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Mastic for a cake for a tightening: a way of preparation

Baking cakes at home is the hobby of many housewives. Significantly improve the appearance of the finished product will help the use of mastic. What is it and how to use it - read in the article.

Mastic for a cake for a tightening: a way of preparation

Mastic is a sweet decorative material that allows you to create a confectionery product in an original and bright way . In shops the ready weight is sold, but the best made mastic for cuff tightening will be the best. At home, during manufacturing, you can adjust the taste of the paste and its consistency, and also be sure that it is made only from natural ingredients.

Mastic from marshmallow

With this paste it is convenient to work, as it is easily rolled out and does not harden during cuff tightening. Monochrome marshmallow gives a uniform color, and when using different marshmallows it is possible to achieve several shades without the addition of dyes.


  • 100 g marshmallow;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar;
  • 4 tsp. Milk;
  • A small piece of butter.

Zephyr is finely chopped and filled with milk. Next, you either need to warm up the mixture in a microwave oven, or melt it in a water bath. When the marshmallow begins to melt, butter is added to it. Soufflé can be removed from the fire when it is completely dissolved. Sugar powder is added to the resulting preform. The mass is constantly mixed. Readiness can be determined by its consistency - the best mastic for tightening the cake should resemble an elastic dough and do not stick to your hands. The resulting mass can be stored in a cool place for up to 3 months.

Milk mastic

It is easy and quick to prepare milk mastic for cake wrapping. The recipe includes inexpensive products, and to create a paste does not require special skills in cooking. Ready-made mass is pleasant to taste - condensed milk makes mastic similar to toffee.


  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar;
  • 200 g of dried milk;
  • 2 tsp. Lemon juice.

Powder, milk and lemon juice are mixed. Next, it is necessary to add the condensed milk by parts, simultaneously kneading the workpiece until it becomes dense. From the homogeneous mass obtained, a ball is formed, sprinkled with sugar powder and cooled in a refrigerator for 12 hours. Before starting the mastic, you should lie down for half an hour at room temperature. Such a blank can be stored for up to three months, provided that it is protected from drying.

Mastic of honey

A distinctive feature of this mastic is its softness. Finished mass does not crumble and does not crumble, but also helps to mask the external flaws of the cake.


  • 950 g of powdered sugar;
  • 125 ml of honey;
  • 15 g of gelatin;
  • 45 ml of water.

Gelatin fill with water and wait until it starts to swell. Then add honey to it and reheat it all over a small fire until gelatin dissolves. To the powdered sugar is added a honey mixture, and then all this is well mixed. If the spoon does not cope with the density of the mass, then it should be kneaded by hand. The blank must lie in a plastic bag for 30 minutes before use.

Finished mastic for cake wrapping can be stored for 3 months at room temperature, and up to a year - in the freezer.

Mastic based on gelatin

Gelatin mastic for a cake for a tight-fitting is considered universal, so if the cake is left after the cake is made, flowers or figures can be made of it. The sweet mass turns out to be very soft and easily rolled out with a thin layer, which is necessary for tightening the product.


  • 10 g of gelatin;
  • 450 g of powdered sugar;
  • 1 tsp. Lemon juice;
  • 4 tsp. water.

Gelatin is soaked in water, and then cooked on a small fire until it dissolves in the liquid. The billet should be stirred periodically and not brought to a boil. Next, mix the powdered sugar with gelatin and lemon juice. The mass is mixed until completely homogeneous, covered with a food film and for an hour is cleaned in the refrigerator. After that you can start covering the product.

The prepared mastic for the cake for the tightening is stored carefully packed in food film or hermetically sealed container. In the refrigerator, this period is up to 3 months, and in the freezer compartment - up to six months. Before preparation, the mastic must be obtained in advance, so that it warms to room temperature.

Staining of mastic

Homemade mastic is usually white or yellow. To make the finished product brighter colors, you can use the following options:

  1. In the process of kneading the workpiece, add a dry or gel color to it. It should be borne in mind that if you paint all the mastic in one color, you will get a monochrome cake. If from the prepared mass it is planned to do also decorative figurines, then this variant of coloring will not work.
  2. Already ready mastic for a cake for covering is painted in different colors by separation from the total mass of pieces of the right size. To do this, the tip of the toothpaste is painted with a bright gel and colored points or lines are applied to the workpiece. After that, the piece is thoroughly mixed to make the color evenly distributed.
  3. To get a brighter shade, you need to paint the mastic after the cake has been tightened. The gel color is diluted with a few drops of vodka, and then applied to the product with a sponge.

If you do not want to buy artificial colors, you can use natural products. Vivid shades give beets, pomegranate, cherry, carrot, cranberry, orange and blackberries.

Cake hanging: step by step instruction

  1. The surface of the cake should be made smooth, as under the mastic any bulges, tubercles or pits will be visible. To give an even shape, you should smear the top and sides of the confectionery with a thin layer of cream that will smooth out any irregularities. After its application, the cake should be cooled in the refrigerator.
  2. The kitchen table is abundantly covered with starch or powdered sugar, and then homemade mastic is laid on it. To tighten the cake, roll it with a rolling pin to a thickness of 5 mm.
  3. The layer of mastic is carefully transferred to the cake.
  4. It is necessary to smooth the rolled mastic: first from above, and then from the sides. When smoothing, you need to make sure that air bubbles do not form - this will spoil the appearance of the product.
  5. Surplus mastic is cut off at the bottom edge of the cake.

If the cover is not very neat, you can mask the defects by decorating - inscriptions from the cream or three-dimensional figures.

Rules of work with home mastic

There are several general rules that should be adhered to by self-tightening the cake with mastic:

  1. To prepare the mass should be carefully selected powder. In the presence of large sugar crystals, the skin can be torn.
  2. Mastic is not applied to the cream of sour cream or excessively soaked cakes, because from the contact with moisture, the coating can dissolve.
  3. If the mastic for the cake for the tightening is frozen and stopped rolling, then its heating in the microwave will help. After that, it will again become plastic.
  4. To give the coating a mirror glossy cake, it is necessary to coat the covering with a solution of vodka and lemon (1: 1). The smell of alcohol from the product will fade, and the glossy glow remains.

Home mastic does not require a lot of money or time, because it is made from simple products. But now any cake can be turned into a small work of art, which will please loved ones and surprise the guests.

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