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Application of the hellebore of the Caucasus for weight loss. Reviews of doctors

Approximately at the end of February and early March, in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus, amazing flowers appear, called "forest peonies" or "Christmas roses" by local residents. It is a hellebore. It is famous for its properties, allowing, with the right approach, to get rid of extra pounds. How effective is the use of hellebore for weight loss in the Caucasus? What do users and doctors say about this?

Folk folklore

The frostbitten is an amazing flower, about which there are many beliefs and legends. So, many old people still believe that with the help of the flowers of this delightful representative of the flora one can call dark spirits and other demons.

In addition, there is an instructive legend about the beautiful maiden that shed tears in the snow, and of them grew flowers of hellebore. According to history lovers, she cried because she could not give him anything when she met a newborn baby of Christ. From this moment the plant was christened "a Christmas rose".

At the time of the siege of the ancient Greek city of Kirra, the root of the hellebore of the Caucasus was used by opponents of resistance to poison the city's reservoirs. As a result of this insidious plan, the besieged townspeople began a terrible diarrhea, because of which they could not hold back the enemy for a long time. The city fell, and all the local residents were destroyed.

Information for consideration

The frostbite is an unusual ornamental plant of the family of buttercups with lush white flowers. Despite the fact that the hellebore can not be attributed to medicinal herbs, it has useful properties, which are often used by knowledgeable people for the purpose of self-treatment from various diseases.

For example, this plant is able to increase your body's resistance to diseases, reduce the layers of subcutaneous fat, cleanse of toxins, toxins and other negative elements that can accumulate. Also with it you can get rid of the following ailments:

  • migraine;
  • Pain in the joints;
  • Problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Cardiovascular and some gynecological diseases.

It is also known to use the hellebore of the Caucasus for weight loss, and we'll talk about this in more detail.

Why hellebore is recommended for weight loss?

The main problem of people with excess weight is a metabolic disorder. You can restore it using a hellebore. The fact is that this plant has a pronounced laxative effect. Consequently, with its proper application, the intestine and blood vessels are completely cleared, blood is renewed, and the metabolic processes of the whole organism are restored.

Most often, the roots of the plant are used for treatment. However, using them for weight loss, it is necessary not to forget about their virulence.

Simple rules for those who want to lose weight

To use the roots of the plant led to the expected effect, you must follow very simple rules:

  • Follow the instructions;
  • Observe the dosage;
  • Adhere to an exact regime with allowance for breaks between courses;
  • Try not to eat at night and, if possible, do not overeat;
  • to live an active lifestyle.

And only if all these conditions are met you will lose weight Caucasian hellebore. The price for it depends on the dosage and the manufacturer. It fluctuates within the limits of 34-158 rubles for 10 g.

Dosage and form of hellebore

A hellebore is issued in sachets remotely resembling tea. Their contents are the crushed roots of the plant. In each of the packages - 10 g hellebore. Also, this representative of the flora in the shredded form can be met and scattered, for example, in small plastic containers equipped with a measuring spoon.

In addition, the use of the hellebore of the Caucasus for weight loss involves the use of a kind of herbal mixtures produced in iron cans. For example, hellebore can be produced in tandem with fiber or milk thistle. In such capacities of raw materials about 300 g, and approximately 96% - is fiber, and only 3-4% - hellebore.

Frostflower Caucasian: how to take

All people over 14 years old are advised to start using the hellebore root powder from a single measuring spoon - 50 mg. The same dose corresponds to ¼ of a mustard spoon. And about the same amount of powder is easily placed on the tip of the knife. This dosage is recommended for 10 days. Starting from the 11th day, increase the daily allowance to 100 mg or two measuring spoons. And the same portion should be consumed up to 20 days.

At the next stage, the use of the Caucasus hellebore for weight loss should begin with 150 mg. The same rate is recommended to apply inclusively up to the 30th day. And the next day and for the next five months, the daily intake of plant powder should be increased to 200 mg.

Note. This course is six months. The next step is to take a thirty-day break and repeat the initial course of treatment, performing again a step-by-step increase in dosage starting at 50 mg. How to drink properly, what and how to grow, and it is safe to use hellebore Caucasian? The use and contraindications of this remedy will be discussed further.

Application of hellebore: conditions and methods of breeding

Prepare the first dosage of plant powder from the evening. To do this, take a regular glass or a glass pile, pour out the contents of a measuring spoon and pour it with water. In this case, water, first, should be at room temperature, and secondly, pour it at your discretion, since its quantity does not play a fundamental role.

The second main point: prepared and diluted with hellebore should be drunk in the morning and one hour before meals. If the taste of the solution obtained does not suit you (it has a pronounced bitter taste), you can add a teaspoon of honey to it. The third point. For example, you did not prepare the solution in the evening. You can do it in the morning. To do this, the contents of the spoon should be filled with water and allowed to stand for 10-15 minutes. And after you see the formation of a light sediment, drink it.

Attention! Do not wrap the sachets with the roots in additional plastic bags. When storing jars of powder in the refrigerator, it is recommended to make small holes in their lids. This will provide a hellebore caucasian (the application and contraindications of this root you will find in our article) with oxygen, and, therefore, will extend the period of its storage.

Are there any contraindications to losing weight?

Many people think that using hellebore for weight loss is justified risk. However, the keyword "risk" is here. The fact is that the plant is poisonous. And according to some experts, it is able to accumulate its toxic substances in the heart muscle. Consequently, a beautiful "Christmas rose" does not suit everyone. As it turned out, it should not be used by the following people:

  • Pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • Children under 14 years;
  • Allergic persons and persons with hypersensitivity to the root of the plant.

Next, we'll tell you if it's worth to drink hellebore caucasian. You will see the doctors' comments below.

What do doctors say about hellebore?

The opinion of doctors about the hellebore is ambiguous. Some of them categorically oppose the use of drugs containing poisonous substances in any dosages. Others, on the contrary, are sure that if the instructions are followed, the use of the root of hellebore leads to the cure of 70% of various diseases.

In a word, to use or not the given substance - to choose to you. But before you use Caucasian hellebore, doctors' reviews are recommended to study more carefully!

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