
The most valuable Irish knitting

In our time there are many different techniques for knitting. But by right, the most beautiful and most complex technique is Irish crochet.

Because of its complexity and uniqueness, only Irish knitting allows you to make a product, a certain detail of which can not be repeated in the same way as it would not like. An exact copy of a dress or a sweatshirt can not be found on a magazine scheme, because it will still produce something different, different from the original, something unrepeatable. That is why things that are connected in this way are so highly valued.

This style has other names. Among them - gipure set lace, Irish guipure, Irish lace, as well as crocheting crochet.

Irish knitting, in particular his technique of execution, is quite young. Its appearance dates back two centuries earlier. First, Irish needlewomen spread their work only within Ireland itself, namely the neighborhoods of Belfast and Dublin. The rapid increase in demand for Irish lace, respectively, entailed a significant increase in the number of its producers. And when Irish knitting became known in 1900 in France and entered the fashion arena of the whole world, it has become established as a knitting classic until our time.

In practical exercises, very important is the technique of knitting the lace itself. The first step is to make a pattern. It is for Irish lace that this is a necessary condition. If the technique of knitting with knitting needles or a crochet does not require a pattern, but just the correct calculation of the loops, then, working with lace elements, this is a priority. On it, mark the undercut (if, of course, you will do them). For the pattern does not fit the newspaper or paper millimeter. For this case, just right just a fabric or a plastic bag (the most dense and fairly transparent).

Be sure to consider the moment that you will need a surface for assembling the lace itself, on which the motifs sewn or pinned with pins will be fixed firmly. To fulfill the role of such a surface can perfectly be covered with fabric foam rubber or a conventional pillow-dumpling. Take care that this surface remains mobile for movement in different directions.

The technique of knitting Irish lace is done using a hook, using three threads, different in thickness. From the very beginning, all the details of the pattern are made with a thread of medium thickness, after which they are joined together by an openwork mesh, which is knitted with a thin thread. And the basis of the lace itself is executed with the help of the thickest thread.

Knitting such a lace requires a certain level of skill in crochet. Since the execution of all models does not imply the performance of their consecutive rows, like ordinary knitted products. This requires more complex execution of each of the parts.

Irish lace begins to knit from the motifs, which later constitute the pattern itself. Yarn for knitting use twisted, thin or medium thickness. To make the bonded part more embossed, as a rule, under the stitches, when knitting, a thread is put in several additions.

When you have finished the work on the motifs, fix them on a template made of paper. On it, first draw the ornaments that will serve as the basis for your future product. The pattern consists of the outlines of the motifs and the lines along which the binding mesh will later be linked. After this, the motifs are connected one after the other by means of a thin openwork mesh (background). In this way, Irish knitted lace is created. Connect the motifs on paper by placing them face down.

It is precisely the fact that Irish knitting remains to this day the individual hand-made work of the master, and is his most important value.

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