Food and drinkRecipes

Tasty mushrooms: fried, boiled, stewed

Every person has a summer associated with different things. For some, it's the sea, the sand, the beach. For others, summer is forest, nature and fresh air. Almost every person in one way or another is drawn to nature. The forest is rich in berries and mushrooms, so everyone can independently collect summer gifts as much as he likes. From mushrooms it is possible to prepare magnificent and refined dishes which will become your firm.

Mushrooms fried - this is all a favorite dish. Each hostess at least once in her life roasted "forest friends." Mushrooms have a rich taste and aroma, can serve as a good complement to meat or potatoes. How to cook mushrooms fried? The recipe is very simple. First you need to thoroughly wash the mushrooms, regardless of whether you collected them yourself or bought in a store. You can even leave them for a while in the water, so that it absorbs the radioactive substances contained in them. Do not be surprised: mushrooms, just like plants, receive a dose of pollution from cars, smog, dust and other harmful substances. Boil the mushrooms in boiling water, while removing the foam. Together with it you will also remove small mote or needles that you did not notice when cleaning mushrooms.

Boiled mushrooms slightly decrease in size. Then rinse them in cool water. Only then you can cook fried mushrooms. It is best to do this with sunflower oil, however, you can use olive oil. Fry the onion in the pan, then add the mushrooms. Tomite your dish until you see that it is ready. The mushrooms will acquire a golden hue, and thanks to the onion, their fragrance will become much more refined. In order to make the fried mushrooms even tastier, you can fill them with sauce. To prepare the sauce, mix sour cream with mayonnaise and salt. Add the mixture to the dish. The sauce will give the mushrooms a juicy, and also make the dish more satisfying.

Mushrooms fried with onions - this is almost a national dish of Russians and Belarusians. In these countries mushrooms can be collected in the forest, so cooking it does not require special expenses. However, even more popular dish is mushrooms with potatoes. This combination is very interesting, besides fried mushrooms can replace even meat, and potatoes will serve as a kind of garnish. Especially appetizing look fried chanterelles, because they have a bright orange color. Plus, the chanterelle is that it is difficult to confuse them with grebes, and, interestingly, chanterelles are not wormy. Moreover, they do not accumulate radioactive substances, unlike other fungi. In France, for example, chanterelles are considered a real delicacy, so do not be lazy to go to the forest for mushrooms!

Mushrooms can be a good substitute for meat, since the protein content in them is greater. They are rich in lentin, which fights cholesterol in the body, as well as fungi used for the prevention of cancer. However, during frying and cooking, they lose many useful properties. The most useful mushroom is dried! No wonder our grandmothers and grandfathers dried mushrooms in the stove and large buffalo and poderezinoviki. Dried mushrooms in winter were added to the soup, and for Christmas they were cooked kvass.

Do not forget that mushrooms should not be consumed at night, as they are difficult to digest and absorbed by the body. It is best to eat them for lunch, then all the useful substances will remain in the body, and everything else will have time to be digested in the stomach. Also, do not forget that noble mushrooms can be confused with grebe. Taste them before you crumble. Poisonous mushrooms will have bitter astringent taste. If you are not sure, poisonous mushroom or not, it's better to put it aside, because the consequences can be irreversible.

Use them in your culinary delights. And your family will never remain hungry.

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