FinancePersonal Finance

Who Took Our Money

What can I say ... There are also such rich, but it's extremes. Money, like everything in this world, has its own laws. Someone knows them, some do not. And this does not depend on education, because neither they nor anyone else in the institute has ever been told about it. So those who do not know accuse all the others of their misfortunes. The opinion that the rich get richer because they steal is the kindergarten stage of knowing a person about where people get money from.

Ron Lang said: "If all the world's money is divided equally among the people of the planet, then very quickly they will again be in those few people who know the laws of the movement of money." What is it about? Even if you divide all the money equally, then within a day the first millionaires and the first poor will appear.

Decide for yourself which team you are playing for.

Those who know the laws of money, are able to dispose of them and were able to attract them to themselves once, can do it again: by means of large-scale thinking, work and creation of a cash flow with the help of a business organization that creates added value and build-up of assets that generate passive income.

And the rest, recruited at the university to work hard all their life at work, who do not have elementary financial literacy and, as a result, the ability to manage money, will very soon squander them. Only by getting rid of credit, they will acquire new useless things with this money, which do not have future value and new liabilities, ruining and not letting oneself escape from the shackles of poverty. This will force them in a couple of years to run for a new (or all the same) job to pay for housing and SUV, first trying in vain to cling to the standard of living that has already become habitual , and then again try to somehow make ends meet and live to the next Salary. They will not be able to take advantage of this chance and escape from the rat race.

In order not to make such a mistake, it is necessary to begin as early as possible to be interested in financial issues and learn how to manage your own money. It is necessary to obtain basic knowledge about assets and liabilities, the importance of personal financial planning and the capabilities of the main financial instruments. Then you need to set financial goals, develop a financial plan for them and follow it strictly.

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