
Tulip distillation at home

Flowers for the holiday - like a spoon for dinner. One misfortune: the price of this pleasure during the holidays is just off scale. But there is an option in which money will remain with the economical master, and luxurious flowers will be presented to the beloved woman.

This option is called "forcing out tulips." Of course, the process of forcing is rather time-consuming, but it's worth it. The main difficulties are that the bulbs and substrate must be prepared in advance, even in the fall. And to store bulbs should be treated with special care. And everything else - planting and leaving - depends entirely on the diligence and efficiency of the florist.

In order for the success of the tulips to be successful, it is necessary to take a responsible attitude towards the preparation of the seed material in the autumn. If a flower grower wishes to receive blossoming tulips by the New Year, the bulbs should be excavated in the fall as soon as they begin to turn yellow. If the forcing of tulips is planned for the women's day in March, tulips should be left on the bed until two-thirds of the ground part of the plant turns yellow.

In the first month of bulb storage, the air temperature should be 21 - 23 degrees, the second enough 20 degrees, and then it is recommended to reduce it to 15 - 17 degrees. In order for the success of the tulips to be successful, it is necessary to give the opportunity to form the rudiments of a flower in a bulb. Therefore, at the very end, before planting, the bulbs for some time (7 - 10 days) are kept at a temperature of 33 - 34 degrees.

Of great importance is also the type of tulips for the pasture the florist prepares. For the New Year's "tulip fireworks" varieties Christmas Marvel, Brilliant Star, Epricot Beauty, Miles Bridge are suitable. If it is planned to forcing out tulips by March 8, then it is best to take the varieties Hibenia, Negrita, Temple of Beauty, Aristocrat and Fringit Elegance.

Before planting, prepare the substrate. It is made from a mixture of sand and garden soil with peat. It is important to remember that the substrate should give a neutral reaction. For better air permeability in pots or boxes, small gravel, expanded clay or river stones should be laid .

The substrate in the container is covered and compacted, achieving a level that a third of the capacity is free. The bulbs are pressed into the ground at a distance of the little finger's width from each other. At the end of this procedure, you need to top up the soil and lightly tamper with it.

After the first, rather abundant, watering, we must pay attention to whether the substrate has not sunk. In the case of its shrinkage, it is again necessary to add the soil to the container. In water of the first watering, you can add saltpeter from the calculation of 2 grams per liter.

The first time the bulbs should be watered once a week, maintaining the humidity in the room 75 - 80%, and the temperature - 5 - 9 degrees. When the first green leaflets finally come out of the earth, the temperature should be lowered. Now tulips are enough 2 - 4 degrees, otherwise sprouts can grow very much.

20 days before the planned distillation of flowers, you should start to raise the temperature of the air in the room with plants. Their leaves should be about 5-8 cm tall by this time. It needs to be done gradually, increasing not only the temperature, but also the lighting of the shoots.

The first three days the plants are kept in a room where 12-15 degrees, then the temperature rises to 16-18 degrees and an additional three-five-hour artificial light is introduced.

During the budding period, it is recommended to lower the temperature to 14 degrees. Watering in the period of distilling plants should be daily, but moderately, adding nitrate to the water. During flowering, tulips do not need direct sunlight, since the sun will accelerate their wilting and shorten the life time of newly opened buds.

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