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Modern writers (21st century) of Russia. Modern Russian writers

Connoisseurs of literature are ambiguous about the work of contemporary Russian writers: some seem uninteresting to them, others are rude or immoral. One way or another, in their books the authors raise the pressing problems of the new century, so they are loved and read with pleasure by the youth.

Directions, genres and contemporary writers

Russian writers of this century prefer to develop new literary forms, completely unlike the Western ones. In the last few decades, their work is represented by four directions: postmodernism, modernism, realism and postrealism. The prefix "post" speaks for itself - the reader should expect something new, which followed the old ways. The table shows various directions in the literature of this century, as well as books of the most prominent representatives.

Genres, works and contemporary writers of the 21st century Russia


Sots Art: V. Pelevin - "Omon-Ra", M. Kononov - "The Naked Pioneer";

Primitivism: O. Grigoriev - "Vitamin of growth";

Conceptualism: V. Nekrasov;

Post-Postmodernism: O. Shishkin - "Anna Karenina 2"; E. Vodolazkin - "Laurus".


Neofuturizm: V. Sosnora - "Flute and Prozaism", A. Voznesensky - "Russia is Risen";

Neo-primitivism: G. Sapgir - "New Lianozovo", V. Nikolaev - "The ABC of the Absurd";

Absurdism: L. Petrushevskaya - "Again 25", S. Shulyak - "Investigation".


Modern political novel: A. Zvyagintsev - "Natural selection", A. Volos - "Kamikaze";

Satirical prose: M. Zhvanetsky - "Testing with money", E. Grishkovets;

Erotic prose: N. Klemantovich - "The Road to Rome", E. Limonov - "Death in Venice";

Social and psychological drama and comedy: L. Razumovskaya - "Passion in the Moscow country cottage", L. Ulitskaya - "Russian jam";

Metaphysical realism: E. Schwartz - "The Dicopis of the Last Time", A. Kim - "Onliriya";

Metaphysical idealism: Yu. Mamleev - "Russia is eternal", K. Kedrov - "Inside out".


Female prose: L. Ulitskaya, T. Salomatin, D. Rubina;

New military prose: V. Makanin - "Asan", Z. Prilepin, R. Senchin;

Youth prose: S. Minaev, I. Ivanov - "The geographer globes drank";

Prose of non-fiction: S. Shargunov.

New ideas of Sergey Minaev

"Dukhless: The Tale of an Unreal Man" is a book with an unusual design that earlier writers of the 21st century of Russia did not touch on in their work. This is Sergei Minaev's debut novel about the moral flaws of society, in which corruption and chaos reign. The author uses curses and foul language to convey the character of the protagonist, which does not bother the readers at all. The top manager of a large canning company is a victim of scams: he is offered to invest a large amount in the construction of a casino, but soon he is deceived and left with nothing.

"The heifers: a tale of unreal love" tells how difficult it is to keep a human face in an immoral society. Andrei Mirkin is 27 years old, but he is not going to get married and instead starts an affair with two girls at the same time. Later, he learns that one expects a child from him, and the other turns out to be HIV-infected. Mirkin is alien to a quiet life, and he is constantly looking for adventure in nightclubs and bars, which does not lead to good.

Popular Russian contemporary writers and critics do not favor Minaev in their circles: being illiterate, he achieved success in the shortest possible time and made the Russians admire their works. The author admits that his fans are mostly viewers of the reality show "Dom-2".

Chekhov's traditions in the work of Ulitskaya

The heroes of the play "Russian jam" live in the old suburban dacha, which is about to end: the sewerage is faulty, the boards on the floor have long rotted away, electricity is not carried out. Their life - a real "nail", but the owners are proud of the inheritance and are not going to move to a more favorable place. They have a constant income from the sale of jam, which falls into the mouse, then another muck. Modern writers of Russian literature often borrow the ideas of their predecessors. So, Ulitskaya observes Chekhov's tricks in the play: the dialogue of heroes does not develop due to their desire to shout over each other, and against the background of this one hears a crash of rotten floor or sounds from the sewer. In the final drama, they are forced to leave the dacha, as the land is redeemed for the construction of Disneyland.

Features of the stories of Victor Pelevin

Writers of Russia in the 21st century often turn to the traditions of their predecessors and use the method of intertext. The narrative intentionally introduces names and details that echo the works of the classics. Intertextuality can be traced in the story of Victor Pelevin "Nika". The reader feels the influence of Bunin and Nabokov from the very beginning, when the author uses the phrase "easy breathing" in the narrative. The narrator quotes Blok's "Stranger" and mentions Nabokov, who skillfully described the beauty of the maiden body in the novel "Lolita." Pelevin borrows the manners of his predecessors, but opens a new "trick". Only at the end you can guess that the flexible and elegant Nick is actually a cat. Pelevin brilliantly turns out to deceive the reader in the story "Sigmund in a cafe," where the main character turns out to be a parrot. The author is driving us into a trap, but from this we get more pleasure.

Realism of Yuri Buida

Many modern writers of the 21st century of Russia were born tens years after the end of the war, therefore their creativity is focused mainly on the younger generation. Yuri Buida was born in 1954 and grew up in the Kaliningrad region, a territory formerly owned by Germany, which affected the name of the cycle of his stories.

"Prussian Bride" - naturalistic sketches about hard post-war time. The young reader sees a reality that he had not previously heard about. The story "Rita Schmidt Who Ugodno" tells the story of an orphaned girl, brought up in terrible conditions. The poor say: "You are the daughter of the Antichrist." You must suffer, you must atone. " A terrible sentence is imposed for the fact that German blood flows in Rita's veins, but she tolerates bullying and continues to remain strong.

Novels about Erast Fandorin

Boris Akunin writes books differently than other contemporary writers of the 21st century of Russia. The author is interested in the culture of the past two centuries, therefore the action of novels about Erast Fandorin occurs from the middle of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th. The protagonist - a noble aristocrat, leading the investigation of the most high-profile crimes. For valor and courage, he is awarded six orders, but he is briefly detained in public office: after a conflict with the Moscow authorities, Fandorin prefers to work alone with his faithful valet, the Japanese Masoy. In the genre of the detective, a few foreign contemporary writers write; Russian writers, in particular Dontsova and Akunin, win the hearts of readers with criminal histories, and therefore their works will remain relevant for a long time.

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