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Nuggets "Miratorg": reviews of fast food lovers

Anyone who does not like to waste time preparing food, tries to get it ready. To do this, these people use semi-finished products, which recently appeared on sale a huge amount. Among the meat-containing products, the nargets "Miratorg" is not the last. Feedback from buyers about them, however, is not always unambiguous.

Successful acquisition

Faced with a feeling of hunger, a person is forced to seek a way out of the situation. For those who have certain experience in cooking, the solution to such a problem will not be very difficult. But not everyone has similar skills to the same extent. Many begin to master this difficult art with the use of semi-finished products. Nargets "Miratorg" can be referred to this category. Feedback from those who happened to try this product, contain a variety of opinions. Quite a large number of buyers noted in it several important positive characteristics:

  1. Many consider nuggets packaging very convenient. Such food is suitable for the case when a hungry person is limited in time. He can only open the package and heat up its contents.
  2. Some of the supporters of fast food note that this is the fastest way of cooking. This option eliminates the need to spend a long time in the kitchen.
  3. Some consumers emphasize a good taste of such a semi-finished product.

This opinion is shared by people who gladly buy nargets "Miratorg" in stores. Reviews of this part of the buyers are underlined by the fact that these days these products are in high demand on the market. This is evidenced by the constantly growing volumes of their production and increased demand.

Ways to prepare

There are several ways with which you can cook at home the famous nuggets "Miratorg". Buyers' comments say that each of them does it their own way:

  • The simplest version is that frozen foods can simply be heated in a frying pan with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil. Fry for 5 minutes on each side. To make the product turned out to be more crispy, during the treatment it should not be covered with a lid.
  • If desired, the workpiece can be laid out on a greased baking sheet and hold in the oven on medium heat for no more than 15 minutes.
  • Some people prefer to use a microwave oven. To do this, it is enough to put the cooled products on the plate and set the "defrost" mode.
  • If the house has a multivarker, then it can also be used. You just need to pour a large amount of oil in the bowl, lower the inside of the basket with nuggets and fry 10-15 minutes in the "baking" mode.

Everyone chooses the most acceptable and convenient option for themselves.

Negative opinions

It is impossible to make all people think alike. Each of them will always have their own opinion. That is why not everyone approves nuggets chicken "Miratorg". Reviews of some buyers can be attributed to the category of negative, since they emphasize the negative characteristics of this product:

  1. Some consumers believe that the taste of Nuggets still does not quite meet expectations. In their opinion, they are slightly dry and fresh. The product is very similar to paper.
  2. In advertising, nuggets are often called succulent, although their internal part is rather dry and not at all fragrant.
  3. Some tend to the fact that the price of 70 to 100 rubles per package of 300 grams - it's very expensive for such a product.
  4. Many are confused by a rather complex composition. Nowadays people are already accustomed to negatively treat a large number of E-supplements. Although many of them do not speak at all about the poor quality of the product.

Such negative opinions cause some buyers to refrain from buying crisp nuggets.

Cheese delicacy

Miratorg produces popular chicken semi-finished products in a large assortment. As the largest meat producer in Russia, it takes into account the interests of customers to the maximum. Among the fast food products, Nargets Miratorg with cheese is in great demand. Reviews in this case are also available as positive or negative.

Basically, of course, people are happy with the pleasant combination of crispy crust, tender cheese and soft chicken fillet. Accurate meat blanks are evenly coated with breadcrumbs and do not stick to the frying pan at all during roasting. Inside is a piece of melted cheese, which gives the finished product a pleasant creamy flavor. True, many buyers believe that this additive is so miserable that it is practically not felt in the product. It would be desirable, that the quantity of cheese was more notable not only visually, but also on taste. Then the product can fully justify its name.

Composition of the product

Many people, before making a purchase, carefully read what is written on the package. It always helps to make the right choice and avoid undesirable disappointments. That is why there is great doubt among those who buy nargets "Miratorg", composition. Reviews of consumers of popular products question the quality of the product, based on the information provided on the packaging.

First, it is not entirely clear why St. Petersburg produces semi-finished products from chicken meat grown in the Bryansk region. Is there really no own poultry farm in the Northern capital? Secondly, in addition to starch, yeast extract, water, breadcrumbs, as well as wheat and corn flour, the product, along with meat, contains soy protein. It is clear that this component is useful for the body. But sometimes it seems to taste that there is much more soya there than chicken.

It is also unclear why we need vegetable protein supplements in the form of gluten or thickener E412, if the mixture already has starch? If the extract of white pepper is completely explainable, the simultaneous presence of antioxidant E316 and apple cider vinegar also causes some perplexity. In general, the composition is so complex that some buyers still are afraid to buy goods, trying to pick up on the shelves of something more natural.

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