Health, Allergies
Atopic dermatitis - causes of onset
The causes of atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is a rather unpleasant skin disease that affects young children, and sometimes adults. It is chronic, but its symptoms can be treated quite successfully.
In the past few decades, atopic dermatitis in children begins to manifest itself more often. The incidence rate has increased several times: according to statistics, currently up to 30% of preschool children suffer from it.
The disease is congenital: if one of the parents has had similar symptoms in childhood, or they continue to manifest themselves in adulthood, the baby is also very likely to have reddening of the skin. However, manifestations of ailment depend not only on hereditary predisposition, but also on many other factors.
One of the most common hypotheses at the moment regarding the causes of the large spread of the disease is the following: now very much attention is paid to hygiene, especially when it comes to children. Unfortunately, the absence of natural contaminants interferes with the immune system in a normal way. The "sterile" the situation around the child, the fewer microorganisms affect it, but at the same time there are more allergic reactions: in the absence of germs, immunity begins to protect itself from the most common, non-harmful substances. This may cause allergies to dust, animal hair, some plants, and so on.
Of course, this does not mean that you need to forget about keeping clean in the children's room, but do not overdo it. At the same time, it is important to remember that there are hereditary causes of allergy, and sometimes no effort can help to prevent malaise - you will have to eliminate allergens and take special medications.
If a child who suffers from atopic dermatitis appears in the family, the life of his parents becomes rather difficult. It is necessary very carefully to choose food for the baby, so as not to cause diathesis. It is also necessary to clean more often in his room, since allergy to dust is very often manifested by rashes on the skin, and besides it can cause asthma attacks or rhinitis, a disease whose symptom is a chronically stuffy nose. Regular wet cleaning is mandatory in a house where there is a child suffering from atopic dermatitis. It's all pretty serious, so parents have to be careful.
In addition, very carefully will need to choose hygiene products - shampoos, soaps, powders and the like. Clothes worn by toddlers should be made from soft fabrics or from natural materials that do not cause irritation. Synthetic and artificial dyes can cause a serious allergic reaction to the baby's skin. Toys, paints, plasticine for modeling - everything should be hypoallergenic. But this rule does not apply to pillows and blankets. All feather, feather and woolen bedding must be replaced with synthetic ones, because often in natural fillers, linen ticks and other parasites are so small that when they get into the airways they cause a serious allergic reaction and their bites can cause an allergic reaction to the skin.
If you can not avoid the appearance of symptoms, you will have to see a doctor for medicines.
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