Computers, Information Technology
System of inter-agency electronic interaction (SMEW) description and functions of the system. Information Technology
An information system that contains information databases that store information about software and hardware used by organizations and that allow the use of electronic services, electronic messages when provided by municipal and state services, as well as ensuring the interaction between electronic information systems of organizations that are applied When providing state and municipal services in the form of digital document circulation, is called the interdepartmental electronic system onnogo interaction (SMEV).
The purpose of system development
The system of interdepartmental electronic interaction was ratified by the RF Government decree dated September 8, 2010 under the number 697. It prescribes the primary rules for creating, as well as the operability of the system of interaction and information transfer, which will be implemented with its use between the information systems of the state bodies of executive power of the subjects of the country, federal executive bodies Government, extra-budgetary funds with state support, municipal and state institutions, MFC and other bodies for the purpose of providing services (State and municipal), as well as the execution of functions at the municipal and state levels in the form of electronic document management.
When performing municipal and state functions in the system of electronic document circulation and provision of public services, technological and information interaction of all connected bodies and organizations should be guaranteed. Relying on this goal, a unified system of interagency electronic interaction was developed. This is a full-fledged state information system on a federal basis.
Description of the system
The main purpose of SMEE is to solve a range of specific tasks. Like this:
- unhindered implementation of municipal and state functions through electronic document management,
- provision of services at the state and municipal level in electronic form, including the use of a multi-purpose electronic plastic card and the state (on a federal basis) information base "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)",
- Guarantee, subject to electronic document circulation, information coordination in the provision of services or functions on a municipal and / or state basis.
Technological interaction
Technologically, it is possible to coordinate the interaction of the system by applying electronic services that must be built according to generally established standards with the use of unified technological methods and solutions, to single classifiers and descriptions of the composition of databases.
System functions
The following are recognized as essential:
- guarantee the exchange of inquiries, information and documents necessary for the performance of municipal and state services, bodies and / or organizations affiliated to the electronic communication system, declared through a single portal, and who are charged with providing the citizens with requested services;
- guarantee the exchange of documents in electronic format between organizations and / or bodies affiliated with the CMEA for the performance of services or functions on a municipal and state basis;
- guarantee the exchange of requests, information and documents through a single portal that has already been processed in information systems and databases of organizations and bodies, as well as information on the stage of implementation of the request for the execution of the service from the municipality or the state.
To implement these functions, the system of inter-agency electronic interaction is obliged to achieve the following:
- unobstructed access to electronic databases and services connected to the SMEW information systems,
- fixing, forwarding and processing of digital documents within the boundaries of interaction of organizations and bodies with the registration of the time for filing an application, the integrity and reliability of documents, as well as proof of their authorship and tracking the history of request movement while providing state and / or municipal services, and / or realizing municipal and State functions in the form of digital document circulation,
- the possibility of joining existing centralized databases and / or single classifiers included in the system,
- protection of information in the system from hacker attacks and illegal access, as well as its blocking or juggling from the moment digital documents arrive to their transfer to other information systems,
- the security of digital documentation stored in the registers of information servers of organizations and bodies connected to the SMEW and evaluation of the effectiveness covered by the registries of electronic services.
Digital messages and documents that contain state secrets are prohibited for processing and storage in the system.
Components of the electronic interaction system
For the effective operation of SMEW, it must be connected to:
- information systems of federal subordination that are useful in providing public services and state functions with executive power of federal subordination and off-budget funds,
- the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction of regional subordination, which was built in the subjects of the country, in order to guarantee the provision of public services in electronic form and to fulfill the state function by the executive power of the regions of the Russian Federation, as well as providing services at the municipal level and performing the functions of the leadership of the municipality,
- information systems of some bodies and / or organizations, whose participation is mandatory when performing public services and functions at the state or municipal level on a contractual basis with a system provider or bodies and organizations participating in the system.
The activities of the state, regional and / or city levels providing public services should focus on ensuring the indivisibility of the functioning of the electronic interaction system.
A unified system of inter-agency electronic interaction and information systems attached to it perform their functions on a free basis.
E-government and SMEE
The process of building e-government has progressed significantly with the advent of a system of inter-agency electronic interaction. Before its appearance, the work did not go well because of the various technologies created by organizations or bodies of information systems. Naturally, in these conditions, the exchange of information was practically impossible.
Today, the system of inter-agency electronic interaction allows unhindered, and often automatically exchange information between bodies and organizations connected to this system.
Thanks to electronic interaction, e-government enables:
- reduce (if not exclude) the impact of the geographical position of a citizen,
- increase the political activity of citizens,
- to include citizens in the process of obtaining services from the state or the municipality independently, using electronic services,
- faster to provide municipal or state services to the population and / or business.
The main thing that e-government achieves is the ability to make documents at home without leaving the computer. And this will entail a reduction of paper red tape and bureaucratic obstacles.
Rosreestr and the system of electronic interaction
The Federal Service of State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) renders services in providing information on the SMEW system. Rosreestr participates in the exchange of information in electronic form between municipal, regional and central authorities. This makes it possible to release citizens who apply for services and collect necessary documents themselves.
Rosreestr, according to federal law of 13.07.2015 № 218-FZ, provides direct access to its information systems. These electronic services enable some credit organizations and developers to make requests for Rosreestr's services electronically.
A major consumer of the electronic service is Sberbank, which is also connected to the MEW system. Due to this, the clients of the bank, who purchase housing in a mortgage, register it without leaving their homes.
Single electronic service
It consists of hardware and software that provide a single way of electronic document circulation through information systems of organizations and bodies in the exchange of information for the provision of municipal and public services to the population through electronic queue technology that does not require direct interaction and operates in an asynchronous mode.
Bodies and organizations that receive information through electronic services initiate a request, the SMEE through the system operator issues the necessary information.
Technical features
The electronic reconciliation system is a network of secure communication channels that are located between nodes, which in turn are located in the processing centers of Rostelecom databases. The system node (each separately) is a bus based on Oracle Enterprise Service Bus. Each participant of the MEW system is both a consumer and a provider of information:
- each supplier connected to the SMEW creates an electronic service, in order to process incoming requests and provide information,
- each consumer creates his own adapter, capable of unerringly requesting information and receiving a response.
The SMEW operator
The operator of the system is the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. And for the construction of infrastructure, as well as for technical details, meets Rostelecom.
Interaction of information systems occurs through electronic services, which are implemented as web services. Electronic messages are transmitted via SOAP over HTTP. Electronic signatures are transmitted in the XMLDsig and PKCS # 7 standards. Electronic documents go in the system in PDF / A format, and the details are placed in an XML file.
The development rules and formats used in the system are regulated by regulatory enactments of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.
To the applicant for a note
The applicant, when applying to the SMEW, should know that the bodies rendering state and municipal services have no right to demand:
- to provide information, documents or carry out an action not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating relations arising when applying for a municipal or state service;
- provide information and / or documents that are in the information bases of bodies that carry out municipal or state services;
- apply to other municipal or state bodies for obtaining any municipal or state services, with some exceptions, regulated by Federal Law No. 210-FZ of July 27, 2010.
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