Food and drink, Recipes
Tasty and useful porridge from corn groats
The homeland of corn is America. Homeland of diverse porridges - Slavic lands. In the 16th century, after the discovery of America, the products from the "Indies", as the American continent called then, began their victorious march across the planet. Now many national cuisines of the peoples of Europe do not imagine themselves without potatoes, tomatoes and ... corn. Corn reached us in the XVII century, when this agricultural crop began to sow the Danube lowland. Corn very well adapted to this climate, began to yield good harvests, and the nations that grew it began to trade its surplus with neighboring countries. It is clear that along the way of spreading corn the way of its preparation was superimposed on the cultural peculiarities of cooking porridge. In the Slavic lands until the XVII century, porridge was made on a pyshenka. But millet significantly loses corn for its taste, it is more severe for the stomach. Therefore very quickly porridge from corn groats partially replaced millet. Although the way of cooking corn porridge remained identical to the way our ancestors cooked pyshenka.
So, let's look at how to cook corn porridge in an old-fashioned way. You need to thoroughly wash the corn groats, until the water is completely clean. Then it is necessary to discard the groats in a colander and, after the water drains, spread on the towel so that it dries a little. Boil the water in a thick-walled cast iron, salt it. Slowly and carefully, so that no lumps form, pour the rump into the kettle, lower the fire to medium and cover the lid with a lid. Do not often open the pot and stir up the porridge. When the porridge thickens, reduce the heat to a minimum. Slavs love milk and dairy products. Therefore, in the porridge (if it is not fasting) milk was added. When you see that the porridge is cooked (the croup is not hard), add the milk heated to 50 C ahead of time and put a piece of butter. Give the porridge to boil, turn off the fire, but the cast iron with the lid closed wraps something warm, so that the porridge sinks. Previously, in Russian ovens, it was easy to do, now the housewives put the pot in a slightly heated oven or wrap it in a blanket.
There are several ways to prepare corn porridge for a child. It can be introduced into lactation from the age of 8 months. But first you need to use skim milk, not heavy for a tender baby's ventricle. With milk, you can add a little sugar. More adult children like porridge with condensed milk, honey, berries, various syrups. Very delicious porridge of corn cereal with dried fruits. They need to be washed, stewed and added to the porridge along with milk and sugar.
For the sensation of exotics, you can borrow recipes of corn porridge from other cuisines. For example, cook Moldovan / Romanian hominy, Abkhazian abyista, Italian polenta or Western Ukrainian banosh. But, unlike Russian porridge from corn, all the above dishes are not made from cereals, but from cornmeal flour . It is more difficult to get the flour in our shops than the croup, which is on the shelves everywhere. Therefore, if you only have corn cake at hand, lightly brown it to a golden hue and the appearance of a faint flavor of fried - without burning! - grain. Then grind the grits in an ordinary coffee grinder (not into powder, but to a state slightly smaller than the mango). Banosh is made on the basis of sour cream or unleavened milk. In a jug with boiling salted cream carefully, with a thin trickle, pour in flour and constantly stir with a wooden spoon until very strong thickening. Porridge from corn groats is considered ready when the mass begins to peel off the walls of the cast iron. Banosh is served with brynza as a side dish to mushrooms or meat.
Porridge from corn grits such as hominy and polenta is cooked on water, but polenta should be more liquid than hominy, which is more like bread. Mamaligu laid on a wooden dish and cut with a knife, like bread, and slices of polenta can still be fried in deep fried, like French fries.
Corn porridge is useful, nutritious and rich in vitamins B1, B2, C, PP. It removes toxins and radionuclides, contains carotene and amino acids lysine and tryptophan. It is low-calorie and is like for those who are dieting.
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