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Hiccups do not go away for several days, how to get rid of it

Often, modern people do not pay attention to minor signals of the body, indicating that inside it there is a physiological malfunction, which can be the result of very serious diseases. Even a seemingly innocuous hiccup may be a sign of so many ailments.

Description of the physiological process of hiccoughs

Hiccups - this is a sudden violation of the respiratory process, which occurs in the upper respiratory organs with a contraction of the diaphragm, which is manifested by unpleasant tremors. The diaphragm is a muscle, which can not be influenced by the mind. Her contractions depend on the full health of the autonomic nervous system.

In medical practice, hiccups are called diaphragm cramps. During hiccups, the volume of the lungs increases, the thoracic cage changes instantly, the air in the pulmonary sinuses becomes complicated, the irritated laryngeal mucosa affects the closure of the vocal cicle, and a certain "ik" is created.

Causes of hiccups

The following factors cause hiccoughs:

- hypothermia, especially susceptible to this babies;

- alcoholic intoxication, accompanied by excess alcohol in the body - food poisoning;

- Overeating, which stretches the stomach;

- irritation of the nerve endings of the diaphragm itself;

- strong thirst;

- hunger, food in the dry;

- fast food intake;

- disturbances and emotions;

- stressful situations;

- a feeling of strong fear and new unknown sensations;

- development of the initial and middle stage of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous, as well as digestive systems, inflammatory processes.

Types of hiccups

The contraction of the diaphragm can be short-lived, only a few minutes, and also can last for several days. Depending on the duration of hiccups, the following types of this physiological process of the organism are distinguished:

- central - depends on the health of the central nervous system, hiccups do not last several days due to the development of such diseases as meningitis, encephalitis, inflammatory processes of the cerebral cortex;

- peripheral - the result of violations of the physiological structure of the diaphragmatic nerve;

- toxic - can be caused by poisoning with drugs that excite the nerve endings of the larynx.

Diagnosing Hiccups

If the hiccup does not pass several days, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. And it can only be done by a doctor. This process is called diagnosing hiccups. For this, the patient is assigned to pass several tests, including a blood test for possible signs of kidney disease, infections, diabetes, esophagus examination with the help of endoscopic medical devices, examination of the diaphragm through the passage of X-rays for the presence of various pathologies and deformities.

If the hiccup itself does not last several days, you can not hesitate with the diagnosis. The sooner the reason becomes clear, the fewer risks there will be for a long time on a hospital bed.

Such a modern process of testing the body, such as tomography, helps in a matter of minutes to examine the patient's body and reveal all the causes that cause hiccups as such.

Diagnosed only a long version of hiccups, if this phenomenon is fleeting and rare, the consequences are not so serious as to run to the doctor and be recorded on a tomography.

Hiccups have the property of causing physical discomfort, because during this phenomenon it is difficult to talk, take food and even breathe in the right rhythm.

Hiccups in children

Hiccups are faced by children of any age, but especially to parents is alarming when the baby begins to make unusual sounds. The kid can freeze, or overeat, or be afraid of loud sounds, which he still does not know.

If the babies have hiccups lasting up to fifteen minutes, then this is a normal temporary physiological process, but if this phenomenon lasts for more than an hour and often repeats regardless of how the child is dressed - warm or not, and how much he ate, then immediately it is necessary to sound an alarm and go To see a doctor.

Many young parents are frightened by simultaneous hiccups and regurgitation, which are a direct sign of overeating, because the intestine of the baby only learns to perceive food as such, and all these processes are temporary, new moms forget about them one year after the birth of the baby.

The causes of the phenomenon, when hiccups do not pass several days in infants, can be abnormal physiological deviations of the respiratory tract and diaphragm.

In older children, hiccups can be caused by fears, suspicious feelings. A prolonged hiccup may be a direct sign of the presence of worms in the body of the child.

Hiccups can be a harbinger of vomiting. So, often these two signs are manifested during the acetone syndrome in preschool children.

Hiccups in adults

Adult hiccough may be a consequence of the illnesses suffered in childhood. If the five-minute "ik" passes as suddenly as it appeared, then this does not cause any fear, but if the hiccup does not last for a long time, you should take a closer look at your general well-being. If children have a slight problem of overeating and cold causing hiccups, then in people of mature age this problem can be associated with diseases of the heart, nervous system and respiratory organs.

Hiccups during pregnancy

During the course of pregnancy, hiccoughs do not last for long at the expense of fears of a future mother before giving birth. It is throughout the period of gestation of the baby is in psychological stress, tuning to a certain mode of its new state of health.

Hiccups even occur in the fetus within the mother. So to be afraid of this phenomenon in the most responsible and positive period of a life it is not necessary.

The reason why hiccups do not pass quickly in pregnant women is the proximity of the chest and abdominal cavity. The physiological structure of the woman changes, the abdominal muscles are stretched, due to what you can feel pain in the ribs.

What can I do to get hiccups?

Since the hiccups cause unpleasant sensations during the moments of applying excessive attention to a person, it is only necessary to collect air into the lungs and to detain it as far as it has enough strength, if necessary, repeat several times.

In order for the hiccup to pass, you need to drink a glass of water, calm down, switch your attention to more interesting thoughts and objects.

These actions help in the short-term manifestation of this state.

Treatment of hiccups

A single-valued method of treating hiccups does not exist. If this phenomenon is associated with health problems, then only specialists can specify what to do so that the hiccup passes, depending on the diagnosis, prescribe the use of such medicines as "Haloperidol", "Cerucal", "Pipolphin", "Finlepsin", "Motilium "," Scopolamine "," Diphenin ".

If the day does not go hiccup, and no medications help, doctors will stop the spasm of the diaphragm by blocking its nerve endings with novocaine. The so-called Vishnevsky method is applicable in the most serious cases and is performed surgically. It is this method that improves the functional properties of the nervous system.

Preventive measures

So, what can I do to make the hiccup pass? In cases of serious diagnoses, it is precisely the elimination of the causes of hiccups, or more precisely, the elimination of the organism from pathogens such as meningitis, encephalitis, bone and brain tumors, gastric ulcers and gastritis, is considered the prevention.

Excellent preventive effect on the diaphragm is a sweet drink or intake of pure glucose.

Eliminate infants from hiccups helps keeping in an upright position for about half an hour. If the cause of this is hypothermia, you need to put the baby warm and warm, give him warm boiled water. If the child is afraid of unknown sounds, you need to eliminate them and calm the baby with calm communication. Also helps to stop the hiccup lemon juice, a few drops of which in a diluted form can be dripped under the baby's tongue with a pipette. Do not overdo it so that the process does not go into chronic.

In no case can children be frightened to stop the hiccups, as this seemingly innocuous act can turn into a constant stutter, which is a more serious problem than the repeated "ik" within a few minutes.

Folk remedies for hiccups

Do not go hiccup, what to do? You can use the following folk remedies:

- To stop the hiccup, you need to straighten the diaphragm, and it helps to take a deep breath in standing position, after which you have to sit down and lean forward;

- very effectively affects the cessation of hiccups taking one teaspoon of sugar, which you do not need to wash down with anything;

- if you drink a glass of water at one go, too, there is a positive effect;

- helps in many cases lying on one side for half an hour;

- a cold compress on the throat is also characterized by a positive effect on stopping hiccups;

- affects hiccups and warming with the help of a mustard area of the throat;

- reception of spicy food eliminates trouble very quickly;

- helps gymnastics - you need to raise your hands alternately upwards and at the same time breathe deeply and slowly;

- a warm infusion of water and bay leaf helps with hiccups;

- it is very useful and effective to drink chamomile tea, which has the property of affecting the nerve endings;

- the sneezing caused by sweet-scented pepper perfectly helps.

Folk methods can only temporarily relieve the hiccup process of the diaphragm and are more used for short-term symptoms. If the hiccup is accompanied by a cough, plentiful salivation, pain in the dorsal part or chest, do not hesitate to visit the doctor.

It is interesting to know that, in addition to temporary short and prolonged types of ailment, there is also a rare congenital pathological hiccup, which is almost impossible to get rid of. But even with such a diagnosis, people are able to live.

Always assess your health, if there are no pains, and the process is not lasting, when it is very difficult to fight on your own, then you should not worry.

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