Homeliness, Landscaping
How to make the right lawn? Green lawn - photo
Lawn is a unique piece of jewelry. He is able even to make the most unattractive courtyard a paradise corner, filled with comfort and even aristocracy. If in other countries the lawn has long been used to decorate plots in front of your house, in our country it is still a novelty. Because not all people know how to make the right lawn. However, anyone who wants to learn can learn this.
Advantages of the lawn
Lawn is not only a way to decorate a site. It is also an excellent helper in health promotion. When people come from big cities, they leave dusty and stuffy offices and at times forget about the monitors of computers and laptops, their eyes need to rest. Green color calms. And the bright emerald grass still perfectly influences the sight of people: it improves it, allows the eyes to rest.
Lawn will be an excellent friend and helper in the hot summer days. First, it will occupy an area that could soak up the dust around the air. Secondly, he is able to give the site freshness. Yes, and relax on the green, juicy carpet in the open air is very nice. You can get a beautiful tan, enjoy the coolness and admire the beautiful summer clouds, sometimes forming into the bizarre figures of people and animals.
Types of lawns
At the moment, there are four types of lawns used to decorate the site. The most popular is the garden and park. In addition, there are parterre, floral and roll types.
Lawn & garden lawn
When people decide to choose a green lawn, they often think about garden and park. It is so popular that it is also called ordinary.
The garden-park version looks very good, it is decorated with a lot, it is saturated with bright colors of the summer. At the same time, this is the same carpet under the open sky. It is great for picnics, gatherings and games. This kind of lawn will patiently transfer resting people on it. It will not spoil and will not wither if it is a small party. This is the lawn, which is resting in foreign parks. Although, of course, you need to know the measure. Something he can not even bear.
You need to take care of such a lawn. The owners will have to buy a lawn mower and make sure that their decoration does not grow too much. In addition, the soil should not be allowed to dry. However, all the pleasure that delivers a lawn and garden lawn, will cover all the shortcomings.
Ground floor
The parterre view is also called English. This is the type of lawn that will become a real decoration. He will be a tourist attraction and a treasure. The emerald lawn looks amazing . A lot of landscape magazines decorate it. However, for the beauty will have to pay their time and effort.
In contrast to the garden and park, the parterre variant is very whimsical. He does not tolerate, if it will be walked or someone will decide to have a picnic. Such a lawn can only be admired.
It is very difficult to look after a parterre. You must first choose a place where he will always be caressed by the rays of the sun. Every day you need to water this lawn. Fertilizer and fertilizing - this is something without which it can not normally exist.
It is believed that in order for the English lawn to become truly beautiful and attracted to its views, you need to spend on caring for it for at least two hundred years. However, some experts say that time can be significantly reduced.
Flower lawn
The flower view has many other names. It is also called Moorish and clover. Although it is that charming view that fits well with the style of Provence. He will be able to decorate the site and liken it to neat German or Swiss village houses.
The flower view is not as capricious as the parterre. It includes not only the lawn, but also the clover. Many people will like this floral carpet. After the place is chosen and a solution is found, how to properly sow the lawn, care can be limited only by weeding. Clover itself will multiply, and therefore the floral carpet will live a very, very long time.
Rolling lawn
The roll-up view is somewhat more expensive than all the others. But the people who chose him, it is much easier to answer the question of how to make the right lawn.
Roll - this is the kind of lawn, which is a cut turf. We need to bring the rolls and put them right. It is better to attract specialists. Rolls weigh a lot, and therefore one person to cope with them will be impossible.
The roll lawn is very easy to clean. It will not be necessary to weed him, because he is rid of weeds. Lawn will easily endure drought and frost. Do not have to wait long, when this lawn will rise and decorate the site. The work will be completed in a few days.
First steps
After this issue is resolved, it is necessary to free up space from construction debris, weeds, stones and everything else that will prevent the lawn from growing beautiful and strong.
When the site is clean, we need to look at the composition of the soil. Clay or soil mixed with slag and construction waste is the enemy of a beautiful green carpet under the open sky. When the system for draining excess water is laid and water supply is made, it will be necessary to improve the soil.
The next stage will be fertilizer. Everyone knows that there is nothing better than organic fertilizers. Once the soil is enriched with manure, you need to treat it deeply and leave to rest for a while. All these works must be carried out in autumn, in order to start planting greens in the spring.
Spring work
If the snow fell from the ground, then it's time to remember about your lawn. Warm April and May are perfect for this purpose. It will be necessary again to equalize the soil, harrow or cultivate it. And only after that it will be possible to start planting seeds.
In order to start this business, you need to choose a windless day. It can be not only April or May. Choose any time when there is dry soil. Just remember that on hot summer days, the lawn will require more moisture than in the spring.
Some people decide to plant several types of lawn. In this case it will be necessary to see for how long one rises, and for another one. And then already disembark everything in accordance with these terms. Then the site will look beautiful and well-groomed.
Usually, seeders are used. Although in some areas it is inconvenient. These can be small areas or irregularly shaped surfaces.
It is necessary to note the boundaries of the lawn. They are worth planting more seeds than on other sites.
What to do after the lawn is planted
So, the lawn is planted. It seems that an answer has already been found to the question of how to make the right lawn, and then everything will be simple. This is not true. After the seeds are planted, they will need to be taken care of.
First of all, it is necessary to level the plot with rakes. When this is done, it's time to tamp the earth with a special roller. However, not everyone can afford it. Do not despair. You can create your own tools for compacting the earth with your own hands. For this you need only weighty boards. They need to be put where the lawn was planted. And after these boards you have to walk. And then the earth will be perfectly packed.
Lawn Care
Like any plant, the lawn will require water. It is better to use a sprayer. You can not let the earth dry up. However, it is unacceptable that the lawn surround puddles, or that the grass in the water sinks.
Do not turn on the sprayer for a day. There is an optimum time for impregnating the earth with life-giving moisture. This must be done before 10 am or in the evening.
As everyone knows by American and English films, the lawn needs to be cut so that it looks beautiful. For the first time, it is better not to use the lawn mower, because it can tear out the lawn with a root. Some places will turn out to be bare. It's better to use a regular braid.
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