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The main characters of "Mumu": a brief harecteristics

When retelling any work should give a brief description, to name who are his main characters. "Mumu" is the story of the famous Russian writer I. Turgenev, which he wrote in 1852 and published two years later in the popular at that time magazine "Contemporary". It is interesting that this is one of the most famous works of the author was created during his arrest. He had difficulties with the publication and inclusion of the story in a collection of his own works.


The success of the work depends to a large extent on how successfully the vital, truthfully turned out the main characters. "Mumu" is a story based on a real case in the writer's family, or rather, in his mother's house. Gerasim had his prototype - a servant Andrew, nicknamed Dumb. With him there was the same story as with his literary incarnation. This hero - a closed unsociable person, who, however, is distinguished by diligence and efficiency. In the estate, he is considered the best worker, his work skills are appreciated by everyone, including the old lady himself. This outwardly unsociable person had one weakness - he felt sympathy for the servant Tatyana, who even wanted to marry.

History of the dog

In many ways the development of the plot of the work is determined by how the main characters behave in different situations. "Mumu" is a work whose meaning depends on the characters of the actors. His first loss Gerasim suffered when Tatyana, by order of the mistress, was married to the drunken shoemaker Kapiton. After a while he found some consolation in the fact that he rescued and left a small puppy, whom he called Mumu. It was a very clever and faithful dog, which everyone loved, but especially she was attached to her master, who did not like the soul in her . The stronger it was for him to strike when the old lady ordered to get rid of the dog because of the fact that she once spoiled her mood, not submitting to her. Gerasim obeyed the order and drowned the dog, but after that he left his mistress's home in Moscow to his native village.


Half of the success of the work is provided by the main characters. "Mumu" is a story in which all the types of characters that were seen in a typical Russian manor in the mid-nineteenth century are represented. The image of the young woman Tatiana in this respect is no exception. She is a poor slaughtered servant, who constantly suffers humiliation and mockery, from which she is saved only by the protection of Gerasim. In the house of the lady she works as a laundress. The poor woman is so clogged that she unquestioningly follows the butler's orders and pretends to be drunk before Gerasim, so that he himself refuses it. The trick was a success, but the janitor still retains her sympathy and, when she leaves for the village, gives her a red shawl.


In the author's work, the main characters are a striking contrast. "Mumu" Turgenev - a story that is interesting in that it presents a complete gallery of characters. The butler Gavrila is a simple rascal muzhik who is ready for any trick to achieve the goal. He is not an evil person, but at the same time, in order to keep calm in the house and to please his mistress, he is ready for any tricks. So, it was he who invented the cunning, thanks to which he was able to separate Gerasim from Tatyana. He orders the janitor to drown the poor dog. These actions make it in the eyes of readers a negative character.


It was a shoemaker in the estate of an old lady. He turned out to be as colorful and vital as all the other main characters. "Mumu" Turgenev - a story in which each actor is remembered by the reader thanks to carefully prescribed characters. Kapiton is a man of his own mind, once he was even considered an educated man, but over the years he drank and turned into a bitter drunkard. The mistress tried to somehow correct the situation by marrying him on Tatiana, but this does not save the situation. Kapiton sleeps completely, and he and his wife are sent to the village.


In this work, the main characters play a big role. "Mumu" Turgenev (the description of a story must necessarily include psychological portraits of characters) is an essay based on the gradual unfolding of the inner world of characters. In this respect, the old lady causes most of all complaints, as her whims caused the tragedy to happen. According to the author, she was capricious, hot-tempered, in addition, she was observed frequent mood changes. At the same time, it can not be denied some kind of economy and orderliness. So, she distinguished Gerasim as an able and hardworking worker, tried to somehow correct Kapiton, but her despotic habits did not lead to the desired result, as she was too stubborn and willful.

So, the main characters "Mumu" Turgenev turned out to be very truthful and vital. The peasant has always been at the center of his work, and this work is the most convincing proof of this.

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