
"Lokoid" (lipokrem): reviews, prices, instruction

Dermatitis, eczema are problems that many people face. Every day dermatologists are treated by people with these or other skin diseases. And quite often the only way to treat is the use of hormonal drugs.

Modern pharmaceutical companies offer a huge selection of drugs that can eliminate skin manifestations of certain diseases. For example, today the drug "Lokoid" (lipocream) becomes more and more popular. According to the polls, this remedy really helps quickly get rid of the external symptoms of the disease, while rarely causing serious side effects.

Therefore, many patients are interested in additional information about this drug? What is the drug "Lokoid" (lipocream)? Instruction, testimonials, indications and contra-indications are all very important information that should be read.

Composition and form of the preparation

The drug "Lokoid" (lipokrem) is a homogeneous substance of white color with a weak odor. The main active ingredient here is hydrocortisone butyrate - a synthetic hormonal substance. In 1 g of cream contains 1 mg of active substance.

Naturally, the formulation also contains auxiliary components, in particular, liquid paraffin, cetomacrogol, soft white paraffin, cetostearyl alcohol, as well as anhydrous citric acid, purified water, benzyl alcohol, anhydrous sodium citrate and propyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Also, the drug is available in the form of an ointment, which is a virtually colorless, viscous substance. The main component here is the same - hydrocortisone 17-butyrate. But as auxiliary components, polyethylene and vaseline oil are used.

Main pharmacological properties

Today, many patients are interested in the question of what constitutes a "Lokoid" (lipocream). Instruction, price, indications and contraindications for use are very important points. But no less important is the information on the main properties of this drug.

So, "Lokoid" is an anti-inflammatory hormonal agent, the main active substance of which is a synthetic glucocorticoid. The drug has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. It also quickly removes itching, swelling and tenderness, which, as a rule, are accompanied by skin diseases.

It is worth noting that the metabolism and excretion of this drug occurs in the surface layers of the skin. Only a small amount of active substances penetrates into the systemic bloodstream, where it is utilized in the liver. Long-term use of the cream in combination with occlusive dressings can lead to an increase in the level of glucocorticoids in the blood plasma.

Indications for use

The drug "Lokoid" (lipocream) is prescribed for patients who suffer from superficial skin lesions, but only if they are not complicated by various types of infections. In particular, the drug helps with dermatitis of any kind, including seborrheic, atopic and contact. The cream also helps to get rid of skin symptoms of psoriasis. The indications also include erythroderma and photodermatosis. The drug is effective in anogenital itching, seborrhea, prurigo and red flat lichen.

The drug "Lokoid" (lipokrem): instructions for use

In no case should you use the cream autocratically - only a doctor can prescribe a similar hormone drug and make the most effective treatment schedule. So how correctly to apply lipocream "Lokoid"?

The instruction here is quite simple. A small amount of cream should be applied to the affected area of the skin with gentle massage movements. Depending on the severity of symptoms, the procedure should be repeated 1-3 times a day. As the condition improves, the dose is gradually reduced to 2-3 times a week. If the cream does not have the necessary action, then the treated area of the skin can be covered with occlusive dressings. The maximum weekly dose of the cream is 60 g (2 tubes).

The drug should not be applied to the skin if its integrity is impaired. In addition, the drug can not be used to treat the skin around the eyes, as this can lead to the development of glaucoma and other unpleasant consequences. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, but, as a rule, the therapy lasts no more than 14 days.

Ointment "Lokoid": rules of use

In some cases, doctors prescribe patients a drug in the form of an ointment. How to use it correctly? In fact, this form of medicine should be used in the same way as "Lokoid" (lipocream). Ointment in a small amount is applied to inflamed, affected areas of the skin, if necessary covering with a bandage. The procedure should be repeated 1-3 times a day, gradually reducing the dose.

It is worth noting that the long-term use of this drug, especially when it comes to its large amounts, increases the likelihood of side effects, and can also cause the body to become addicted to the hormonal substance.

Are there any contraindications?

Are there any contraindications to the use of the drug "Lokoid" (lipocream)? Instructions for use confirm that not all categories of patients can use this tool. In particular, it is not prescribed if there is an allergy to any of the constituent components. In addition, the cream should not be applied to the skin with scratches, scrapes and open wounds.

Contraindications include viral, bacterial and fungal skin lesions, as well as rosacea, acne, parasitic skin diseases, the presence of malignant or benign neoplasms. Cream can not treat the skin in the presence of lesions associated with tuberculosis or syphilis.

Possible adverse reactions and complications

What side effects can cause lipocream "Lokoid"? The instruction testifies that complications are possible, and the list of them is quite impressive. Such hormonal preparations can cause side reactions of two kinds - local (arise on the site of application of ointment or cream) and systemic (penetrating into the blood, hormonal substances affect the work of the whole organism).

Local effects include skin irritations, dryness, burning sensation and itching. Much less often on the skin appears erythema, acne, contact dermatitis, sweating. Complications also include changes in pigmentation, atrophy of skin tissues, increase in the number of hair, and the appearance of stretch marks.

As for the systemic effect, the therapy can lead to the defeat of the digestive tract (ulcers, pancreatitis, bleeding), skin (petechiae, increased fragility, change in pigmentation), nervous system (headaches, depressions, mood swings, convulsions). Other systemic side effects include joint pain, osteoporosis, obesity, muscle weakness, increased blood pressure, swelling, and menstrual irregularities.

Despite such an impressive list, complications are not to be frightened, since in medical practice they are rarely recorded. Typically, the emergence of side effects associated with the use of too much of the drug or long-term therapy.

Features of the use of the drug in the treatment of children

Many parents are interested in the question of whether it is possible to use "Lokoid" (lipocream) for the treatment of a child. In fact, dermatologists often prescribe this drug to children over six months for treatment of various severe skin lesions (including chronic ones). Of course, in this case, you need to observe all the precautionary measures.

As in the case with adult patients, doctors recommend treating the affected skin with a small amount of cream 1-3 times a day. And at one time you can not cover the medicine with more than 20% of the baby's skin, as this increases the likelihood of developing severe side effects. As soon as the first improvements appear, the dose is gradually reduced to 2-3 procedures per week, after which the drug is completely canceled.

The drug "Lycoid" in pregnancy

Many patients are interested in questions about whether it is possible to use "Lokoid" (lipocream) during pregnancy. Immediately it is worth noting that only a doctor can prescribe this medicine and only if the benefit for a woman significantly exceeds the possible risk for a growing child. The fact is that the active components of the drug penetrate the placenta and can affect the fetal organism.

Despite the danger in some cases without a hormonal drug can not be avoided. The course of therapy should in no case exceed 7-10 days, and the doctor, and the patient herself, should carefully monitor any changes in the state of health and well-being. Pregnant women are not recommended to treat with cream large areas of skin (too large a dose of medication) or impose occlusive dressings.

How much is the medicine?

The question of the cost of a given drug is important for many buyers. So how much will the medicinal product "Lokoid" (lipocream) cost. The price of a tube with 30 g of cream is on average 300-400 rubles.

Of course, the figure may vary depending on the manufacturer, the pharmacy, the services you use, and other factors. Undoubtedly, the cost of the drug is relatively high (there are cheaper analogs), but given that the treatment lasts no more than a few days, one tube will be enough for you.

Are there any effective counterparts?

Not every patient is suitable for this particular remedy. So is it possible to replace something with the drug "Lokoid" (lipocream)? Analogues of the medicine, of course, exist. For example, a good substitute is the "Laticort" ointment, which, by the way, has practically the same composition.

There are other drugs that have the same therapeutic properties, but contain other active components. In particular, doctors often prescribe such drugs for external use, like "Triacort", "Afloderm", "Fluorocort", "Dermovayt" and many others.

Lipokrem "Lokoid": reviews of doctors and patients

Of course, before using, many people are interested in the opinion of doctors, as well as those patients who have already applied it to themselves. What do doctors say about the drug Lipocream Lokoid? The reviews are mostly positive. The medicine really helps to eliminate skin manifestations of a disease. Patients notice noticeable improvements already on the first day of therapy - redness and rashes disappear, the skin becomes smooth and healthy in appearance.

On the other hand, the drug has some drawbacks. In particular, like any hormone, with prolonged use the cream is addictive. There may be some side effects. In addition, many patients after the withdrawal of the medication problems began again. But it is worthwhile to understand that this hormonal ointment removes only the external manifestations of the disease. Dermatitis, eczema and other skin lesions require complex therapy, which will act on the body both outside and inside, and the cream "Lokoid" is only part of the treatment.

It is worth mentioning that the cream is oily, so apply it carefully, because there may be greasy marks on clothes. The disadvantages can be attributed and a relatively high price, although such a quick effect is really worth the money spent.

Now you know what is the drug "Lokoid" (lipokrem, ointment). The instructions for use are simple, but it is very important to comply with it. And remember that hormone drugs can in no case be used without prescribing a doctor.

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