
The first pancake is lumpy: the origin and meaning of the expression

Do you use various "culinary" phrases in your speech? Probably yes. They have become firmly established in our lives and in most cases are used by inspiration. About their true meaning, we even sometimes do not guess. For example, everyone knows the saying "the first pancake is lumpy" origin can have not at all about which we think. After all, in ancient Russia, there were many pagan beliefs, which suggested the coaxing of spirits with delicious food. What are we talking about? Yes, that the origin of the proverb "the first pancake is lumpy" can be very unusual and has a sacred meaning.

Benevolence: the culinary tradition of Ancient Rus

All over the world, pancakes are considered an original Russian invention. They do not even have analogs in English and French, which confirms the theory of their origin. Historians believe that Russian bliny is not less than one thousand years old. Although for the first time the mention of such a dish dates back to the ninth century. It is not known for certain who exactly came up with the recipe for pancakes, but there is a legend about the contingency of this invention. Historians adhere to the theory that in the oven someone from the housewives accidentally forgot the oatmeal, and it was slightly fried. As a result, it turned out a delicious and unusual dish, eventually entered into the daily menu.

In Russia, pancakes made of buckwheat and rye flour were very popular, they were often made with various fillings. Over time, pancakes were used as a funeral dish, they were baked in large quantities and distributed to the poor so that they remembered the deceased with a kind word.

Pancake week: pagan tradition

Many of our contemporaries link the origin of the saying "the first pancake is lumpy" with the holiday Maslenitsa. It was at this time that it was accepted every day to bake pancakes and eat them, generously pouring oil, sour cream or berry jelly. In the native Russian meaning, Maslenitsa was a pagan holiday of spring, our ancestors rejoiced at the first rays of the sun and cooked pancakes, reminiscent of their appearance of the solar circle. It was considered important to eat pancakes from the very morning until late in the evening to appease the gods and accelerate the arrival of spring heat.

Many mistresses left the first pancake to the main pagan god Perun, who was supposed to pardon the house from the death of cattle and thunder-storms that inspire sacred terror to all the ancient Slavs. Do you think you found the answer to the question about why "the first pancake is lumpy"? The origin of this phraseology is much more complicated than it may seem from the first time. So take your time, history does not like to quickly reveal its secrets.

The first pancake is lumpy: the meaning and origin of phraseology

Even if you do not like pancakes, you still pronounced the phrase more than once. So, you understand the meaning of the proverb. If you do not have a case at first try, then you, comforting yourself, say that the first pancake is lumpy. The origin of the expression in this sense is very transparent - it is not always the case that argues from the first attempt, because in all it is necessary to have some experience. But the prehistory of the appearance of the proverb is connected with banal actions during the baking of pancakes.

The History of the Proverbs

One of the secrets of delicious and delicate pancakes is an extremely hot frying pan. It allows you to easily turn them, as a result, pancakes are baked and rosy. But the process of heating the frying pan takes some time, so inexperienced housewives could not calculate the heating time and pour the dough into a frying pan that did not reach the desired temperature. As a result, the pancake begins to stick and does not turn over, which leads to turning it into an inaccurate lump, which is a shame to serve on the table as a dish. This is called - the first pancake is lumpy, the origin of the phrase and its meaning, many see it in this, the history described by us. It seems that everything is simple, but in addition to this, the most common version, there are many more variants of the origin of this phrase unknown in a wide range of circles.

"The first pancake to comas" or "the first pancake is lumpy"? The origin of phraseology

Not always phrases from the past reach us in the way our ancestors conceived them. Some researchers of the Russian language believe that the famous phrase in its original form sounded like "the first pancake to comas", and not more familiar to the ear of modern man - "the first pancake is lumpy." The origin of this phraseology in this case is of profound pagan significance.

From the most ancient times in Russia was very revered by the cult of the bear. A powerful animal was considered not only the owner of the forest, but also a defender of the weak and needy. In a broader sense, the bear was not perceived as an animal in the flesh, but as a fair forest spirit, taking under its protection and people who know how to get along with the deity and treat them with respect.

The word "bear" also had its meaning, because it was formed from two characteristic words "honey" and "knowing". But where are the comas, you ask. This is the most interesting part of the story. Ancient Slavs brought the sacred trembling ability of the bears to spend the winter in hibernation. This condition was perceived by our ancestors as a kind of death, and the spring awakening of the spirit of the bear as the resurrection and victory of life over death. For the state of hibernation, a special term was coined, Ma. He denoted the sacred dream of spirits, and the spirits themselves were often called comas. To cajole them, the landladies gave the very first pancake as an offering and in the future could rely on the help of the forest owner in all matters.

A look deep into the centuries: who are comas?

There are scientists who look deeper into the meaning of the word "coma". They draw a clear parallel between the understanding in the broadest sense of the word "space" and the traditions of the ancient Slavs. According to numerous studies, our ancestors had an idea not only about the pantheon of pagan gods responsible for natural phenomena, but also about the more significant deity that was above all that exists. It was they who called it a lump. Later on, the word "space" appeared.

Kom was the creator of all things and could command the rest of the deities. Surprisingly, the residence of this deity of the ancient Slavs called the constellation Ursa Major. It was with a huge bear that the pagan goddess Lada was portrayed nearby, which also brings us back to the version about the great significance of the bear cult in Ancient Rus.

Coma: bears or beggars?

Some historians categorically reject the version about the identification of the spirit of the bear with the word "coma". But with the original sound of the proverb they agree. That's just the coma, these scientists call a certain category of people. According to historical sources, in Russia comas were often called beggars or cripples.

These people did not have their own housing and income, they moved from one area to another and existed at the expense of alms. Often, comas were very talented people and participated in fair shows. They played the role of buffoons and dressed in bear skins, playing whole performances. Money for their work did not get a coma, but they took food willingly.

Therefore it is not surprising that the first prepared for the holiday pancake mistress were ready to sacrifice the poor and beggars to receive a blessing on their home and family. After all, at all times in Russia, charity was considered purifying for the soul, our ancestors of any prosperity and social status engaged in it to some extent.

And do we know the entire proverb? New versions of the origin of phraseology

There are linguists who believe that the saying "the first pancake is lumpy", whose origin we are trying to find out today, has not reached our days to the full. The fact is that the hospitality of the Russian people was known far beyond our country. Mistresses considered it their duty to feed guests, friends and acquaintances. And only then start to eat. Especially when it came to such a festive dish as pancakes. Historically, only the freshest and best products were used for the pancake dough. Otherwise, it was thought that it was not even worth bothering to bake - the dough would not rise, the pancakes would turn out to be tasteless.

According to linguists, the proverb was invented by our ancestors in the next version - "first pancake to comas, second acquaintance, third distant kin, and fourth to me." In any case, the first of the pancakes gets to the coma, and only the last to the hostess of the celebration. This is the only approach the Slavs considered the only true.


It's amazing how closely the modern concepts and ancient traditions are intertwined in the world. Therefore, it is natural that all the familiar proverb causes scientists to have so many versions and disputes. Of all the above options for its origin, you can choose any that you like. But keep in mind that when you start the pancakes oven, you touch the ancient traditions of the Slavic peoples. So do not forget to leave the very first pancake to mysterious coma.

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