
What is it, the dative case in Russian?

Russian has six cases, which express certain roles of nouns in sentences: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional. One of the oblique cases is in the Russian language dative case. It occupies a special place in comparison with other indirect cases, since it is opposed to them by having its own semantics.

The dative case points to the object to which the action is directed, to the addressee (for example, writing to the sister, helping the parents), on the subject (for example, to rejoice in birth, to belong to the child), on the object of state and properties (for example, loyalty to the said, devotion to the master). He expresses the attitude that determines the purpose of the object (hymn to work), is used in impersonal sentences to convey the state of the subject (the child was unwell, he wanted to sleep). The dative case answers the question (you can sometimes substitute the word "give" in the mind) "to whom?", "To what?", "Where?", "Where?".

The dative case, in comparison with other indirect cases, can be used with fewer primitive prepositions ("k" and "po"). In the verbal position, the dative case in the Russian language with the preposition "k" can perform the function of an informative-replenishing form (refer to the most famous dictum), have objective meaning (respect for parents), have a determinative value (in place: go to the door; : Warming by noon, by purpose and purpose: food for dinner).

In the indisputable position, the dative case with the preposition "k" has the meaning of a predicative attribute (the ability to sing), the objective value when determined (to this dress there is not enough something bright), the determinative and circumstantial values of place and time (warmed by the evening). When using the preposition "on" in the verbal position, the dative case has the following meanings: object (knock on wood, miss my brother), determinative with the meanings of the place (go along the road), time (sleep at night), reasons (say by mistake) Goals (call for verification). In an indisputable position, these are the meanings of the predicative sign (melancholy for the parent's house), the subjective value (all left by the book) and the determining value (on Sundays the store does not work).

The dative case is combined with such non-primitive pretexts: in contrast to (said), thanks to (mama), in spite of himself, following (the company), in defiance of (destiny), in relation to (the professor), according to (contract), according to (goals Judging by the (number). When declining nouns, it is especially worth paying attention to the dative case, the endings in which depend on the type of declension of the noun's very name . Nouns of the first declension (male and female, ending in "-a", "-y") in the dative case of the ending have "-e", "-y" in singular (for example, mother, wall, history, aunt ) And "-am", "-yam" - in the plural (for example, mothers, uncles).

Nouns of the second declension (masculine and middle genus with zero ending and ending with -o) of the singular end have "-y", "-y" (for example, a window, a table) and a plural "-am", " Yam "(for example, windows, tables) in the dative case. The nouns of the third declension (ending with a soft sign) in the dative case of the ending have "-и" in the singular (for example, to the night, on the cloth) and "-am", "-yam" - in the plural (for example, at night , On the tissues).

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