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MV Lomonosov, "Ode for the day of ascension": a summary and analysis of the work

The work that we will consider has a longer and more meaningful title: "Ode to the day of the accession to the All-Russian Throne of Her Majesty Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, 1747". It is written in honor of the most important for the whole country holiday. In this article we will consider what Lomonosov wanted to say in his work - "Ode for the day of ascent". The summary and analysis of this work will help us understand the message of the scientist. So, let's get started.

Lomonosov, "Ode to the day of ascension." Summary

In his work the author sings of the greatness of Russia, the wealth of its lands and seas, happy villages, strong cities, crops. Afterwards, he moves on to the image of Elizabeth. Lomonosov describes her as a beautiful, kind, generous, calm, ended war on Russian soil. He says that in peaceful Russia science develops, and times are good. All this is described with the use of various metaphors and other literary devices, which are full of Lomonosov's Ode "On the Day of Ascension."

The summary will be continued by the author's report on how difficult it is to find words capable of telling about the great affairs of the monarchy. But it inspires Lomonosov so much that his praise escapes him.

Next, the scientist notes the merits of Peter the Great: military victories and the development of science. He mourns the death of the emperor and exalts his daughter, who received the throne.

The author also describes the boundless rich expanses of Russia, notes that great minds are born in it. Lomonosov talks about the role of science in people's lives, encourages them to engage in it.

In the latter part, he returns to the "source of mercy" - Elizabeth. Lomonosov calls her an angel of peaceful years. He says that the Almighty protects and blesses her.

An analysis of MV Lomonosov's ode on the day of the accession of Empress Elisaveta Petrovna

As, probably, readers have noticed, the author praises the sovereign for peaceful time. However, it was not. He only in this way tried to convey to the Empress his opinion that Russia will have enough to fight, blood was shed a lot, it's time to enjoy peace.

Why does he write about this? At that time, the question arose about whether Russia would participate in the war along with the countries that fought against France and Prussia. The author, like many others, is against this. He wants Russia to develop. Therefore, it can be said that his laudable ode is of a political nature, his own program of peace.

Nevertheless, the Empress had merit. She began to conduct peace talks with Sweden. This moment did not forget to mention in the eulogy song Lomonosov ("Ode for the day of ascent"). A brief summary shows us how a scientist and literary man praises Elisabeth for the development of science. This is due to the fact that in 1747 the Empress increased the amount of funds for the needs of the Academy. After this act, the well-known ode was written to the scientist.

Receptions used in the work

The main literary tool used in clothes is a metaphor. Thanks to her, Lomonosov managed to beautifully exalt his country, its ruler, to call for peace and development. In peacetime he calls silence the beloved, war - with fiery sounds.

Also the author uses numerous epithets: "generous hand", "earthly beauties", "great daughter", "deep forests", "gentle voice", "cruel destiny".

Comparisons are also found in the work: "The soul of her marshmallow is quieter," "the glory is more beautiful than paradise."

Thanks to the personification Lomonosov animates various phenomena: "keep silent ... sounds", "whirlwinds, do not dare to roar", "Mars was afraid", "Neptune seemed to be."

Why did the author choose for his work a genre such as an ode

Lomonosov was a true patriot of his country. He praised her in every possible way, was ill for her with all her heart. Many works are written by him in such a genre as an ode. This is due to the fact that this genre allowed him to sing all that seemed important to him. After all, the "ode" is translated from Greek as "song". This genre helped Lomonosov use majestic style, artistic techniques. Thanks to him, he managed to convey his view on the development of Russia. At the same time, the classical severity of the language in his work Lomonosov - "Ode for the day of accession", was sustained. The brief content shows us how important the author managed to affect in his clothes. Another genre would hardly have given him the opportunity to convey his ideas and views to the ruler so eloquently.


We considered one of the best literary works, which M. Lomonosov wrote - "Ode for the day of the accession to the throne of Elizabeth Petrovna." The brief content and analysis of the work showed which topics the author had touched upon, how he conveyed them, what significance they had. We learned that Lomonosov was a patriot. He wanted the ruler of Elizabeth to continue the work of her father: she was engaged in enlightenment, science.

We learned that a scientist and a writer was against war and bloodshed. Written by ode, he managed to convey his views on the desired future of Russia to the Empress herself. Thus, this work was written by him not simply in honor of the annual celebration of the accession of the Empress to the throne. Lomonosov gave them his vision of the country's development.

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