Health, Preparations
The root of licorice is our find!
Very often a licorice root is used in medicine . It has enveloping and expectorant properties and successfully cures cough. In addition, it is also used as a mild laxative. The substances contained in its composition have strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.
Licorice not only does not interfere, but even helps the body absorb other medicines and greatly enhances their effect. As a result, the treatment becomes as fast and effective as possible. It is important that it has antimicrobial, antispasmodic and anti-allergic properties. And recently, scientists have identified and the fact that the treatment of malignant tumors is very effective licorice root.
The instruction for this natural herbal remedy will help you to understand when and how to use it properly. The composition of this syrup, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, and, if desired, is very simple to produce independently, is the mass of biologically active substances. A thick licorice root syrup (four grams) is bred with sugar syrup (eighty six grams), a spoonful of ethyl alcohol is added to the mixture and a licorice root syrup ready for use . There are practically no contraindications. Due to the content of sugar in it, this syrup should be given with caution to patients with diabetes mellitus. Sometimes individual intolerance of licorice is possible in some patients. In all other cases it is very useful and effective, as it has a therapeutic effect on the body in several directions at once.
Licorice root powerfully influences sputum formed in the respiratory tract, and promotes its rapid separation. When coughing in the throat, small wounds can arise, which unpleasantly slander and cause special inconvenience to small patients. Thanks to the disinfecting effect of the syrup, their rapid healing takes place. In the complex treatment of respiratory diseases accompanied by a severe cough, such as tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, chronic and acute bronchitis and other diseases, use the licorice root.
The instruction includes a daily three-time use of the syrup. Babies younger than two years of age should be given no more than two drops per reception. The syrup must be diluted with some water. Children up to six years of age can be increased to ten drops. The main thing that you need to know when applying is that the licorice root requires a significant increase in fluid intake. This is necessary for its effect on sputum and its dilution. Children under the age of twelve can be given up to fifty drops per half a cup of water. Adolescents and adults are recommended a dose of one teaspoon per glass. In each case, specialists recommend a ten-day course of treatment. If you need to prolong the course, always consult your doctor.
Patients with such diseases as bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers can only use the licorice root with the permission of the doctor. Contraindications also include ulcerative diseases in the stage of their exacerbation and gastritis. It should also be said that with special care the drug should be given to babies, for the reason that the root of licorice contains ethyl alcohol in its composition. Always pay attention to the expiration date of the drug when buying. It can be protected from sunlight and cool place for no more than two years. And if you doubt whether to use licorice root in this disease or not, be sure to contact a specialist.
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