Sports and Fitness, Weight loss
The three-day diet for weight loss - how effective is it?
The idea that you can noticeably lose weight in just three days, adhering to a special diet, seems tempting to many of the fair sex. At first glance, this option is very convenient: you can not try to limit yourself in food, because if necessary, lose excess weight is very easy - this will help three-day detail. However, not all so simple. Doctors are convinced: short-term rigid diets are a direct way to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and even to more serious ailments.
A diet that promises weight loss in three days can be based on eating one or more foods. Mono diets are most effective, but such a diet is too low-calorie, and it is more difficult to transfer. One of the most famous mono-diet from this category is a three-day curd diet. In the menu for three days included only low-fat cottage cheese (0.5 kg daily) - it is supposed to eat in five receptions, at regular intervals. Drink while you can only boil the dogrose and green tea.
Another, quite effective option - a three-day diet on kefir and potatoes. In its menu, as the name implies, includes two products that are supposed to combine in the morning and afternoon meals. Norm of products for breakfast and lunch - one potato, cooked or baked in a peel, and a glass (250 ml) of kefir. At night, only kefir - 0.5 liters is supposed. It can be replaced with natural yoghurt, which does not contain sugar and preservatives. During this diet, salt is completely excluded.
Other, more sparing variants of the three-day diet suggest a greater variety of products that can be consumed. Below is one of the most famous versions of it, which is more than one decade. An indispensable component is tuna - an extremely healthy fish variety, a record among seafood by the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, which help to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, tuna contains a large amount of protein, which is absorbed by almost 100%. This three-day diet allows the use of both fresh fish, and canned, in its own juice.
Breakfast all three days the same: a cup of unsweetened coffee, a small toast and a half of grapefruit. Lunch: the first and second days - 150 grams of tuna (or ½ tin of canned food). On the first day, a small slice of black bread is put to the fish, on the second day at dinner it is also necessary to eat 150 grams of cottage cheese. The lunch of the third day is the most meager: a piece of bread and one egg.
Dinner in this version of the diet, oddly enough - the most plentiful meal. So, on the first day, a sparing three-day diet involves eating 150 grams of chicken meat for dinner with a side dish of 0.5 glass of grated carrots and the same amount of cooked beans. Vegetables are supposed to be fattened with fat-free sour cream, although most consider such an indulgence unreasonable: it is better to use lemon juice or, in extreme cases, low-fat yogurt.
The second day's dinner menu: 200 grams of beef, boiled or steamed, 0.5 cups of broccoli and grated carrots. Finally, on the third day for dinner, the notorious 150 grams of tuna with a side dish of 0.5 cup boiled cauliflower and the same amount of grated carrots. On this day, at dinner, one apple is also allowed to eat.
According to those who tried this method of losing weight on themselves, this fast diet, which promises a noticeable weight loss for 3 days, really works. After this period, you can go to a normal diet, without abusing, however, high-calorie food. After five days, a three-day diet can be repeated - the effect in this case will be much more noticeable.
The advantage of this diet is that it is less rigid than mono-diets, hence, it helps to avoid weakness and dizziness. Nevertheless, doctors are unanimous in their opinion: any three-day diets with a sharp decrease in the caloric content of the diet can only bring harm. You need to lose weight gradually, without stress for the body, excluding from the menu harmful and limiting too high-calorie foods - only in this case you can hope for a lasting effect. During the same short-term diet, "burns", for the most part, liquid, therefore, soon after it ends, the lost pounds will return.
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