
Gun Gauss own hands

Quite often in various computer games you can find such a weapon as the Gauss gun. At the same time, this device is the most powerful and advanced in almost all games. This attitude to the given weapon of developers of various games has generated considerable interest to them and even renewed some previously suspended projects.

The principle of operation of such weapons is designed to use the force of electromagnetism. In fact, thanks to it, the projectile disperses. Therefore, the capacity potential of such weapons is virtually unlimited, but it directly depends on the energy consumed.

The Gauss gun has a great advantage over other rifle systems. It does not create noise, has virtually no impact, is capable of firing in any environment (including outer space) and does not require the presence of cartridge cases and gunpowder.

However, there are also shortcomings of the device, connected directly with its acting force. The fact is that for effective shooting, which would satisfy the demands of modern military science, the Gauss gun should receive a fairly large amount of energy, since its efficiency is at a very low level and only sometimes can reach 7-9 percent. In this case, too, there is a large heating of the conductors, which reduces the period of continuous shooting. Even the use of superconductors and active cooling could not improve the characteristics of these weapons.

This state of affairs with the shortcomings of the cannon almost completely excluded its use by the military, but dignity forced many scientists and cosmonauts to take over. Even a special program was developed, according to which the Gauss gun should be mounted on space shuttles to fire on enemy space objects and satellites.

At present, this type of weapon is practically never used, although it is possible to assemble such a device as a Gauss cannon, even at home, using conventional tools and simple elements.

For this it is necessary to take any dielectric tube, which will later serve as a barrel. And the diameter of the pipe should match the size of future shells. Next, you need to find a suitable solenoid or induction coil of the appropriate size (allowing you to put it on the pipe). At the same time, some craftsmen prefer to make similar solenoids themselves by winding the wire on the pipe.

Usually, the Gauss gun itself is manufactured taking into account the consumption of household electricity, so it is recommended to install high-capacity capacitors for more efficient operation in its electrical circuit . They create a one-time, but quite powerful surge, which can significantly improve the efficiency of the device.

In our time homemade Gauss guns are the subject of entourage or serve as a visual aid for studying the properties of an electromagnet. However, scientists do not abandon attempts to find this invention worthy of use, and even began to develop a project that allows using such a cannon to put satellites into orbit.

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