
Agrotechnical plan for growing vegetable crops: features, technology and feedback

Agrotechnology is called a set of measures aimed at obtaining high yields of agricultural crops. Growth and development of plants proceed with the continuous influence of the environment. Some conditions can restrain these processes, others - speed up. This is what is taken into account when developing any agrotechnical plan.

What specific activities can be conducted

For each specific culture, a separate agrotechnical plan is usually developed. For most plants, it includes the following activities:

  • Soil treatment. Before planting any vegetable culture, the soil on the field, in the greenhouse or on the beds should be loosened and leveled.

  • Application of fertilizers. For growth and development, plants need nutrients. Vegetable crops can be applied both organic and mineral fertilizers.

  • Preparation of planting material. The main purpose of this procedure is to increase germination and reduce the incidence of crops.

  • Sowing and planting. In this case, the technology of seed distribution in the earth (depth, distance between plants, etc.) should be observed.

  • Care during the growing season. To obtain a good crop, the plants should be loosened, weeded and, of course, watered.

  • Harvesting. Ripe vegetables should be harvested in time and properly prepared for storage.

Also, any agrotechnical plan is developed taking into account the rules for the alternation of different cultures. This allows increasing yield and significantly reducing the infection rate of plants with infectious diseases.

The main technologies for growing vegetables

There are several methods of caring for the plants of this group. First of all, vegetable plants can be grown:

  • In open ground;

  • In greenhouses and greenhouses.

For the same culture, both methods can be used. Growing vegetables in greenhouses is more difficult, but you can get harvests both in summer and in winter.

Use of technology

Also, an agrotechnical plan for mechanized technology of growing agricultural plants or a conventional one can be made up. The second method is most often used by gardeners in small suburban areas. In this case, mechanization is usually only planting potatoes (plowing the land). At agricultural enterprises, most activities related to the care of plants are carried out using machinery. This applies, for example, to procedures such as plowing the land, weeding, watering, loosening, and sometimes even harvesting itself.

The technology of plant cultivation is also divided into intensive and extensive. In the first case, the emphasis is on the use of more advanced technology, better methods of organizing work, etc. Extensive technologies presuppose first of all an increase in the acreage, as well as the attraction of additional labor.

Features of care

Of course, the agrotechnical plan for the cultivation of vegetable crops should be made taking into account their biological characteristics. Care of plants is carried out basically in view of, to what concrete group they concern. Vegetables are classified as follows:

  • On the duration of life. In this respect, there are one, two- and multi-year cultures.

  • Relative to heat. The easiest way is to develop an agrotechnical plan for a winter-hardy culture. Such plants are able to develop at temperatures from 1 degree and easily transfer frosts to -10 degrees. Cold-resistant cultures germinate at a temperature of 2-5 degrees. However, such vegetables usually do not tolerate a rise of more than 25 degrees. Heat-loving crops constitute the largest part of the cultivated at the moment. They go to growth at a temperature of 12-15 degrees. There are also heat-resistant crops.

  • In relation to light. In this case, all vegetable crops are divided into very demanding, less demanding and undemanding.

  • In relation to moisture. Most vegetable crops require frequent watering. Not too demanding to moisture are only some legumes, root crops and melons.

There are other signs, as well as methods for classifying vegetable crops. In any case, the biological characteristics of plants can influence factors such as the timing of planting, the choice of fertilizer types, the layout of the accommodation, and so on.

Alternating crops

The agrotechnical plan for the production of agricultural crops on large farms or in small suburban areas should be prepared taking into account, among other things, the periodicity of planting of plants of different types. For example, it is highly discouraged to grow the same crop for several consecutive years in the same place. Plants of different species consume from the soil and accumulate in the green parts trace elements in unequal proportions. Therefore, when one culture is cultivated for a long time, a rapid depletion of the soil occurs.

The same goes for infections. Each group of plants has the most common diseases and its "own" insect pests. In order that the soil does not accumulate, for example, a large number of spores of fungi, larvae, etc., and alternating crops.

Agrotechnical plan for growing beans

In order for the reader to get a visual idea of what agrotechnology is, we will briefly consider how the beans are handled according to the rules.

When drawing up a plan for the cultivation of this crop, one must first of all keep in mind that it is best to plant it after cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes or cabbage. Unlike peas, if desired, beans can be planted even after the legumes. Seeds are sown at a distance of usually 15-20 cm in the row and 45-50 cm in the aisle. Under the autumn digging, it is desirable to add superphosphate in an amount of 40 g per 1 m 2 . On poor soils in the spring, before planting, in addition make a full mineral fertilizer (70 g / m 2 ). To feed the beans, too much nitrogen can not be used. This can lead to lower yields.

When cultivating this crop, it is also important to observe the irrigation technology. If you start to moisten the soil under the beans too early, the plants may have a drop in the ovary. In summer, the beans are watered sparingly, mostly only during a drought.

Reviews about different methods of growing plants

For each specific vegetable culture at various times, a number of special agrotechnical techniques have been developed. Many of them are successfully used as gardeners on private plots, and large agricultural enterprises. Very good reviews are available, for example, on the agrotechnical method of narrow ridges, developed by Dr. Mittlayderom. As many domestic gardeners note, its use makes it possible to increase the yield by almost one and a half times. Moreover, the vegetables themselves grow very large.

Also good reviews from those who are engaged in cultivation of agricultural crops, has deserved the agrotechnical plan of growing of vegetables on Dzhevonsu. This experienced gardener advises using fertilizers with aerobic bacteria and planting plants in checkerboard order. According to some gardeners, using the technology of Jevons, you can increase the yield of vegetable crops almost doubled.

Of course, there are also not too good reviews of all sorts of exact technologies for cultivating plants of this group. Some summer residents believe that each such technique is applicable only to this particular area, to certain climatic conditions and varieties. Such vegetable growers prefer to develop their own methods of growing cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, carrots, beets, etc.

How to grow plants in a forest nursery

On the basis of what factors a plan for the care of vegetable crops is being developed, we have found out. Other plants can be grown by more complex or simple technologies. For example, a plan of agrotechnical measures in a forest nursery is compiled simultaneously for several fields. On the plantation plantations in these farms, saplings are grown. Such a field is laid once in several years and has no crop rotation. The rest of the plantations are traditionally called "schools". Each of them can grow trees and shrubs of different species, identify areas of green cuttings, etc. When organizing the territory of the nursery, a plan for the location of access roads, dust protection plantations, farm buildings, etc., must be developed.


Thus, we have found out what the agrotechnical plan for cultivation is. This is primarily an orderly and comprehensive project for the implementation of various activities aimed at obtaining the highest possible yields of vegetables. There are general rules for the cultivation of plants of this group. However, for each particular culture, based on its biological characteristics, its own plan is being developed.

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