
Strawberries Albion. Description and description, fit and care

All varieties that have been called "remontant strawberries" have one excellent feature: from their beds one can harvest several times during the vegetative period, which can stretch from the beginning of July to the autumn. On average, for this time there are three waves of harvest. And the most berries you can get during the second wave of fruiting (up to 70% of the total).

Strawberry Albion: description

Few strawberries are as well tolerated as Albion. This quality makes the grade one of the most popular for sale. Nobody will buy a berry if it "flows" and has a non-commodity appearance. Variety of strawberries Albion perfectly tolerates hot, dry weather, so in the south of Russia it is found everywhere. The leaves of the plant are three-toed, broad. Peduncles grow on powerful stems (the height of bushes is 35-45 cm), so the berry does not spread along the ground and is beyond the reach of slugs, wet soil and other "delights" that so spoil strawberries. Strawberries Albion repair has very large dark red berries. The flesh is dense, this can be guessed by how well this strawberry is transported. The taste is sweet, the aroma is unmatched. This variety was bred by crossing in 2006.

Wild strawberry Albion is immune to many diseases that affect other varieties of whole plantations. Late blight, gray rot, core rot, anthracosis (white spots on the leaves) - all these diseases are not terrible for this cultivar. Strawberry Albion reviews collected the most positive.

Summer sitting

The only way to get a harvest from repairing strawberries all year round is to constantly update (plant) your plantations (beds). The best time for this is the last week of July - the first week of August. Just after the first wave of fruiting.

From uterine plants you need to take the best, already entrenched mustache. After planting on young plants, stems can appear. It is necessary to rip them mercilessly, you can not give strawberries a berry, otherwise it will not have time to gain strength over the winter. At the end of August, you need to repeat the planting and also cut off the peduncles. After freezing, the old bushes should be removed. It is important to calculate how many bushes you will have first and foremost, which is the second, so that you will not lose the next year.

Spring landing

Seedlings, which you buy, should have a fibrous root system (the main root is not clearly distinguished, a large number of subordinate). The diameter of the neck (the core from which the stem grows) should be at least 6 mm. Before planting, trim the roots to 10 cm length, so you intensify the growth of new shoots. Plant better wintering shoots - they are hardier. The earth must be loose and damp. Holes should be placed at a distance of 25-30 cm, and the distance between adjacent rows should not be less than 60 cm. Make sure that the soil does not cover the basal neck. You can plant in the spring, immediately after frost, then you will get a harvest this year, but it is possible in the autumn - and then the wild strawberry Albion repair, gained strength for six months, will please you with a great harvest.

The soil

All gardeners perfectly know how important the soil on which the plant is planted. Strawberry Albion is no exception and also makes demands on its habitat. It is best to plant this variety on light, fertile soils, with neutral acidity. If the soil on your site is acidic, reduce the acidity with lime. Do not plant strawberries in the lowlands: little sun and high humidity - not the best conditions for this variety. In the lowlands groundwater can approach the surface, and your berry will be oversaturated with water. If you plant the berry on clay soil, then the strawberries will grow small, but sweet (this is typical for many varieties, not only for Albion). If there is a lot of sand in the soil, the number of berries can be simply stunning, but, as you know, there is not enough sweets for everything. If the soil is not fertile enough, it is best to fertilize it with humus and half-ripe manure from the fall.

Albion on the crest

If you intend to sell strawberries, then you can not do without new and not very new technologies. One such is growing on the crest with the use of agrofiber. A comb is the soil from which a trapezium is formed with the help of technology. The height of the trapezoid is 15-35 cm. This shape ensures that excess water will drain from the bed. Consider the irrigation system, most likely, it will be drip irrigation. Keep the entire garden covered with straw or wood shavings. Top cover with agrofiber. Agglomerate is a dense black film that retains heat and does not allow moisture to evaporate. Plant the strawberries in small cross-section incisions in the film. Weeds under a layer of mulch and film die without the sun and make the soil even more fertile. Watering these beds require only in the hottest weather. The life of such a film (agrovolokna) about 3-4 years, you just need to cover it with leaves for the winter.

Care for strawberries

While young bushes do not get accustomed, they do not need any special care, just enough to water them in time.

It is possible to process the bushes in the beginning of May with some remedy from the larvae of the May beetle. "Nemabakt", "Anti-Khrushch", "Zemlin" - domestic chemistry offers a wide range of insecticides. These larvae are a real scourge of strawberry plantations. They settle in the roots of plants and devour them. You will immediately know which of the bushes is struck - next to his green fellows he will look withered and dead. And if you dig out a bush, then in the roots you will find a nest of larvae of the May beetle.

Pour preferably with stagnant water from the tank (it has already warmed up). Very cold water, for example immediately from a well, harms plants. It is better to transfer the watering to the earlier morning or evening. About once a month, strawberries can be fed with manure, bird droppings, mineral fertilizers or infusion of ground nettle and yarrow. Moreover, manure and manure should be prepared in advance, filled with water and allowed to stand for at least a week. Bird droppings should be diluted in water in a proportion of 1:15, and cow dung - in a ratio of 1:10.

Loosen carefully until the whiskers are strong. If you do not want to mess with weeds, it's better to wallow the soil. Material for mulching can be different: straw, hay, sawdust, wood substrate - all this will do. Silent beds will require 2-3 times less water for irrigation. Berry will not lie on the ground (the top layer of mulch dries quickly).

It is required to clean strawberries from overgrown whiskers in a timely manner. Leave, in addition to the uterine (main) shrubs, only rooted mustaches, which you plan to use as summer seedlings.

Diseases and pests

Care for strawberries includes the fight against pests and diseases. Although Albion is a fairly stable culture, there are several dangerous diseases for it. Strawberry Albion can catch other brown varieties from other varieties. Therefore, for treatment and prevention, iodine solution is sprayed. Strawberry mites and aphids are the main pests of strawberry of this variety. From the tick will help spraying with carbophos or treatment with a 70% solution of sulfur (before flowering and repeatedly - after the formation of berries). In the fight against aphids, your assistants are soap and soap and soap sprinkles. Some spray Coca-Cola and say that from this populace aphids perish in colonies. If the folk remedies do not have an effect, then the drugs "Iskra", "Intavir", "Grom-2" can help you. In the period of fruiting, it is better not to spray the strawberries at all, but simply wash the aphids with a stream of water.

You can prophylactically treat the bush with phytosporin, but this is not necessary, as mentioned above, Albion wild strawberry is resistant to late blight.

Autumn and winter preparation

At the end of August we begin to cut off the flower stalks with the strawberry planted in summer. So we leave her the opportunity to gain strength before wintering. If your strawberry Albion was wrapped up, then the mulch will have to be removed in order to well eradicate the strawberry bushes. Leaves and mustaches are not cut off immediately, but before the onset of frost. Check the holes: all roots must be under the ground, the soil is loosened and covered with a layer of fallen leaves. On top of the beds it is better to cover with any film.

Strawberry Albion customer reviews received the most good.

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