HomelinessTools and equipment

How to Choose an Air Conditioner for a Apartment

To date, air conditioners have become an integral part of any modern office. When visiting any successful firm or store, the lack of a cooling system is more evident than its presence. At the same time, it is still rare in flats, but in recent years it has become increasingly common to see climate technology in homes.

Any person who decided to purchase a cooling system is interested in this question: how to choose an air conditioner that will be suitable for him? The choice of the best solution depends on several factors, which should be noted when choosing an air conditioner.

Most people first of all pay attention to the manufacturer, find out which of them is the most high-quality and reliable products. However, we should not start with this. First you need to determine what you would like. In a two-room or three-room apartment is often advised to install a multisystem. It consists of a street block and indoor units that connect to it. The disadvantage of this option: when a street block breaks down, the entire system goes down. Therefore, it would be more practical to install separate air conditioners in each room. This option will not be more expensive, but at the same time, the noise from several blocks will be much larger.

You can also choose another option - air conditioning on wheels. It can be moved to different rooms, it does not require installation, which greatly reduces costs.

Disadvantages of this air conditioner:

  • It is necessary to make a hole in the wall, with a diameter of 10 - 12 cm, to bring the flexible hose from the air conditioner to the street;
  • If you move it around the apartment, you will need to make several such holes in the wall, because Hose length only 2 meters;
  • This air conditioner is quite noisy.

When calculating the power of the air conditioner, you need to take into account such parameters as the area of the room, the height of the ceiling, the degree of heating by the sun, the number of people who will be in the room in which the air conditioner works, how often the computer, TV, etc. are switched on. The temperature difference in the street and in the room Should not exceed 8 ° C. It is necessary to monitor the humidity of the air. If the humidity is too low, the mucous membranes of the mouth and airways begin to dry, the risk of respiratory diseases increases, the blood is not adequately supplied with oxygen, resulting in fatigue and discomfort.

You should also think about what will be the maintenance of the air conditioner. It is better to choose a company that deals with both the installation and the carrying out of such works. Air conditioners in Yaroslavl can be purchased in several companies, but not in all of them, experts advise on how to pick up air conditioning and have their own customer service.

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