Food and drink, Main course
Corn cereals: useful properties, cooking recipes
Corn groats, the useful properties of which we describe below, are very often used in cooking. By its nutritional value, it is not inferior to other types of similar products.
Today we will tell you about what properties this ingredient possesses, what can be cooked from it and so on.
Historical reference
What is corn grits? Useful properties of this product are known to many. But far from everyone will be able to tell about where the beginning of such a fruit as corn begins.
American researchers organized many expeditions, as a result of which they surveyed all of South America. But this did not give any knowledge about who is the wild progenitor of the presented product. And only in 1948, during the long exploration of caves and laborious excavations in South Mexico, scientists still managed to find prehistoric cobs. It is noteworthy that they practically did not differ from modern types of corn.
Corn Croup: Beneficial Properties
Before you tell us what can be prepared from the presented ingredient, you should tell what properties it generally has.
Corn cereals are a very valuable and nutritious product. It contains vitamins B2, B1 and PP, up to 75% carbohydrates, as well as provitamin A and carotene. That is why such an ingredient is very often recommended for older people, as well as for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
The special properties of corn cereals allow you to use it even every day. After all, the presented product is easily assimilated.
Product Caloric Value
Preparing corn cereals does not take much time. However, it should be noted that many representatives of the fair sex are afraid to consume food with this ingredient. What is the reason for this? The fact is that 100 g of cornmeal contains about 325 kcal. But, despite the high energy value, this product is still unable to negatively affect your ideal forms. The carbohydrates contained in it are complex. That's why to digest them your body will need a lot of energy.
One can not help saying that with the regular use of corn porridge you are able to cleanse your body of toxins and pesticides.
Composition of cereals
Corn cereals, useful properties of which are undeniable, contains a lot of microelements. Among them, I want to especially highlight silicon, which positively affects hair growth and strength of teeth.
Porridge from such cereals can suppress all putrefactive processes occurring in the intestine. This fact is explained by the fact that this dish contains a large number of dietary fiber.
As you know, corn grits include 8.3% protein. However, they are inferior and poorly absorbed. And this means that a person who regularly uses the product we are considering will never recover and not become fat.
As mentioned above, corn grits contain a lot of microelements and vitamins. That is why in those countries where dishes from this ingredient are quite common, people suffer the least from cardiovascular diseases.
Corn Croup: Product Harm
Like any products saturated with microelements and vitamins, corn also has its contraindications. Harm it can cause a person if you use it in the period of acute ulcers of the 12-типерстной gut and stomach, as well as with individual intolerance.
One can not help saying that doctors do not recommend eating dishes made on the basis of corn or corn, people with a small body weight. This is due, above all, to the fact that this product has a direct effect on the appetite, significantly lowering it.
Medical research
Dishes from corn grits, the recipes of which we will consider below, do not lose the above properties even after heat treatment. That is why this product is recommended for those who want to cleanse their intestines and the body as a whole from radionuclides and toxins.
It should also be noted that folk medicine advises every day to include corn in its diet for various diseases of the reproductive system, in the treatment of infertility, painful menstruation, decreased sexual desire and menopause.
By the way, dishes from corn cereals, recipes of which, as you will see, do not include many expensive ingredients, can reduce the harmful effects of fried fatty foods and alcohol on the human body.
We do hominy
The presented dish is very popular in Moldova, Romania and Western Ukraine. Moreover, it is cooked regularly in the Caucasus.
Porridge from corn flour or cereals is very useful and nutritious. With all this, her cooking recipe is incredibly simple.
So, we need:
- Corn groats - a full glass;
- Water filtered drinking - 3 cups (you can use milk);
- Salt iodized, sand-sugar-use at discretion.
Principle of preparation
Usually porridge from corn groats turns out rather rigid and dense, with a specific taste and aroma. This product is cooked for about half an hour, increasing in volume by 3 or 4 times.
The culinary recipe for creating this dish is surprisingly simple. After boiling water or milk in the same container, sand-sugar, sea salt and corn croup are laid. After re-boiling, the fire is reduced to a minimum. Cook this dish until the softening of the corn grains. In this case, the porridge is required to stir regularly. Finally, the container should be tightly closed, wrapped in a blanket and left in this form for ¼ hours. After the specified time, the porridge should be buttered with butter and served to the table still in a warm state.
By the way, this dish with the addition of pumpkin and dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots) is very tasty and nutritious.
What else is made from corn?
Now you know how to cook corn grits. It should be noted that the presented product is the result of careful processing of corn cobs. However, one can not help recalling that other products are made from such fruit (for example, popcorn and corn flakes). These products are very pleasant to taste and digested much better than rough corn groats. They are ideal for filling various soups. In addition, they can easily be served to the table with tea, milk and other beverages. And, most importantly, before using them, you do not need to process them further.
Storage conditions
As you can see, it's not so difficult to cook porridge from corn. But for such a dish to turn out really tasty, it is extremely important to store the main ingredient correctly. How exactly? We will tell about this right now.
The main conditions for storing corn groats are the correct humidity and temperature regime. In the room where this product is contained, the humidity should be about 60-70%, and the temperature - about +5 ...- 5 ° С.
This storage mode is quite difficult to create at home. That's why it is recommended to store such cereals for no more than one month. Otherwise, ticks or larvae of insects can easily turn up in a product.
We sorted it out with the room. But what about the container, where will the grain be placed? Keep the corn groats in glass jars, which are covered with plastic covers.
It must also be said that if the humidity in the room is too high, the product may become rancid, acquire a musty smell and even mold. In this case, the porridge you cook will not have the proper flavor and aroma.
If the pests in the product are still wound up, then the cabinet where it was stored should be well washed with hot water, and then dried and ventilated. As for the affected cereal, it must be discarded.
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