become possible through a mobile phone or smartphone. What can I pay for the Mobile Bank service?

All basic payments, including replenishment of the phone bill, payment for the Internet, utilities, as well as contributions for loans, money transfers between cards and replenishment of deposit accounts are easy to make using this service.

In addition, the client of the bank will be able to keep abreast of all operations on the card - both receipts and write-offs of cash. In case there are suspicions about fraudulent transactions on the card, or it was lost, you can also block it with the help of this service.

How to connect "Mobile Bank" of Sberbank? You can do this in one of several ways.

Method one, classical

To make the "Mobile Bank" service available on your phone, you need to report to the Sberbank office and write a statement, presenting a passport to the employee. In this case, you will be asked to connect the "Mobile Bank" with a full list of services (full package) or with limited capabilities (an economical package).

In the second case, the bank will not notify you of transactions on the card. If necessary, this service can be used for a fee. Subscriber fee for the package "Economical" is not charged, but repeated use of paid services may be more expensive than a monthly fee. A "full" package costs 60 rubles a month and includes all the services listed above (which are included in its cost).

To enable customers to evaluate the convenience of a full list of services and make the right choice, Sberbank offers free use of the full package within two months.

Method two, available

When asked about how to connect "Mobile Bank", Sberbank gives another answer: using self-service devices. Through the ATM or the payment terminal, you can also purchase the "Mobile Bank" service. To do this, you only need a bank card.

The application "Mobile Bank" can be downloaded on the bank's website first to your computer, and then - to a mobile phone or directly to your phone.

Method three, convenient

If you do not have time to visit the bank branch or search for the nearest ATM to connect the Mobile Bank, simply call the hotline 8-800-200-37-47. The employee of the CALL-center will ask you to name the name, the card details (except for the PIN code!) And the code word that you specified when creating it.

As you can see, it is not difficult to connect a mobile bank, especially if there are a wide variety of ways to connect.

If for some reason the need for the Mobile Bank service has disappeared, then it is also very easy to turn off the service. To do this, you can use the telephone service of the Savings Bank, an ATM, or you can come to the office yourself.

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