Food and drinkCooking tips

Heart beef: how much to cook follows it, as well as lung and kidneys

In the diet should include not only meat, but also by-products. They contain many useful substances. But that the by-products keep them and were also tasty and nutritious, you need to know how to properly prepare them. Do you know, for example, how to make a heart beef, how much should it cook, and light or kidney? This will be discussed in our article.

For example, we took up cooking goulash from the heart. We take the heart beef. How much do you need to cook it? Yes, all it takes is an hour and a half. Before that, we cut it into large pieces (it is possible to four pieces), put it well in my hands, put it into the water (always cold) and put it on the fire, after salting. We get the heart out of the water after this time, which we will use later, and lightly cool. Now we cut the meat for the goulash, as we would like (like cubes, slices, can be brusochkami, etc.), and we prepare the dish according to your favorite recipe, as from ordinary meat.

Some housewives prepare this by-product in a different way. They, taking for cooking the heart beef, how much to cook it, know from the advice of their mothers and grandmothers. Those were always washed and soaked this product in cold water for two to three hours. Then put beef heart in boiling water and cooked on low heat for two or two and a half hours. In this case, they salt it an hour before the end of cooking. But this method, as you can see, is quite lengthy.

Modern energetic hostesses, who do not have much time, found another variant of cooking. When they wish to create something from this by-product, they use kitchen appliances. Heart beef, how much to cook it, for example, in a pressure cooker? Yes, just half an hour - and the meat is ready. Now you can quickly and easily prepare any dish from it.

And how much to cook light beef follows? If you chose to cook beef lungs, and not pork, know that it is brewed a little more time. If it takes two or two and a half hours to boil a pig weighing half a kilo, then the beef of the same weight will require all three hours of cooking. But before that, we clear the heart beef from trachea and other respiratory tract particles, and then thoroughly rinse. Then put in a pot of boiling water, pressing it from above with a load so it does not float up. We need water in the following proportion: 1x1.5, that is, for a part of the lung, one and a half of the liquid. Brewed light beef over low heat. If you took it half a kilogram or slightly more, then you already know the time of cooking. Brewing this byproduct, you can cook from it, for example, a popular German dish - goulash (generally in Germany, dishes made from the lungs, one of the most loved). For this, the boiled lung is cut into small cubes. Then, pepper and salted, put it in a frying pan and fry in oil (vegetable). At the end of the frying, a bow, finely chopped, and flour are added to it. Prepared in this way, the lung is added to a pot (clay), filled with four glasses of broth, in which it was cooked, and dressed with tomato paste with a laurel leaf. Closing the pot with a lid, it is sent for twenty minutes in a hot oven for a longing. Taking out of it, the pot still wraps around for fifteen minutes with a towel. And only then the dish is served on a table with a side dish of fried potatoes or stewed onions.

Now we will tell you how much to cook the kidney beef. We clean them from the film, cut into cubes (only not small, as they boil) and soak for two or three hours in the water (necessarily cold, which should always be changed every hour). This is done in order to remove a rather specific smell (some housewives soak for 6-7 hours, periodically changing the water). But for beef kidneys is enough and the time that we indicated.

Kidneys should be cooked after soaking, since without preliminary boiling they will be tough when frying. Wet the washed buds, throw them in a saucepan, pour cold water and slowly bring to a boil. Then the water is drained, the kidneys are rinsed again and placed in cold water on the stove. So we do three times until the water becomes clear and odorless. And only now we send the kidney beef to a weak fire, on which they cook for an hour and a half. After this time, they are taken out again and washed. The kidneys are ready for use. They can be eaten this way, but can be used for cooking other dishes.

By-products are low-calorie, so they are often used in dietary rations.

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