
Seedlings of Ogurtsov - the basic rules of cultivation

Cucumber is an annual herb that belongs to the pumpkin family. The cucumber has a great demand for heat - this is its characteristic feature. Its good productivity is possible only with the provision of high humidity of air and soil in combination with an optimum temperature of about 25 degrees. This light-loving plant, which responds well to increased light. Cucumber is also demanding on the structure and fertility of the soil. This is the basic principles by which cucumber seedlings are grown.

Seeds are sown in pots with a size of at least 8 cm with a hole in the bottom. Soil in the pot should be selected so that it is compatible in structure with the soil on the bed. If the soil in the pot is very loose, then when planted in the soil it will dry up. The plant will look for water in other places, may lose some of its roots and this will lead to a halt in development and later fruiting. If a pot with dense earth is planted in a loose humus soil, then it will become too moist. In this case, the garden where the cucumber seedlings are planted will need frequent regular watering.

Before sowing cucumbers for seedlings, the soil must be warmed to room temperature and thoroughly mixed with loosening materials (sand and peat) in a ratio of one part sand and peat to two parts of the earth. When buying ready-made soil for seedlings, it must be poured out of the bag and allowed to breathe for a day, mixing several times. Before sowing it is desirable to fill the soil with mineral fertilizers in the ratio of 50 g of universal fertilizer per 10 liters of soil. So filled the soil again, mix and fill the pots, then pour water and do not condense.

To water it is better in 2-3 receptions that the soil is well humidified. Then you need to let the water run off a little, so that the top layer is not too wet, and the soil is saturated with oxygen necessary for the germination of the seeds. Seed depth is sufficient for two seeds length, i.е. 1,0-1,5 cm. The temperature for germination is 24-25 degrees. After sowing, you should cover the pots with a film and on day 3-4 after the appearance of 50% "loops" it is removed. After all the cotyledons are opened, you need to lower the temperature by three days to 19 degrees, so that the subclavian knee does not stretch. In the first 10 days watering should be moderate, it should be increased when the second leaf appears. In sunny weather and in the phase 3-4 leaves should be watered almost daily.

There are several rules how to grow cucumber seedlings. With excessively moist air and soil, it grows with larger leaves, but with a weakened root system. Such a seedling of cucumbers tolerates transplantation worse and does not survive well in the soil. Seedlings it is desirable to feed at least two times. When the nearby plants begin to touch each other's leaves, the pot should be placed. If you do not do this, then the lower leaves lighten, and the cotyledons can bend and fall. The whole period of cultivation requires a certain temperature regime: during the day 21-23 degrees, at night 18-20 degrees, the temperature of the roots is 20-22 degrees.

Seedling of cucumbers is sensitive to the temperature of the soil in the pot. If it is below 16 degrees, development of the root system is difficult, while the growth of the entire plant is weakened. Under stress conditions of temperature, for example, 35 degrees in the daytime and 14 degrees at night or very low illumination, there is a formation of a bloom. You can not put pots on the cold sills and open the windows. Drafts are fatal for cucumbers. Planting seedlings will be ready in 20-25 days. It should have 4-6 leaves, well-developed roots and a height of about 30 centimeters. Before planting, it is necessary to remove side shoots and flowers. You can start the landing when the soil warms up to 16-17 degrees.

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