Food and drinkRecipes

Herring under the fur coat - layers, it is more tasty to not find!

Of all the truly Russian salads, one of the most satisfying is the "Herring under the fur coat." The layers of this dish are balanced to taste, they successfully combine salted fish, neutral potatoes and eggs, sweet carrots and beets with juicy mayonnaise. Of course, this dish can not be called lean. But, as true cooks, we will approach the process creatively and prepare a salad, under the fur coat of which will be ... champignons. However, we will not run ahead.

First of all, you need to decide which one you would like to make the "Herring under the fur coat" salad: whose layers will be visible from the sides or densely covered with the top layer? Will your dish look like a "cake" or the layout will be in a high salad bowl? Think about how you will cut vegetables: cubes, straws, make them puree or grate them on a grater? From your decision depends not only the design, but also the taste of salad.

For a traditional salad we will need:

- 2 potatoes brewed in a uniform (150 grams);

- 2 cooked carrots;

- 2 boiled beets (100 grams);

- 2 small onions;

- greenery;

- 300 grams of mayonnaise.

In addition, for the salad dressing "Herring under the fur coat", the layers of which excite the appetite, you need a special culinary mold "Ring" or half a disposable cup - the one without a bottom. And it's even easier to put a salad in an ice cream keg .

Then everything is simple. We rub or cut vegetables and fish, lay out layers in such a sequence: herring, onions, carrots, potatoes, beets, mayonnaise, greens.

And let's turn the salad upside down and lay out the layers in this order: beets, mayonnaise, egg, carrots, potatoes, onions, again, mayonnaise and ... no, not herring, but smoked pink salmon!

For shaping salad, restaurant chefs use a little trick: they add a little diluted gelatin to mayonnaise. Any configuration of a salad with such a sauce is no problem! Take this secret and to your note.

"But what about the one for whom a healthy diet is not an empty phrase? To those who do not eat meat and fish? "- you ask. Well, why should it be the herring under the fur coat? Layers of lettuce at our request can become quite vegetarian. As we have already mentioned, salted fish can be replaced with champignons or pickled cucumbers, or both. Mayonnaise is also excluded, instead we use sour cream, salted sea salt or yogurt without additives.

"Throne" herring can take: sea kale, grated sour apple, celery stalks, pickled mushrooms with seeds, hard or processed cheese. In each case - the result is excellent!

Let us dwell in more detail on one of the variants of the low-calorie salad "Fake herring under the fur coat", the layers of which will be from such products as potatoes, sour cream with yogurt, Nori seaweed, cut strips, carrots, pickled onions, sour cream with yogurt, beets.

For this salad vegetables it is better to boil in a double boiler. Let's cut them the way we like. Each layer is abundantly sprinkled with soy sauce.

Ready salad, both vegetarian and high-calorie, it is necessary to give a "rest" a few hours in the refrigerator for impregnation and coupling of products into a monolithic delicious layered mass.

That's all the little wisdom. It remains only to wish you a pleasant appetite!

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