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The game method. Features of its use in physical education. Gaming and competitive methods in primary school

Games and competitions refer to those social phenomena, the significance of which is far from being limited to the sphere of physical education and physical development. They arose a long time ago and got their development simultaneously with public culture. With the help of games and competitions, the most diverse needs of self-awareness, development - both physical and spiritual, interpersonal contacts, entertainment and recreation - are met. But, among other things, they also carry a pedagogical function, that is, they serve as a remarkable and important means of education.

Game method in physical education

Features of the method, called gaming, are as follows:

1. Players organize their own activities according to a conditional or figurative plot (game plan, design). In such a plot it is understood that the goal of the game will be achieved on the conditions of constant changes in the game situation, which have a random character. Scenarios, as a rule, are borrowed from reality, which directly surrounds the participants.

In the game, certain applied actions and the relationships observed in life find their own reflection. Participants imitate labor, household chores, hunting and much more. The plot of the game can be deliberately created with an orientation toward the needs of physical education and exist in the form of a conditional scheme of the players' actions among themselves. Such a character is worn by all modern sports games.

2. Another characteristic feature is the variety of ways in which the goal can be achieved. That is, the gain (achievement of the goal), as a rule, is not associated with a single variant of the action. Its ways are always different and diverse, which by definition is allowed by game rules. Limit in the games only the most common line of behavior without taking specific actions.

3. Game methods of teaching children are related to the activities of a complex nature. They contain a lot of different movements - from running and jumping to fighting and fights. Sometimes this method is inherent pre-determined strictly defined actions of one type. An example is "Fortlek" (or "running game"), where the classic game approach combines with continuous physical exercises. In practice, it looks like an alternating run of varying intensity and walking. Such competitions take place in the form of rivalry on the terrain between the participants.

Other advantages

Engaged in the game method is given wide freedom. The independence of their actions is rarely limited. On the contrary, the requirements for the level of initiative, dexterity and resourcefulness in this case are quite high. Each of the players has a lot of creative solutions to the tasks, and a constant change of scenery and the emergence of more and more new data on the story are prompted to the decision quickly and very actively, which contributes to the maximum mobilization of both physical and mental abilities.

In the game, interpersonal and inter-group relationships are modeled, the nature of which is quite intense. Most of these actions are characterized by high emotionality. Such competitions contribute to the modeling and reproduction of active relationships between individual players and whole groups, aimed both at cooperation (that belongs to one team), and on rivalry (this is the relationship between opponents in pairs and teams). The game is always a field of collision of directly opposing interests, a place for the emergence and resolution of inherent conflicts. Thanks to this throughout its entire length, the emotional intensity exists at a very high level and helps to clearly manifest the personalities of participants with all their ethical qualities.

The game method has the ability to program certain actions with varying degrees of probability, the load can be controlled at the same time.

Competition method

Its main feature is the ability to compare forces on the conditions of organized rivalry with a single goal - the struggle for the highest level of achievements, ideally for the championship.

Like games, competitions are one of the most widely known phenomena of public life. Its most important significance is that in this way, activity is organized and stimulated in a large number of life spheres. This is the production process (working competition), and art (the system of festivals and art competitions), and, of course, sports with its olympiads and championships. Each of the forms carries a strictly defined concrete meaning.

What is inherent in it

A characteristic feature of the competitive method is unification. What it is? By this term is meant to bring to a certain uniformity of the subject of the competition, as well as some regulation of the means of struggle for achieving the primacy and the methods by which the result is evaluated. This is understandable. After all, if there is no universally recognized standard for comparing results, a comparison of forces and achievements is impossible.

In a number of cases, the unification procedure affects only a certain narrow circle of competitors (class, group, etc.), but nevertheless the principles characteristic of any form of using the competitive method are present in any sports competitions.

This method is based on the rational organization of the competition process itself. In this case, the athlete inherent in the test of their own forces, not only in confrontation with rivals, but also in the desire to overcome oneself and raise own indicators or the former result.

Let's talk about gaming

The game method in primary school can be considered as the most productive direction, existing among all modern methods of physical education. In any form, its use is always attractive to the child. Successful and competent variation of many of its existing forms allows to solve problems of physical education as fully and comprehensively as possible.

Children, especially those belonging to this age group, are most actively interested in all that finds expression in the movement. At the same time, the process of precise isolation and regulation of individual forms of motor activity is still beyond their control. Babies tend to quickly get tired, but at the same time quickly recover. The most severe development of fatigue in children during the implementation of monotonous exercises. The most attractive ones are those that can be mastered as soon as possible.

This feature is just one of the features of the game method. Tasks are solved in a relatively short period of time and imply full mobilization of physical forces.

How to carry away kids

In children with their observance, figurative subjective thinking always manifests itself. Proceeding from this, their activities should be organized accordingly, adhering to a conditional or figurative plot, thanks to which the execution of exercises takes place in a relaxed atmosphere and does not allow the interest to be extinguished.

After the initial learning of the movements, the time comes for the need for their comprehensive improvement. It is here, as never before, all the prerequisites for improving physical qualities are created. The game method of training provides the most complete conditions in which it is possible to develop the necessary traits - endurance, strength, agility and speed.

When carrying out a lesson or training with the game method, the exercises of competitive nature are also used in training. Most often this kind of them affects the training and supporting elements of movements, where variants of rivalry are present in one way or another.

Auxiliary games can be simple, complex, transient or command. As you know, all the behavior of the child is spontaneous in nature and by and large exists precisely in the form of a game. As a method of it in this case is that complex of auxiliary actions, the purpose of which is to give order to children's play and encourage them to achieve certain pedagogical and developmental tasks.

At the same time, one should not lose sight of the need to constantly maintain freedom of movement and a cheerful relaxed atmosphere.

What gives the game

Game methods can be conditionally attributed to imitative, game and classical. Their methods do not have to be connected with the generally accepted sports game such as volleyball or football. You can work them out using absolutely any physical exercises as a base.

Thus, the main sense of the use of the game method with all its inherent characteristics is not so much the selective influence on specific physical qualities or training in the initial movements, but rather the perfection of the entire complex of movements in a somewhat more complicated framework.

Mainly it is about the development of speed, agility, independence, ability to orient, initiative. A true teacher is able to turn it into an excellent tool for educating the spirit of comradeship and collectivism, teaching discipline and other important personal qualities.

Game methods in school, the use of a variety of sports equipment, various forms of mobile games allow you to influence the physical qualities of players deeply and comprehensively. The result of such lessons is the increased interest in physical culture and sports. Children receive the stimulus to master the techniques of some fairly complex exercises and complexes, strive to overcome difficulties and learn to solve their tasks.

Competition as a form of interaction

The use of the competitive method in physical education classes for children can take the form of both expanded and the most basic. Competitions in the performance of individual elements of exercise lead to stimulation of interest and motor activity. About the expanded form it is a question, when classes are organized in the form of official competitions or passing of control standards.

The very state of competition in the course of the competition, as well as the conditions and the situation in their conduct, contribute to the creation of a special physiological and emotional background that enhances the main impact. We are talking about the procedure for the official determination of the winner, the ritual of encouraging achievements, recognizing their public importance, competition and the elimination of weak rivals in the case of multi-stage competitions. A complex combination of all such factors allows for maximum manifestation of all the physical capabilities of the body.

As a rule, in comparison with similar loads of an uncompetitive nature in adversarial conditions, there are much more significant functional shifts. The more significant in the personal or social terms the particular competition, the higher the psychological tension. Factors of constant confrontation, conflict of interests, struggle and rivalry are present here by definition. In the conditions of team competitions, the mutual assistance relations and responsibility of individual players to the team are formed and strengthened.

About small sportsmen

Not only school physical education classes assume the use of a competitive method. It is also used in the preparation of high-level athletes. In practice, the methods in this matter may be different:

1. With the help of the competitive method, preparatory exercises with orientation to higher load parameters can be performed. That is, training is to compete for the maximum possible number of repetitions of exercises and elements of general training.

2. Competitions may be organized, involving the execution of episodic tasks, which do not need to be specially prepared, but at the same time it is necessary to mobilize in psychological terms quite strongly. An example is the competition on the speed of mastering on the move a new unusual movement or unusual combinations of elements.

How else can you apply the competitive method

It is possible to compete in the main exercise in a partially modified form (for example, running to a distance similar to the main one, or throwing a projectile of increased gravity).

You can focus on the quality side of the exercises with a decrease in the level of competition.

Why is the competitive method so important for the formation of athletic qualities and character traits? The bottom line is that it is based on the natural tendency of man to win. Installations to improve their own results and physical parameters in competitions mobilize and involve all kinds of interpersonal relationships taking place in the sport. Before the participant the task is set to work at the limit of one's own capabilities and at the same time to master the ability to control oneself (sometimes under rather difficult conditions).

What does it give

Thus, a whole set of pedagogical tasks can be solved using a competitive method. This also applies to the upbringing of the qualities of the moral-volitional and physical order, the improvement of skills, abilities and abilities, the rational use of them in difficult conditions. Compared with other methods, he puts maximum demands on the physical capabilities of the human body, due to which they get optimal development.

At the same time, one should not forget about the potential danger of forming not only positive character traits. The situation of constant rivalry can sometimes lead to the strengthening of such negative qualities as vanity, selfishness and excessive ambition. That is why it is so important to combine the competitive method with a competent and highly qualified pedagogical leadership. Only when this condition is fulfilled, one can not worry about a decent moral upbringing of the younger generation.

What can be recommended in practice?

Both playful and competitive methods lead to an effective increase in the level of preparation and development of physical qualities. Applying them, try not to transfer mechanically the set of game models introduced in various collections and manuals into your own practice of working with schoolchildren. Any of the forms must be modified and adapted to the specific occupation, depending on the tasks assigned to it.

In physical education classes for junior students in the game plan, it is advisable to include the following forms relating to the game method:

2. Comic assignments.

3. Moving games.

4. Organization of classes according to the chosen plot.

5. Use of simulators and game shells.

One of these forms can be a circular training, where the nodal points are different types of simulators.

Game method - exercises for example

Power and speed qualities are well-educated with the help of mobile games and exercises related to jumping, relay, using the ball, etc. Widely known are such games as "Pass faster", "Throwing in the Shield", "Best Jumper", "Relay "," Quantitative transfer ", etc.

Flexibility is brought up in the games "Keep the Balance", "Rounds under the Bridge", "Wave", "Relay Together", "Race with gymnastics sticks", "Salsky in Running", "Slick, Flexible", etc.

The level of endurance is increased with the help of the following mobile games: salok, relay race with return, rolling the ball to speed, "Take free space", "Hunters", "Swallows". The description of all these and many similar exercises and forms of conducting gaming sessions can be found both in special methodical literature and on the Internet.

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