Computers, Software
What is an express panel?
Surely, to you, dear reader, during my work at the computer I visited the pages in the World Wide Web using special programs.
Like boats, browsers, despite the similarity of the principles of work, are different. Some are more convenient for the user, others work faster with the network, but a third can boast of universality, claiming the title of "Golden Mean". Here are the names of some of them, deservedly gained popularity among millions of users around the world: Opera, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer. Surely, at least one of them is your choice at the moment. It is not possible to say which browser is better - it all depends on the preferences of the person himself, as, in principle, and in everything else.
The Express panel replaced the list of bookmarks, which, frankly, was not very convenient. According to statistics, every visitor to the global web goes to certain specific pages more often than others. For example, one person is accustomed to open a page every time the browser is opened with weather, news, financial reviews; Another wants to be aware of technical innovations; The third is hungry for communication in social networks and checks the mail through the site. Express panel is a configurable list of these most requested resources, displayed in the main browser window immediately after launch. One click - and opens the weather site, mail or news. Anything! Thus, the express panel eliminates the need to type in the address bar the path to the resource.
In the Opera, you must press Ctrl + F12 and in the "At startup" window specify "Express panel". After that, clicking on any square of the screen, you can assign an address to the desired site. Well, the gear icon in the upper corner allows you to customize the display of the panel "by itself." That's all.
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