Health, Healthy Eating
Gooseberries: how useful is the fruit for man
In common people, gooseberries are called "northern grapes", they like it for its pleasant taste and useful properties. The berry grows on thorny bushes. Fruits are bristly and smooth, spherical and reach at times 40 mm. The color palette is diverse: green, purple, yellow and even black.
In food you can eat fresh. Also from gooseberries are very delicious and spicy jams, jujube, compotes, jam and wine. Widely used for cosmetic and medical purposes. It is also valuable as an early honey plant. Berry grows in the middle belt with a temperate climate. In the world there are about 1500 varieties of fruits.
History of origin
In Russia gooseberry was imported from North Africa and Western America. Cultivate it began in the 11th century. In those days, it was called birch-cap. A little later, in the 17th century, it began to grow landlords in their estates for the preparation of elite wine and jam, which was distinguished by its exquisite properties and taste.
Today its prickly bushes can be found in the Caucasus, Central Asia, Europe and Ukraine. Everywhere it bred avid gardeners and truck farmers on their sites. Rare berry can be seen in the wild forests.
Composition and calorie content
Organic acids, dietary fibers, mono- and disaccharides contain gooseberry. What is useful for the fetus? First of all, it is low in calories - 45 grams per 100 g. It is recommended to include in the diet nutritionists around the world, since the berry is a valuable dietary product.
In addition, he is rich in a group of vitamins B (B1, B2, B6, B9), vitamins A, E, C, PP. It contains a lot of macronutrients useful for the body, such as: copper, iron, manganese, ash, calcium, iodine, sodium, fluorine, copper, phosphorus, potassium. Also there is an important trace element - molybdenum, which participates in the formation of hemoglobin and is responsible for the exchange of amino acids.
With the loss of blood and anemia, gooseberry is prescribed. Than useful yet, you ask? This is one of the few berry crops, which contains a predominant amount of copper. It is rightfully considered the best anti-radiant, since it contains 1.5% pectin, which reliably protects a person from radiation waves. It also regulates the level of cholesterol, heals the respiratory tract and digestive system.
Chemical compounds are rich in gooseberry. How useful is the medicinal composition of substances present in berries? Kumarin, who is in gooseberries, prevents thrombosis, anthocyanin lowers leukocytosis, serotonin promotes pressure regulation, increases mood and is an antitumor agent. Useful properties of gooseberry are priceless.
Knowingly it is so actively used for medicinal purposes. In fresh form it is shown in the presence of iron, phosphorus and copper deficiency. Decoctions of fruits saturate the body with vitamins. As a diuretic and cholagogue, gooseberry is used.
What is useful for the fetus and for what diseases is it recommended?
Useful for kidney diseases, chronic constipation and gastroenterocolitis. An amazing combination of trace elements helps boost the immune system. This product has a strengthening, hemostatic, tonic and anti-inflammatory effect.
Infusions are used to normalize menstruation, and decoctions of leaves help with tuberculosis. With deprivation and psoriasis, lotions from mashed fruits are good. To care for oily skin, you can use extracts from these berries or make nourishing masks with the addition of whey and curdled milk.
Gooseberries help to get rid of acne and inflammation on the face. Its useful properties are great - this is a real royal berry. Fruits are used to treat many ailments.
When enterocolitis and colitis, accompanied by severe diarrhea, it is contraindicated to use gooseberry.
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