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Mushroom filling: how to cook?

Previously, mushrooms were for the villagers the most common product. They collected and harvested for the winter in huge quantities (if the terrain allowed). Today they are firmly associated with the holiday, prosperity, and even chic. Therefore, the mushroom filling is an excellent option for preparing a wide variety of dishes.

Mushrooms fresh, pickled, dried

It is a unique product that is good in any form. Fresh mushrooms can be boiled or fried. Salted or marinated, they are good in themselves. Dried mushrooms must be soaked in water for a day, and then boil slightly. Then they can be cooked as fresh. In any case, you will get a wonderful mushroom filling that can decorate any dish.

Tartlets are a delicious appetizer

The basis for the tartlet can be baked from a sand or potato dough or simply bought in a store and filled to your liking. Mushroom filling is very suitable for these purposes. The easiest option is to fry fresh mushrooms with onion in oil. You need 300 g of mushrooms and 1 onion. When vegetables are fried, add in them finely chopped squirrels of three boiled eggs and 100 g of mayonnaise. Stir well, put into tartlets and sprinkle with grated yolk.

Varied taste of snacks can be tomatoes and cheese. To do this, you need a mushroom filling (500 g of champignons fry with one onion). To it should be added 100 g of grated cheese and mayonnaise. This amount is calculated for 10 tartlets. In addition, take 5 cherry tomatoes and cut them in half. In each mold from the dough, put the filling, and on top add a tomato.

Tartlets with a mushroom filling can become the main highlight of your table. Try also the creamy option, it will be exactly appreciated by the guests. To do this, finely chop 1 kg of champignons and 1 onion. Then you should fry the ingredients in a frying pan, add salt, add basil and cream (100 ml). Boil to a thick cream. Add 200 g of grated cheese. It remains to put in the molds from the dough and put in a hot oven for a few minutes.

Julien is another great option if you want to make tartlets with mushroom filling. To do this, fry 300 g of champignons with one onion. Separately, you need to make a Béchamel sauce. To do this, melt a tablespoon of butter, pour out a tablespoon of flour, pour 100 ml of milk and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly so that lumps do not form. Then you can arrange the mushrooms on tartlets, pour the sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese (70 g). Now it remains to brown them in the oven.

Delicious pies

Mushroom filling for pies can be used alone or supplemented with other ingredients. For example, it is good to get a mixed filling of roasted cabbage and sprinkle. To do this, 400 grams of cabbage and 200 g of salted or 400 g of fresh mushrooms. To begin with, fry the onions, add mushrooms, and then cabbage. Stew until cooked, and then open the lid to evaporate the liquid.

But the easiest way to prepare a classic filling: fry 500 g of any mushrooms and 2 finely chopped onions. For two minutes before the readiness to add butter, dill, curry, paprika or other spices. This option is good for open and closed pies from yeast or dough. To mushrooms can also add potatoes or boiled rice.

Also, many will have to taste a mushroom filling for pies, cooked as follows. Onions (1 pc.) And mushrooms (600 g) should be fried, add 0.5 cup sour cream and 1 tablespoon of flour. Stir and add to the baking.

You can use not only fresh mushrooms, but also salty. To do this, they need to be washed and, if they are too salty, then soak. Then cook as usual. Their dried mushrooms also get an excellent filling for pies. They are only required for the night to soak in water, boil, and then put out with onions.

Mushroom filling for pies

The basis, as usual, are mushrooms fried with onions. But often used and various additives. It can be mashed potatoes, boiled rice, fried cabbage, buckwheat porridge, boiled eggs. Pies themselves, as a rule, are prepared from a classic yeast dough. Whichever version of the filling with mushrooms you choose, the result will please you.

Cutlets and rolls

Such a seemingly casual meal can appear in a completely different light. Very good cutlets with mushroom filling are obtained from chicken minced meat. To do this, take 700 g of minced meat, add salt, soaked in milk bread, spices. At the same time you can prepare and stuffing. To do this, cut mushrooms and one onion into pieces, fry in a skillet until ready. Now divide the stuffing into small balls, add the inside of the spoonful of mushrooms, gently prick up and roll in breadcrumbs. Fry in sunflower oil.

If you do not like meat or avoid foods fried in oil, there are other options for cooking cutlets. So, instead of chicken, you can use potato stuffing. It is made as follows: boil the potatoes, mash in puree, add butter and milk. From this mass, form small balls, mash them into a flat cake, put fried mushrooms inside and paw them. Then roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in oil. You can also bake cutlets in the oven.

Another great dish with a mushroom filling can be meat rolls. We will figure out how to prepare them. To begin with, you need to take the whole chicken and remove the skin from it. Then separate the meat from the bones and make the stuffing. Separately, fry the onion in a pan, add mushrooms and put it out until it is ready. We collect the roll: lay out the skin on the table, distribute the even layer of meat over it, and the top prepared mushrooms. If desired, you can add grated cheese and spices. Wrap it with a roll, fix it with a thread and bake it in the oven until it turns brown.

Pancakes with mushrooms

With delicate pastry, the mushroom filling is also perfectly combined. For pancakes, mushrooms, ceps, oyster mushrooms and chanterelles are best. In advance bake pancakes, and then grind the filling. To do this, fry the onion in a pan and add the mushrooms. Stew until done. Now in each pancake place on a spoonful of mushrooms, sprinkle with grated cheese and wrap with an envelope. Before use, pancake is fried in a frying pan with butter on both sides.

Cabbage rolls with mushrooms

This dish is somewhat unusual, but tasty. Mushroom filling is very good with cabbage. Any mushrooms that are available are suitable. They need to be fried with the smoked bacon. At the end of cooking, 1-2 tablespoons of tomato paste and half a glass of crumbly rice porridge should be added to them. Then the dish is prepared as usual. 8-10 leaves of cabbage are slightly welded, from the middle a hard vein is cut out. The filling is laid out on the leaves and each of them is tightly wrapped. Now cabbage rolls need to be fried in oil, then put into a saucepan and put out. Before the end of quenching, you can add 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream.

Let's sum up the results

Mushroom filling - this is a real wand-zashchalochka. She can improve almost any dish, become a great addition to a duet with meat or vegetables, and play a beautiful solo, become a full heart of fragrant pies, tender pancakes and exquisite tartlets. Surely you can come up with other options, where the mushroom filling will adequately show itself. Do not be afraid to fantasize, and in your kitchen there will always be a variety and delicious dishes.

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