
Latex allergy: photo, symptoms, treatment

The main ailment that increasingly affects modern humanity is allergy. Causing an inadequate reaction of the body can contact with absolutely any substance. It's not always possible to recognize in time when the allergy to latex started. Products from this material are used in the field of medicine, in everyday life, in the production of barrier contraceptive methods. Let us consider in more detail the causes, characteristic symptoms and methods of getting rid of a pathological phenomenon.

Causes of allergic reaction

The immune response to the stimulus is considered quite normal. But in some cases the body can fail, and it is wrong to react to completely harmless substances. For example, a huge number of people suffer from allergies to animal hair, pollen from plants. And the ailment does not always manifest itself from birth. In the absence of proper treatment, this, at first glance, is not a serious illness, can cause serious complications.

A little less common is an allergy to latex. Statistics say that no more than 10% of people face this problem. Therefore, it is far from always immediately possible to determine the true cause of the development of a pathological phenomenon.

The immune system of allergy sufferers perceives the protein contained in the latex as a pathogenic substance from which the body needs to be protected. This provokes increased production of immunoglobulins IgE - antibodies, which are able to combat allergens.

What is latex?

Milk liquid from rubber tree is used for the production of rubber, or, as they say, - latex. This flexible, durable and hygienic material is used in the chemical industry to produce a wide variety of products. This material is in demand in the production of medical gloves, droppers, baby nipples, swimming circles, clothing, plasters, bedding and other popular household items.

Risk group

The most susceptible to the emergence of allergies to latex medical workers. Due to duty, they are forced to use gloves, tourniquets, droppers, on contact with which there is an allergic reaction. Often suffer from the disease and people working in the enterprises for the production of rubber products. The more work experience in such a field, the higher the risk of getting an allergy.

In addition to this category of people, people with the following ailments in the history are at high risk:

  • Allergic reactions in the form of bronchial asthma, dermatitis;
  • Bone marrow diseases;
  • Food allergy;
  • Abnormal structure of the urinary tract and bladder;
  • A large number of surgical interventions in the history;
  • Need to install a urinary catheter.

The allergy to latex in women has symptoms similar to those of the stronger sex. However, women still face this problem much more often. When cleaning rooms, they use latex gloves, which, when in close contact with the skin on the hands, can trigger the development of an inadequate response of the immune system.

What is the relationship between food allergy and intolerance of products made from lactic fluid in a rubber tree? The thing is that some foods contain protein in their composition, which is also available in latex. It is this substance that is the main cause of the appearance of pathology. Cherries, tomatoes, kiwi, figs, peaches, potatoes, avocados, nuts - allergen products.

How is the allergy manifested?

On the latex the human body can react in different ways. However, allergy doctors warn that the signs of this type of pathology are the same as other types of allergies, but the consequences can be much harder (in the absence of correct and timely medical care).

The severity of the clinical picture of the disease depends on several factors: the patient's age, general health, duration of exposure to the stimulus. Skin reactions are the main signs that show allergy to latex. Symptoms in the form of rashes and redness on the skin, itching, the appearance of wounds and cracks indicate the development of dermatitis. At the initial contact with the allergen the picture of the disease can be less clear and will be limited only to a slight redness of the skin and peeling. Such symptoms usually pass quickly.

By inhaling substances used to manufacture latex products, allergy symptoms will be more severe. Heart palpitations, hypotension, asthmatic coughing, shortness of breath are symptoms in which the patient will need urgent help from specialists. In the most rare cases, swelling of the face, neck, lips (Quincke's edema) and anaphylactic shock can be observed. The allergy to latex (photos presented above) should be stopped in time.

Symptoms in Women

Influencing the mucous membranes, latex provokes the appearance of wounds and ulcers, burning sensations. Similar signs appear in women using barrier methods of pregnancy prevention. Itching and redness of the skin on contact and underwear and socks (in the area of the rubber bands) can also indicate the presence of pathology.

Does the disease occur in children?

Can there be an allergy to latex in a child? According to the data obtained as a result of research, the milk of rubber tree, used for the manufacture of nipples, pacifiers and other products for babies, is a powerful allergen and often causes the appearance of characteristics characteristic of the ailment.

In infants, the first year of life, the pathology manifests itself as a cold, and is accompanied by sneezing, lacrimation, and stuffy nasal passages. Often there are skin reactions (itching, redness, swelling of the tissues). In the zone of high probability of the disease, there are children who already have a similar diagnosis in their anamnesis.


To determine which substance is an allergen, special tests are carried out. Allergic tests are usually prescribed after the first manifestation of characteristic symptoms. It is recommended to consult a doctor if there are signs of food allergy to those products that have peptides similar in structure to the proteins of rubber.

Only laboratory diagnostics can accurately determine the kind of stimulus that causes a negative reaction of the immune system. Before contacting a doctor, it is necessary to remember the situation in which the contact with the latex occurred. Perhaps the symptoms appeared after visiting the manipulation room in the polyclinic, after sexual intercourse.

Allergy to latex Is confirmed by carrying out skin tests and blood tests for immunoglobulin. The first method involves the imposition of a small piece of latex on the skin. Because there is a large number of mast cells on the epidermis, the reaction to the stimulus will not be long in coming. The specialist will evaluate the reaction visually.

Allergy to latex: treatment

To get rid of a pathology completely it will turn out only in the event that contact with an allergen will be excluded. If this is not done, the symptoms of an illness will arise anew. To quickly stop the allergic attack requires the use of drugs from the group of antihistamines. Modern antiallergic drugs do not cause side effects in the form of drowsiness and reduced concentration of attention.

Effective medicines for systemic exposure are:

  1. Levocitserizin.
  2. Desloratadine.
  3. "Erius".
  4. "Lordestin".
  5. Suprastinex.
  6. "Telfast".

Drugs based on hormones are more powerful. Glucocorticoid systemic effects should be used if other treatment options do not give a positive result. These drugs are analogues of hormones that are produced in the adrenal cortex and are responsible for controlling allergic reactions, inflammatory processes.

In the acute course of an allergic reaction, the patient will need droppers and other procedures provided in the hospital. For children antihistamines in the right dosages can be prescribed only by a doctor.

Ointments for allergies

If there was a skin allergy to latex, what to do in this case? It is important to begin treatment immediately after the appearance of redness, scaling and rash. Otherwise, there is a huge risk of getting more serious problems with the skin, up to the development of the infectious process.

Remedies for dermatitis drugs for topical application in the form of ointments. Of course, you can use them only after the appointment of an allergist. Because in their composition, these drugs can contain hormones. These are stronger drugs that can suppress the production of specific antibodies.

Ointments based on prednisolone and hydrocortisone are considered to be the safest and can be used to treat babies under 2 years and women during pregnancy. However, they help only with a light course of an allergic reaction.

If, for example, there is a severe allergy to latex gloves, it is recommended to use moderate-effect agents. It can be an ointment "Cinacort" or "Afloderm". Quickly stop the symptoms of the pathological phenomenon will help drugs such as "Advantan", "Sinalar", "Elokom."

Non-hormonal ointments

This group of medicines is safer, unlike hormonal drugs. Many drugs are suitable for children, including infants. To remove inflammation with allergic dermatitis cream "Elidel" is used. The manufacturer allows you to assign it to children from the age of three months. The drug is able to cause (at the initial stage of treatment) worsening of allergy symptoms.

The "Bepanten" remedy is popular. Ointment accelerates the healing process of the skin, eliminates inflammation and itching.

If an adult has an allergy to latex after using gloves or garments from this material, you can eliminate the rashes and redness with medications such as Levomecol, Panthenol, Solcoseryl, Fenistil Gel.


Even in the absence of hypersensitivity to products made from milk powder from a rubber tree, with constant contact with them, there is a risk of allergy. Avoid such a fate will be when replacing household items from latex on products that do not contain this substance. For example, latex nipples for children are easily replaced with silicone. Latex gloves for cleaning the house are more convenient than polyethylene, but the second option will not cause allergies.

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